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Chapter 8 Communication in Relationships

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1 Chapter 8 Communication in Relationships
Nature of Interpersonal Communication. Principles of Effective Communication. Disclosure/Honesty/Privacy/Lying Gender differences in Communication Sociological Theories Conflicts in Relationships

2 Effective Communication
Make communication a priority. Establish/maintain eye contact. Ask open-ended rather than closed-ended questions. Use reflective listening: paraphrase what your partner says back to him/her.

3 Effective Communication
Use “I” statements. Avoid brutal criticism: “You are fat.” Make positive comments and compliment your partner. Be specific about what you want.

4 Effective Communication
Stay focused and avoid branching. Make specific resolutions to disagreements. Send nonverbal message to match verbal message. Keep process of communication going. Fight fair.

5 Gender Differences in Communication
Men talk about activities, share information, and want to “solve” problems. Women talk about relationships, enjoy interacting, and seek empathy, not solutions. Men keep feelings inside; women disclose.

6 Sources of Conflict Behavior: partner does things you don’t like (is late or lies). Cognitions/perceptions: conflict exists only if individual perceives situation as problem. Value differences: religion, children, day care for children, money, etc.

7 Sources of Conflict Rule differences: amount of time to spend together, how late is late, division of labor. Leadership: spouses develop territory in which they make decisions.

8 Styles of Conflict Competing - Partners are assertive but uncooperative. Collaborating - Partners are both assertive and cooperative. Each has a definite suggestion but cooperates to find a win-win solution.

9 Styles of Conflict Avoiding - Partners avoid a confrontation, and don’t communicate about the issue. Accommodating - Cooperation takes priority over assertiveness so that immediate goal is to reduce conflict and find a solution.

10 Steps in Conflict Resolution
Address recurring issue. Identify new desired behaviors. Summarize partner’s perspective. Generate win-win solutions.

11 Defense mechanisms Escapism - sleep or drugs.
Rationalization - justify own behavior. Projection - attribute one’s feelings to another. Displacement - shift feelings from the person who evokes them onto someone else.

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