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THE 1980’S & BEYOND.

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1 THE 1980’S & BEYOND

2 I. Social Changes A. Electronic Society-computers have become increasingly important in jobs & education. B. Immigration/Population Immigration increased about 500,000 every year in the 1970's. 40% were Spanish-speaking Population-life expectancy increased, birthrate decreased, divorce rate increased, 1/4 of children lived in single-parent homes.

3 I. Social Changes C. Title IX
Prohibited sexual discrimination at educational institutions. Has led to the expansion of women’s sports programs in the U.S.

4 II. Ronald Reagan (1980-1988) A. Conservatism
The Moral Majority- fundamentalist Christians who wanted a return to morality. Supported prayer in schools. Americans generally believed that the government wasted money & had gotten too involved. Individuals needed more freedom. They opposed programs like affirmative action (requiring employers to give special consideration to minorities and women).

5 II. Ronald Reagan (1980-1988) B. Election of 1980
An effective speaker, Reagan defeated Carter and the Republicans gained control of the Senate.

6 II. Ronald Reagan ( ) C. Reaganomics-Economic plan based on supply-side economics: -encouraging businesses to increase the supply of goods. -Tax cuts-25% cut in income tax -Deregulation-price controls lifted, reserve requirements lowered, public lands were resold to developers.

7 II. Ronald Reagan ( ) C. Reaganomics-Economic plan based on supply-side economics: -Spending Changes: Cut in spending in areas that aided the poor (food stamps, welfare, etc.) Increased spending for military. Results: Increase in budget deficit, growth in national debt .

8 II. Ronald Reagan (1980-1988) D. Election of 1984
Reagan defeated Democrat Walter Mondale after he chose Geraldine Ferraro as his running mate (first woman to serve on a major party’s ticket)

9 II. Ronald Reagan (1980-1988) E. Changes
Supreme Court-first woman (Sandra Day O'Connor), and more conservatives. Clarence Thomas-nominated, accused of sexual harassment, and appointed. Promoted William Rehnquist (most conservative member) to Chief Justice.

10 II. Ronald Reagan (1980-1988) E. Changes
Soviet Union-Mikhail Gorbachev took over and promoted glasnost (openness) and perestroika (restructuring of society). We signed the INF treaty eliminating some weapons & allowing weapons inspections.

11 II. Ronald Reagan (1980-1988) E. Changes
Central America: Nicaragua-Reagan gave aid to rebels (contras) and used the CIA to help overthrow Sandanistas. Grenada-Troops invaded to protect U.S. students against communist leaders.

12 II. Ronald Reagan (1980-1988) E. Changes
Iran-Contra Affair-the government had sold weapons to Iran in their war against Iraq. The money from these weapons was then sent to contras in Nicaragua All of this was done in secret.

13 III. George Bush 1988-1992 A. Political Issues
1. Savings and Loan Industry The government had helped small banks during times of serious inflation. The government lost large amounts of money. 2. Environment-Exxon Valdez- oil tanker wrecked and dumped 11 million gallons of oil near Alaska.

14 III. George Bush 1988-1992 A. Political Issues
3. Communism-fell apart in Europe and Soviet Union. Tiananmen Square-China, college students protested for democracy and were slaughtered by the military using tanks.

15 III. George Bush 1988-1992 A. Political Issues
4. Persian Gulf-U.S. invaded Iraq stopping their invasion of Kuwait. Primarily for control of oil & business interests in the area. 5. Americans with Disabilities Act, civil rights law that prohibits discrimination based on disability. Has created widespread change in society, education, workplace, etc.

16 III. George Bush 1988-1992 B. Social Issues
1. Urban Violence-4 white police officers were videotaped beating a black man during an arrest in Los Angeles. They were acquitted, touching off mass riots. 2. Supreme Court Cases Texas v. Johnson-Supreme court upheld flag burning as a form of protest Swan v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg-Allowed school systems to use busing to forcible integrate their schools. Combating defacto segregation.

17 IV. Bill Clinton 1992-2000 A. Election of 1992
Troubled economy in 1992 caused Americans to want a change in leadership. Clinton defeated Bush after a strong push from 3rd party candidate Ross Perot.

18 IV. Bill Clinton 1992-2000 B. Foreign Policy
U.S. was involved in peacekeeping missions in Bosnia in and in Kosovo in 1999. U.S. also pulled out of Somalia in 1993 after 18 marines were shot. C. Accomplishments NAFTA-Trade agreement that eliminates trade barriers between U.S., Canada, & Mexico.

19 IV. Bill Clinton 1992-2000 D. Terrorism
Terrorists exploded bombs in the World Trade Center in 1993. In 1995, Timothy McVeigh destroyed a federal building in Oklahoma City, killing 168 people. He became the first person executed by the federal government in 38 years.

20 IV. Bill Clinton 1992-2000 E. Impeachment
President Clinton was investigated for financial matters. He was impeached but not removed. First Lady Hillary Clinton fought for reform in the Healthcare system.

21 V. George W. Bush 2001-2009 A. Election of 2000
Al Gore (Democrat, Vice President) vs. George W. Bush (Republican, Texas Gov) The election was very close and marked with confusion. After the Supreme Court intervened, Bush was named the winner. Senate was split 50-50, and the House was close as well.

22 V. George W. Bush 2001-2009 B. September 11, 2001
Terrorists coordinated a series of attacks on the U.S. 2 hijacked airplanes were flown into the World Trade Center Towers. Another was flown into the Pentagon. Another was forced down in Pennsylvania. Well over 3,000 people were killed.

23 V. George W. Bush 2001-2009 Results: War on Terrorism-
Bush dedicated the U.S. to defeating terrorism worldwide. Launching military action in Afghanistan to search for Osama bin Laden, the leader of Al-Qaeda. Department of Homeland Security New executive department created to make America safer.

24 V. George W. Bush 2001-2009 Results:
Patriot Act-Antiterrorism laws that expanded the government’s powers to combat any further attacks. Included reforms in search warrants, prosecution restrictions, immigration laws, banking laws, and intelligence gathering. Criticized for possibly allowing the government to infringe upon people’s civil rights.

25 V. George W. Bush 2001-2009 Results:
Social Change-Citizens became more aware of security, undergoing searches and patdowns in airports, stadiums, and official buildings around the nation. War in Iraq-In 2003, U.S. troops invaded Iraq to overthrow Saddam Hussein. He had used brutal tactics to maintain control since His rule & previous wars have left the country destroyed & vulnerable.

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