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Anatomy of the Urinary System

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1 Anatomy of the Urinary System
Organ System Cluster Prepared by: Maria Michaela Valenzuela, PTRP

2 LEARNING OBJECTIVES Enumerate the organs of the urinary system.
Describe the essential gross features of each organ. Identify the major function of each organ of the urinary system. Determine the location of the various urinary system organs based on the regions and quadrants of the abdomen.

3 References Seeley, R., Stephens, T., and Tate, P., Anatomy & Physiology. 8th ed. McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc..

4 Organs of the Urinary System
Kidneys Renal Artery & Vein Ureter Urinary Bladder Urethra


6 External Anatomy of the Kidneys
Bean shaped retroperitoneal structures on the posterior abdominal wall T12 – L3 R is slightly lower than the (L) 130 g, 11 cm long, 5 cm wide

7 External Anatomy of the Kidneys
Renal capsule as covering Perirenal fat for shock absorption Renal fascia as anchor to abdominal wall Renal Hilum for entry & exit of structures


9 Internal Anatomy of the Kidneys
Outer cortex Inner medulla Renal Sinus Renal Pyramids Renal Papillae Minor & Major Calyces Renal Pelvis

10 Cortex, renal medulla (pyramids), renal columns, renal papilla, minor calyx, major calyx, renal sinus, renal pelvis

11 Nephron Histological & Functional unit of the kidneys

12 Nephron Renal (Bowman’s) Corpuscle Proximal Tubules Loop of Henle
Enlarged end Proximal Tubules Loop of Henle Ascending & Descending Collecting Ducts Cortical & medullary

13 Cortical & Juxtamedullary Nephrons
85% of total nephrons 15% of total nephrons Lie superficially Lie near the medulla Short loops of Henle Long loops of henle (-) Vasa Recta (+) Vasa Recta


15 Glomerular Capsule Bowman’s Capsule
Extensive vascular supply from glomerular capillary bed Layers Parietal Visceral layer: filtration membrane

16 Filtration Membrane Capillary Endothelium with fenestrations
Basement membrane Foot processes of Podocytes forming filtration slits


18 Proximal Tubule Convoluted & straight part Simple cuboidal cells
Microvilli: brush border Tight junctions Numerous mitochondria

19 Descending Loop of Henle
Thin segment Simple squamous epithelium Less microvilli Less mitochondria

20 Ascending Loop of Henle
Thick segment Simple cuboidal epithelium Tighter tight junctions

21 Distal tubules Simple cuboidal cells Sparse microvilli
Numerous mitochondria

22 Collecting Ducts Cortical & Medullary 2 types of cells Principal


24 Vascular Supply of the Kidneys
Renal Artery Segmental artery Interlobar artery Arcuate Artery Interlobular artery Afferent Arteriole Glomerular Capillary Efferent Arteriole

25 Vascular Supply of the Kidneys
Peritubular Capillary Vasa Recta Interlobular Vein Arcuate Vein Interlobar Vein Renal Vein


27 Ureters Urine flow from kidneys to the urinary bladder
Extend inferiorly & medially to obliquely enter the urinary bladder at its posterolateral surface

28 Urinary Bladder Hollow muscular container in the pelvic cavity
♀:anterior to vagina, anteroinferior to uterus ♂:anterior to rectum

29 Urinary Bladder Trigone Rugae to allow expansion
Detrussor Muscle for emptying

30 Urethra & Urinary Spincters
Urethra for exit of urine from bladder Internal Urinary sphincter External Urinary spincter continuous with pelvic floor


32 Thank You for Listening!

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