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The Enemy Within. The Enemy Within For a male to develop into a man, he must become aware of his shadow’s self-destructive influence and learn how.

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2 The Enemy Within

3 For a male to develop into a man, he must become aware of his shadow’s self-destructive influence and learn how to limit it. The man’s shadow (or sin nature) is like a master magician whose goal is to harm him in any way possible. The man’s shadow undermines, deceives and manipulates him while attempting to disrupt the positive relationships that he may have. For the knight to defend others adequately, he needs to deal with his sinful tendencies. The shadow seeks to destroy all that is good.

4 A. The shadow can be called:
The shadow has many labels which correspond with the various approaches that it uses. When a man chooses to follow God’s call, his shadow’s focus is to encourage negative choices in any form. A. The shadow can be called: 1. The “sin nature,” for it permeates the whole being of the man and creates a barrier which diminishes his ability to relate to the Holy God. 2. A magician, for it often tries to fool the man’s self by making things appear different than they are.

5 A. The shadow can be called:
The shadow has many labels which correspond with the various approaches that it uses. When a man chooses to follow God’s call, his shadow’s focus is to encourage negative choices in any form. A. The shadow can be called: 3. Evil, for males have done tremendous harm to each other and to women and children while under its influence. 4. A trickster, for it presents beliefs that are not true in ways that make them appear true. 5. Powerful, for it has succeeded in the destruction of some amazingly successful and moral men.

6 A. The shadow can be called:
The shadow has many labels which correspond with the various approaches that it uses. When a man chooses to follow God’s call, his shadow’s focus is to encourage negative choices in any form. A. The shadow can be called: 6. Negative, for it attempts to confront and limit all that is good in the man’s life. 7. Ever-present, for even during the times when a man is at his best, it will follow a positive behavior with a new form of assault. 8. Shallow, for it supports simplistic thinking, actions that promote temporary gains, and superficial relationships.

7 A. The shadow can be called:
The shadow has many labels which correspond with the various approaches that it uses. When a man chooses to follow God’s call, his shadow’s focus is to encourage negative choices in any form. A. The shadow can be called: 9. Self-destructive, for when a man regularly follows its advice, he will become significantly less than what he was called to be. 10. Pornographic, for it takes what is a gift from God (sex) and turns it into a manipulative, uncaring, self-centered act.

8 A. The shadow can be called:
The shadow has many labels which correspond with the various approaches that it uses. When a man chooses to follow God’s call, his shadow’s focus is to encourage negative choices in any form. A. The shadow can be called: 11. A cunning general, for the shadow attempts to utilize forces for good and at the same time, turns them to its own ends. The shadow: Will use the good to disrupt the best. Will cause a friend to behave in ways that harm the relationship.

9 A. The shadow can be called:
The shadow has many labels which correspond with the various approaches that it uses. When a man chooses to follow God’s call, his shadow’s focus is to encourage negative choices in any form. A. The shadow can be called: 11. A cunning general, for the shadow attempts to utilize forces for good and at the same time, turns them to its own ends. The shadow: Will use old memories to defeat the positive possibilities in the present. Exaggerates the man’s recognition of his own weaknesses which then discourages him from even trying.

10 A. The shadow can be called:
The shadow has many labels which correspond with the various approaches that it uses. When a man chooses to follow God’s call, his shadow’s focus is to encourage negative choices in any form. A. The shadow can be called: 11. A cunning general, for the shadow attempts to utilize forces for good and at the same time, turns them to its own ends. The shadow: Uses perfectionism to make things seem harder than they are. Takes the immature aspects of a boy’s early history and prompts a man to live them out in the present in spandex male ways. Uses a man’s confident strength to create a self-focused narcissism within him.

11 The shadow has many labels which correspond with the various approaches that it uses. When a man chooses to follow God’s call, his shadow’s focus is to encourage negative choices in any form. B. The shadow, as a cunning general, attempts to harm a man by using his natural tendencies and instincts in ways that God did not intend. 1. There is an instinct to avoid pain. When your hand gets too close to a fire, you move it When you pursue any significant goal, some form of pain or unpleasurable requirement is necessary to achieve it. BUT… The shadow states to the man, “You should avoid all pain.” In this way, the shadow limits the man’s growth.

12 The shadow has many labels which correspond with the various approaches that it uses. When a man chooses to follow God’s call, his shadow’s focus is to encourage negative choices in any form. B. The shadow, as a cunning general, attempts to harm a man by using his natural tendencies and instincts in ways that God did not intend. 2. At times, it is truly important to pursue your instinct for pleasure, as joy is a natural part of walking daily with God. BUT… The shadow states that any kind of pleasure is okay, regardless of the motivation, how it hurts others, or what the consequences are.

13 The shadow has many labels which correspond with the various approaches that it uses. When a man chooses to follow God’s call, his shadow’s focus is to encourage negative choices in any form. B. The shadow, as a cunning general, attempts to harm a man by using his natural tendencies and instincts in ways that God did not intend. 3. It is true that a man should experience fear in some areas of the forest. Certain areas should be avoided and as soon as a man sees them, he should run. The instinct to run is helpful in the following circumstances: Opportunities to abuse drugs or alcohol. When encountering a person with an evil-driven agenda. When facing temptation in areas of personal failure. Feeling the impulse to manipulate and control others.

