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XINFO – Scheduler z/OS – TWS

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Presentation on theme: "XINFO – Scheduler z/OS – TWS"— Presentation transcript:

1 XINFO – Scheduler z/OS – TWS

2 XINFO and TWS for z/OS The TWS-Interface gives you informations about TWS Databases, Current plan, Long term plan and Job history Applications, Workstations, Calendars, Periods Dependencies and Special resources Variables, OI, ETT Current plan, Long term plan Job history

3 Click on this symbol to jump to the overview slide
Preamble This presentation gives a comprehensive overview of XINFO´s Scheduler z/OS for TWS. This button can be used to jump to specific slides in this presentation. Which Applications … Click on this symbol to jump to the overview slide

4 TWS z/OS – Would you like to know …
Which Applications are using Period MONTH? Are there any time jobs without TIME DEPENDENT=Y? Are there any Predecessors NOTFND? Which Successors has an Operation? Jobnetplan with Pred- and Succs of an Operation? Which Operations are using Special resource XYZ? Are there any Periods which can be deleted? Which Calendars have a freeday Friday 15. August? Are there any ETTs, where the Application does not exist? Which OIs (Operator Instructions) can be deleted? More …

5 TWS z/OS – Would you like to know …
Are there any manual modifications in the LTP? Which Operations are planned between 01:00 and 02:00? Which Operations did abend last July? Generate Batchloader statements

6 Select TWS from the startpanel
XINFO – Startpanel Select TWS from the startpanel

7 Here we have the displays
TWS z/OS - Displays Here we have the displays for TWS

8 TWS z/OS – Search for Periods
To search for Run cycles... … select Run Cycles

9 TWS z/OS – Search for Periods
Which Applications are using Period MONTH?

10 TWS z/OS – Resulting Periods
Period type, Free day rule etc. Period Application ID

11 TWS z/OS – Search for Timer Operations
To search for Operations ... ... select Operation Data

12 TWS z/OS – Search for Time Operations
Scroll down for more selection criteria Which Operations have Time Dependent = Y, but do have a Start Time? Which Operations have Time Dependent = Y, but do have a Start Time?

13 TWS z/OS – Resulting Operations
Workstation ID Operation number Application ID

14 TWS z/OS – Search for Predecessors
To search for Predecessors ... ... select Dependencies

15 TWS z/OS – Search for NOTFND
Which Predecessors do not exist anymore?? Note: -NOTFND- is inserted by XINFO as the Predecessor‘s Jobname.

16 TWS z/OS – Resulting Predecessors
Jobs with predecessors… … which do not exist any more

17 TWS z/OS – Search for Successors
To search for Successors ... ... again: select Dependencies

18 TWS z/OS – Search for Successors
Which are the successors from Jobs XXRJLA*?

19 TWS z/OS – Resulting Successors
Predecessors … … and Successors

20 TWS z/OS – Jobnetplan with Pred or Succ
To search for Predecessors and Succesors of a start operation … ... select TWS Job Netplan

21 TWS z/OS – Jobnetplan with Pred or Succ
Specify start point… …and the desired Pred(ecessor) and Succ(essor) level

22 TWS z/OS – Jobnetplan with Pred or Succ
The result is a Job Netplan with all predecessors and successors of job XXRJUP

23 TWS z/OS – Search for Special Resources
To search for Special Resources ... ... select Spec. Res./Operation

24 TWS z/OS – Search for Special Resources
Which Special Resources are used ?

25 TWS z/OS – Resulting Special Resources
Job Application ID

26 TWS z/OS – Search for Period Definitions
To search for Periods Definitions... ... select Periods

27 TWS z/OS – Search for Period Definitions
Search for all Periods with an End Date Interval lower than 2014

28 TWS z/OS – Resulting Period Definitions
All Periods which are not valid since 2014

29 TWS z/OS – Resulting Period Definitions
Are there any Applications using these Periods? Use the "All" command to get the result…

30 TWS z/OS – Resulting Applications
Here are all Applications using these Periods

31 TWS z/OS – Search for Calendar Dates
To search for Calendars ... ... select Calendar

32 TWS z/OS – Search for Calendar Dates
Search for all Calendars where is a freeday

33 TWS z/OS – Search for ETTs
To search for ETT ... ... select EDWA Criteria

34 TWS z/OS – Search for ETTs
Search for all ETTs, where the application does not exist anymore The value N for non-existing applications is inserted by XINFO

35 TWS z/OS – Resulting ETTs
The resulting ETTs

36 TWS z/OS – Search for OIs
To search for OI ... Operator Instructions

37 TWS z/OS – Search for OIs
Search for all OI-Definitions which are not valid anymore since

38 TWS z/OS – Resulting OIs
The resulting OIS

39 TWS z/OS – Search for OIs
Search for all OIs, where the Operation does not exist anymore The value N for non existing Operations is inserted by XINFO.

40 TWS z/OS – Resulting OIs
The resulting OIS

41 TWS z/OS – Search for LTP data
To search for data from the LTP ... ... select Long Term Plan

42 TWS z/OS – Search for LTP data
Search for all Applications, which are modified manually

43 TWS z/OS – Resulting LTP data
There are no Applications, which are modified manually

44 TWS z/OS – Search for Planned Start Times
To search for Current Plan operations ... ... select Current Plan

45 TWS z/OS – Search for Planned Start Times
Which Operations are planned to run between 19:00 and 20:00? Left click on “Planned Start Day” to get more selection fields...

46 TWS z/OS – Search for Planned Start Times
The result

47 TWS z/OS – Search for Error Jobs
To search for Job Run Times ... ... select Job Run Times

48 TWS z/OS – Search for Error Jobs
Left click on “Job Start Time” to get more selection fields and enter search criteria… ...and status E...

49 TWS z/OS – Search for Error Jobs
GE >=: from Connect fields logically (AND/OR) LE <=: to

50 TWS z/OS – Resulting Error Jobs
The result can be grouped by Jobname…

51 TWS z/OS – Resulting Error Jobs

52 TWS z/OS – Generate batchloader statements
You need XINFO's ISPF dialog to generate Batchloader statements... Select 1 for Application Data ... e.g. select option 1-7 This shows the ISPF dialog for XINFO – TWS z/OS

53 TWS z/OS – Generate batchloader statements
Search for all applications with Application ID XINFO* ...

54 TWS z/OS – Generate batchloader statements
Specify BG...

55 TWS z/OS – Generate batchloader statements
...specify parameters...

56 TWS z/OS – Generate batchloader statements
...submit job... ...the result is written to USERID.XINFO.BATCHL

57 TWS z/OS – Generate batchloader statements
The result!

58 Many thanks for your attention!

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