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E. Coli Chatfield to Denver

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1 E. Coli Chatfield to Denver 2000 - 2006
A brief description of e. coli data collected by SPCURE from Chatfield to Evans (Denver).

2 Log Scale 100 = 1, 101 = 10, 102 = 100, 103 = 1000, 104 = 10,000. Black dashed line indicates proposed limit of 126 colonies of e.coli per 100 ml sample. Blue – Chatfield. Green – Mineral. Orange – Dartmouth, Red – Evans. Chatfield – Low but two values at or above 126. Mineral – Higher values; a number of points just below 126, 3 at or above. Evans and Dartmouth – essentially same values, many (>50%) excursions above and at 126. Linear fits indicate average, little change in 6 years except maybe Mineral (but lots of variability).

3 Seasonality? Yes but not very pronounced and lots of variability.
Distance Weighted Least Squares model.

4 E. Coli Front Range CO & WY 2002 - 2003

5 USGS Study. E. coli not addressed in study but data was avaialble.

6 General area of interest. Watersheds selected in Front Range Area.

7 Watersheds defined. Color indicates degree of urbanization.

8 There is an apparent seasonal effect
There is an apparent seasonal effect. Similar to what was observed in lower segment 14. Red dotted line 126.

9 UII is Urban Index, 0 is lowest level of urbanization, 100 greatest (derivation discussed in much detail in report). No relationship between UII and e. Coli numbers!

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