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Marketing and Advertising in E-Commerce

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1 Marketing and Advertising in E-Commerce
Chapter 10 Marketing and Advertising in E-Commerce

2 Learning Objectives 1. Describe factors that influence online consumer behavior. 2. Explain how consumer behavior can be analyzed for creating personalized services. 3. Understand consumer market research in e-commerce. 4. Describe the objectives and characteristics of Web advertising. 5. Describe the major advertising methods used on the Web. 6. Learn mobile marketing concepts and techniques. 7. Describe various online advertising strategies and types of promotions. 8. Understand some implementation issues.

3 Learning About Online Consumer Behavior
A Model of Consumer Behavior Online Influential factors The attitude-behavior decision process The Major Influential Factors Consumer Characteristics Merchant and Intermediary-Related Factors Product/Service Factors EC Systems Environmental Factors

4 EC Model of Online Consumer Behavior

5 Personalization and Behavioral Marketing
Personalization in E-Commerce *Personalization *User profile *Cookie Web Cookies for Data Collection Using Personalized Techniques to Increase Sales

6 Personalization and Behavioral Marketing
Behavioral Marketing and Collaborative Filtering *Behavioral Targeting *Collaborative Filtering Other Methods Rule-based filtering Content-based filtering Activity-based filtering Legal and Ethical Issues in Collaborative Filtering Social Psychology and Morphing in Behavioral Marketing Use of Customer Database Marketing

7 Market Research for E-Commerce
Objectives and Concepts of Market Research Online What Are Marketers Looking For in EC Market Research

8 Market Research for E-Commerce
Representative Market Research Approaches Data Collection and Analysis Online Surveys Web-Based Surveys Online Focus Groups Hearing Directly from Customers Data Collection in Social Networks and Other Web 2.0 Environments Observing Customers’ Movements Online *Transaction Logs *Clickstream behavior Cookies and *Web Bugs *Spyware Web Analytics and Mining Clickstream Analysis *Clickstream data *Web mining

9 Market Research for E-Commerce
Limitations of Online Market Research and How to Overcome Them Privacy Issues in Market Research Biometric and Smartphone Marketing Helps Market Research *Biometric *Mobile market research

10 Web Advertising Overview of Web Advertising
*Interactive marketing The Advertising Cycle Basic Internet Advertising Terminology *Ad views *Button *Click (ad click) *CPM (cost per mille, i.e., thousand impressions) *Conversion rate *Click-through rate/ratio (CTR) *Hit *Landing page *Page

11 The Advertising Cycle

12 Web Advertising Why Internet Advertising?
Advertising Online and Its Advantages Cost Media richness Easy updating Personalization Location-based Linking to shopping Traditional Versus Online Advertisement

13 Online Advertising Methods: From E-Mail to SEO and Video Ads
Major Categories of Ads Classified Ads Display Ads Interactive Ads *Banners *Random banners *Static banners *Pop-up banners *Personalized banners *Live banners Benefits and Limitations of Banner Ads *Banner swapping *Banner exchanges

14 Online Advertising Methods: From E-Mail to SEO and Video Ads
Pop-Up and Similar Type Ads *Pop-up ad Pop-up Videos * Advertising * Marketing Major Advantages and Limitations of Advertising Implementing Advertising Hoaxes Fraud

15 Online Advertising Methods: From E-Mail to SEO and Video Ads
Search Engine Advertisement and Optimization *Search Advertising Keyword Advertising URL Listing *Search engine optimization (SEO) Sponsored Ads (Paid Inclusion) Google: The Online Advertising King Google’s Major Advertisement Methods: AdWords and AdSense

16 The Process of Search Engine Optimization

17 Online Advertising Methods: From E-Mail to SEO and Video Ads
*Viral marketing (viral advertising) Video Advertising *Viral video Consumer-Generated Videos *Interactive Videos Video Click-Throughs Live Interactive Videos *Advergaming (in-game advertising) Augmented Reality Advertisement Advertising in Chat Rooms and Forums

18 IAB Model of Video Advertising
Source: Interactive Advertising Bureau. “A Digital Video Advertising Overview.” January le/dv-report-v3.pdf (accessed July 2014). Used with permission.

19 Mobile Marketing and Advertising
Mobile Marketing and Mobile Commerce *Mobile marketing *Mobile advertising (m-advertising) Mobile Interactive Advertising Types of Mobile Ads Short Message Ads Location-Based Ads Viral Mobile Marketing Mobile Marketing and Advertising Campaigns

20 Process of Mobile Advertising

21 Mobile Marketing and Advertising
Mobile Marketing Implementation Guidelines Tools to Support Mobile Advertisement Mobile Ad Trends

22 Advertising Strategies and Promotions
*Permission Advertising Other Advertising Strategies Affiliate Marketing and Advertising *Affiliate marketing *Affiliate network Paying People to Watch Ads Selling Space by Pixels Personalized Ads Advertising as a Revenue Model *Pay per click (PPC) Choose-Your-Own-Ad Format

23 Advertising Strategies and Promotions
Online Events, Promotions, and Attractions Live Web Events for Advertising Localization in Advertising *Localization Developing an Online Advertising Plan Set up advertising goals Identify target customer Choose media and advertising tools Develop action and implementation plans Develop performance measurement and monitoring plans Execute plans and evaluate performance Advertising on Facebook

24 Life Cycle of Advertising Plans

25 Managerial Issues Do we focus on value-creating customers?
Which Internet marketing/advertising channel(s) do we use? Should we use social media channels? What metrics do we use to guide advertisers? What is our commitment to Web advertising? Should we integrate our Internet and non-Internet marketing campaigns? Who will conduct the market research? Should we use mobile coupons? What ethical issues should we consider in online marketing?

26 Summary Factors influencing online consumer behavior.
Online personalization. EC consumer market research. Objectives and characteristics of Web advertising. Major online advertising methods. Mobile marketing. Various advertising strategies and types of promotions. Implementation topics.

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