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به نام آنكه جان را فكرت آموخت

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Presentation on theme: "به نام آنكه جان را فكرت آموخت"— Presentation transcript:

1 به نام آنكه جان را فكرت آموخت
By : Fatemeh Vakili Towards a Treeless Dissertation dfsddsfdsf

2 معادله ي هارتري- فوك براي گاز الكتروني همگن:
اپراتورغير موضعي (non-Local):


4 در مدل ژله اي: - هارتري: - هارتري – فوك

5 - هارتري: - هارتري – فوك


7 با استفاده از نظريه تابع چگالي يا محاسبات Configuration-Interaction :
انرژي تبادلي انرژي همبستگي

8 نحوه ي تغييرات تابع F(X) :

9 n(ε) :چگالي حالات

10 مدل ژله اي در نظريه هارتري- فوك: *

11 233 members from 40 countries: universities, consortia, associations, etc. 84 (36% require)
94 US universities (40% of NLDTD) According to ProQuest: >55,000 new dissertations and theses submitted annually 32 = 34% US require ETDs [38% of NDLTD members require) 13 members are US associations inc. CNI and ARL 32 = 34% members of Association of Research Libraries 13 (14%) ARLs require; 71 = 76%members of Council of Graduate Schools 29 (41%) CGSes require 8 UK member institutions in NDLTD (3%) ARL is a not-for-profit membership-by-invitation organization comprising 123 libraries of North American (107 US) research institutions. The ARL mission is to influence the changing environment of scholarly communication and the public policies that affect research libraries and the communities they serve. Univesioties must be classified as a Doctoral/Research University - Extensive in the Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education. From The Council of Graduate Schools' (CGS) mission is to improve and advance graduate education in order to ensure the vitality of intellectual discovery. CGS accomplishes its mission through advocacy, innovative research, and the development and dissemination of best practices.[doesn’t include ETDs yet] from 466 institutional members listed at dfsddsfdsf

12 فرض كنيد: X=0 F(0)=1 X=1 F(1)= هارتري هارتري فوك X→∞

13 * منحني چگالي حالات (DOS):
هارتري براي هارتري:

14 پيش بيني نظريه هارتري براي مدل ژله اي:
هارتري- فوك:

15 تقريب موضعي اسليتر براي انرژي تبادلي يا تقريب اسليتر X-α :

16 اپراتور غير موضعي: تقريب اسليتر:
A typical scenario: University of Washington (graduate dean, came from same situation in Indiana U) Library Space needs Institutional repository (DSpace) Initiated Graduate School Policy changes Procedural adaptations “Golden Promise” to faculty (nothing need change) Students Timely online availability UWash has 0 ETDs but at his previous university, Indiana U at Bloomington, 24 departments now allow their Ph.D. students to submit dissertations online. Per dfsddsfdsf

17 چگالي الكترون : n=N/V

18 Local Density Approximation (LDA):
HF در تقريب اسليتر α X- Key ETD Issues with Stateside Examples Starting an ETD initiative Software ETD-db for Submission and management IRs: Institutional Repositories Accessibility Authors’ choices Survey data: ETD users and Authors/students University options OAI: Open Archives Initiatives Training (for student authors) ETD Guide Tutorial (Adobe/Ohio St. U) Publishing and copyright Preservation dfsddsfdsf

19 Thank you! Questions? Comments?

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