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Interpersonal Relationships: Attraction and Dynamics

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Presentation on theme: "Interpersonal Relationships: Attraction and Dynamics"— Presentation transcript:

1 Interpersonal Relationships: Attraction and Dynamics

2 Interpersonal Relationships…
Include romantic relationships, but also friendships, working relationships, relationships with family members, etc. Are shaped by communication Influence how we communicate Are fluid A process Always changing and developing

3 Attraction Variables Appearance Similarity Complementarity Rewards
Competency Proximity Disclosure Reciprocity Timing

4 Relationship Development

5 Knapp’s 10 Stages

6 Relationship Dynamics
Dialectical tensions – “Conflicts that arise when 2 opposing forces exist simultaneously Relationship Opposing forces

7 Primary Dialectical Tensions
Integration Separation In relationships: Connection -- Autonomy

8 Primary Dialectical Tensions - Continued
Stability Change In relationships: Predictability -- Novelty

9 Primary Dialectical Tensions - Continued
Expression Privacy In relationships: Openness -- Closedness

10 Responding to Dialectics
Neutralization – compromising, and striking a balance Giving priority to one of the needs in a dialectic rather than the other Applying different dialectical needs in different spheres/issues/times Reframing – seeing how each need contributes to the other

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