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Old Yeller Vocabulary Words Setting and Plot

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1 Old Yeller Vocabulary Words Setting and Plot
Sixth Grade Unit 1 Week 1

2 Words to Know lunging romping rowdy slung nub speckled

3 moving forward suddenly; thrusting
lunging romping slung speckled nub lunging rowdy moving forward suddenly; thrusting

4 nub romping slung speckled nub lunging rowdy A lump or a small piece.

5 spotted; marked with many spots
romping slung speckled nub lunging rowdy speckled spotted; marked with many spots

6 playing roughly in a boisterous way
romping slung speckled nub lunging rowdy romping playing roughly in a boisterous way

7 rowdy rough, disorderly, quarrelsome romping slung speckled nub
lunging rowdy rough, disorderly, quarrelsome

8 slung thrown, cast, or hurled; threw romping slung speckled nub
lunging rowdy thrown, cast, or hurled; threw

9 You’ve got it!

10 Setting The time and place in which a story occurs.

11 Plot The pattern of events in a story.
Usually events happen in a sequential order.

12 Exposition Introduces characters, setting, and the basic situation.

13 Rising Action Develops the conflict or problem; builds suspense or increases tension

14 Climax The moment of greatest suspense, emotion, or interest
(The most exciting part of a story.)

15 Falling Action Reveals what happens after the climax.

16 Resolution Reveals the final outcome and completes the falling action; when the reader learns how the conflict is resolved.

17 Conflict The problem or struggle in a story.


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