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Connecting people and ideas for better health. We need to create and join networks that create innovation at scale, if we are to meet the quality and.

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Presentation on theme: "Connecting people and ideas for better health. We need to create and join networks that create innovation at scale, if we are to meet the quality and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Connecting people and ideas for better health

2 We need to create and join networks that create innovation at scale, if we are to meet the quality and productivity challenge. Jim Easton National director for improvement and efficiency

3 Context £15-20 billion funding gap QIPP objectives Policy change to GP commissioning NHS will be doing more with less and with fewer people Need to provide continuity and support

4 Key facts Started 2005 Virtual and face-to-face Clinical, professional, managerial, research, academic, social Re-launch February 2010 Part of NHS PCC since 2007

5 Vital statistics 571 networks 17,857 registered users Weekly newsletter to c10,000 83,870 visits 427,063 page views Figures for six months 30 April-31 October 2010

6 What do networks want? Set up Promote Connect to like and unlike Share resources (documents, etc) Manage membership Run better networks

7 Examples PBC Connection – 800 members Healthcare Professionals Commissioning Network – 180 membersHealthcare Professionals Commissioning Network National PBC Clinical Leaders Network – 80 members Pharmacy Clinical Leadership Network – 122 members

8 Commercial options NHS Networks Site development £5000Free Annual hosting £1000Free Lead times3 to 6 months15 minutes

9 The first report from the NHS Hip Fracture Anaesthesia Network was published in Anaesthesia, the journal of the Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Without the network this would not have happened. The findings in the study should help to change practice in the UK. Richard Griffiths, network lead and consultant anaesthetist, Peterborough & Stamford Hospitals, Peterborough, UK

10 If it wasn't for NHS Networks we wouldn't have a network website. We just couldnt afford it. The new site is ideal as it's quick and easy to upload your own content, particularly helpful after conferences when I used to spend ages zipping and shrinking files to email and even then they'd fail. This saves time and expense for all of us. Paul Midgley Network co-ordinator East Midlands PBC Network

11 NHS Networks provides the means to increase the profile and role of networks as well as firmly embedding them within the fabric of the NHS. This is a truly powerful tool that can assist health economies to coordinate development work across stakeholders, share good practice and learn from others on a national level. Paul Devlin Emergency Care Network

12 QIPP NHS Networks home page latest news blogs new networks network finder

13 Results of search name of the network brief description link to home page

14 As a network lead you can create and amend your own home page news page about us and much more…

15 For example: a News section your news other news stories success stories latest on website You can also highlight in Networks weekly news

16 About us what the network is for who you are what you do why and how to get involved

17 Sections can include sub sections: workstreams regions interests categories

18 Share links and documents: highlight resources upload documents link to other websites include descriptions

19 Include an events section: meetings and conferences venue, time and agenda attendees can download to calendar automatic archive of past events

20 and a message board network leads can set up new forums, adjust visibility and modulate members can add new conversations and join in current discussions

21 Through the toolbox, leads can create a dynamic home page add and amend content send emails affiliate with other networks manage membership control visibility

22 Our support and services Free platform with initial support –how to use the site to maximum benefit –how to promote to potential members –encouragement to share success Value-added services –event management –facilitation and training –network support and co-ordination –sponsorship opportunities

23 Coming soon Email alerts The Commissioning Zone* In-network video and audio Personal networks Promotional push * contact us if you would like to preview the Commissioning Zonecontact us

24 Whats in it for you Build bigger and different networks Remove organisational and hierarchical barriers Improve dialogue with partners, colleagues Get feedback Create ad hoc networks

25 How you can help us Spread the word Use the service Give us your feedback

26 07805 027 463

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