14 The shadow has many labels which correspond with the various approaches that it uses. When a man chooses to follow God’s call, his shadow’s focus is to encourage negative choices in any form. B. The shadow, as a cunning general, attempts to harm a man by using his natural tendencies and instincts in ways that God did not intend. 3. It is true that a man should experience fear in some areas of the forest. Certain areas should be avoided and as soon as a man sees them, he should run. The instinct to run is helpful in the following circumstances: BUT… The shadow distorts the truth of this instinct and prompts the man to run from: Taking responsibility. Being authentic. Giving sacrificially to others. Tough issues.

15 The shadow has many labels which correspond with the various approaches that it uses. When a man chooses to follow God’s call, his shadow’s focus is to encourage negative choices in any form. B. The shadow, as a cunning general, attempts to harm a man by using his natural tendencies and instincts in ways that God did not intend. 3. It is true that a man should experience fear in some areas of the forest. Certain areas should be avoided and as soon as a man sees them, he should run. The instinct to run is helpful in the following circumstances: BUT… The shadow distorts the truth of this instinct and prompts the man to run from: Challenging relationships. Conflict that needs to be resolved. God’s call to have an ongoing relationship with Jesus Christ.

16 The shadow has many labels which correspond with the various approaches that it uses. When a man chooses to follow God’s call, his shadow’s focus is to encourage negative choices in any form. B. The shadow, as a cunning general, attempts to harm a man by using his natural tendencies and instincts in ways that God did not intend. 4. At certain times, it is true that a man should be willing to follow his instinct to fight. A man fights: For the success of his marriage. Against taking advantage of children in harmful ways. To protect the financial well-being of his family. Against a person whose aim is to harm others. As part of the give and take of an intimate relationship. For religious freedom. The forces whose aim is to harm your country.

17 The shadow has many labels which correspond with the various approaches that it uses. When a man chooses to follow God’s call, his shadow’s focus is to encourage negative choices in any form. B. The shadow, as a cunning general, attempts to harm a man by using his natural tendencies and instincts in ways that God did not intend. 4. At certain times, it is true that a man should be willing to follow his instinct to fight. A man fights: BUT… The man’s shadow tells him to fight: To get his own way. By using physical force to make others do what he wants. By using verbal or physical aggression to prove that he is a man. By using power to avoid taking responsibility. As a way of avoiding the expression of other more tender emotions.

18 No one was safe around this male
No one was safe around this male. He followed his shadow as he destroyed innocents to get the favor of the king. (1 Samuel 22:9-23)

19 The shadow has many labels which correspond with the various approaches that it uses. When a man chooses to follow God’s call, his shadow’s focus is to encourage negative choices in any form. B. The shadow, as a cunning general, attempts to harm a man by using his natural tendencies and instincts in ways that God did not intend. 5. It is true that the instinct to bond with others: Adds great meaning to life. Enhances your forest existence. Defines your true wealth. Provides support and learning opportunities. Assists in your self-development and growth, as you establish accountability relationships.

20 The shadow has many labels which correspond with the various approaches that it uses. When a man chooses to follow God’s call, his shadow’s focus is to encourage negative choices in any form. B. The shadow, as a cunning general, attempts to harm a man by using his natural tendencies and instincts in ways that God did not intend. 5. It is true that the instinct to bond with others: BUT… The man’s shadow tells him that bonding with others is good despite: The other person’s poor ethics. The fact that having a close relationship with another female will hurt others. The fact that the person is emotionally dependent and needs to become more independent.

21 The shadow has many labels which correspond with the various approaches that it uses. When a man chooses to follow God’s call, his shadow’s focus is to encourage negative choices in any form. B. The shadow, as a cunning general, attempts to harm a man by using his natural tendencies and instincts in ways that God did not intend. 6. It is true that you are valuable. You should follow your instinct to take care of yourself by: Eating nutritiously. Seeing a doctor and a dentist regularly. Thinking about safety before taking action. Taking reasonable risks. Planning ahead. Setting boundaries wisely. Making choices that prolong life, allowing you to be present with your family for a long time.

22 The shadow has many labels which correspond with the various approaches that it uses. When a man chooses to follow God’s call, his shadow’s focus is to encourage negative choices in any form. B. The shadow, as a cunning general, attempts to harm a man by using his natural tendencies and instincts in ways that God did not intend. 6. It is true that you are valuable. You should follow your instinct to take care of yourself by: BUT… The man’s shadow tells him that an overemphasis on his own self-preservation is good. However, this level of self-focus competes with his ability to recognize the value of others.

23 The shadow has many labels which correspond with the various approaches that it uses. When a man chooses to follow God’s call, his shadow’s focus is to encourage negative choices in any form. B. The shadow, as a cunning general, attempts to harm a man by using his natural tendencies and instincts in ways that God did not intend. 7. A man’s use of sexuality is a true way to increase the commitment in an intimate relationship. BUT… The shadow tells him that sex can be used solely for pleasure. The shadow wants him to miss the next Trail, which is on sexuality.

24 The shadow has many labels which correspond with the various approaches that it uses. When a man chooses to follow God’s call, his shadow’s focus is to encourage negative choices in any form. C. The shadow is a formidable enemy. A knight recognizes that he needs a spiritual solution if he is to succeed in dealing with the shadow’s pervasively negative power in his life. A relationship with God is necessary if he is to defeat: 1. The long-term effects of the shadow which will permanently separate him from God. 2. The short-term effects of the shadow which cause him, on a daily basis, to live like a male.

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