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Study Study See these slides on our website:

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2 Study Study See these slides on our website:
Student Life This Week in Pictures Study Study

3 Study Study 8:20 in school 8:25 move to class 8:30 O Canada
Make your habits work.... 8: in school 8: move to class 8: O Canada Study Study

4 Congratulations to our And Top Marks In Class Students
560 Honours Students And Top Marks In Class Students Study Study

5 Last day of classes before the Break.
Mark Your Calendar March 6, 2014 Progress Reports go home. Last day of classes before the Break. Study Study

6 Study Study Mark Your Calendar Thursday March 20, 2014 Parents’ Night
6:00 – 8:00 pm Study Study

7 Study Thank you ! Please clean and clear your table when
finished your lunch. Thank you ! Study

8 Learning Skills Start Your Semester Right !! are the key to success !
Make them work. Start Your Semester Right !!

9 Learning Skills Start Your Semester Right !! are the key to success !
Make them work. Start Your Semester Right !!

10 Learning Skills Start Your Semester Right !! are the key to success !
Make them work. Start Your Semester Right !!

11 Learning Skills Start Your Semester Right !! are the key to success !
Make them work. Start Your Semester Right !!

12 Learning Skills Start Your Semester Right !! are the key to success !
Make them work. Start Your Semester Right !!

13 Learning Skills Start Your Semester Right !! are the key to success !
Make them work. Start Your Semester Right !!

14 Tips for a Great Start to Semester 2
- review your notes from last year - skim through your textbook - get familiar with your MyClass page Get Ready !!

15 Tips for a Great Start to Semester 2
-major due dates in calendar - plan your study times - clean up your study space - divide your binder and get the necessary supplies - now Get Organized

16 Tips for a Great Start to Semester 2
- get contact information for at least 3 people in each of your classes - find out when you can get extra help from your teacher - ask your teachers about online resources Get Connected

17 Tips for a Great Start to Semester 2
Find a “study friend” in each class. Trade contact numbers and s. Call when you need help.


19 Math Tutoring Free Online for Grades 9 and 10

20 Tips for a Great Start to Semester 2
Find a “study friend” in each class. Trade contact numbers and s. Call when you need help. Start Your Semester Right !!

21 Tips for a Great Start to Semester 2
Set up your binder and electronic files first. Be ready when the notes stack up. Keep them tidy and up to date. Start Your Semester Right !!

22 Tips for a Great Start to Semester 2
Keep your calendar ready at all times. List ALL assignment due dates and test dates.

23 Tips for a Great Start to Semester 2
Keep your calendar ready at all times. Put homework and study time IN your calendar. Plan ahead. Start Your Semester Right !!

24 Tips for a Great Start to Semester 2
If you have NO assigned work for homework: Review your last test or unit Read !! Start Your Semester Right !!

25 Tips for a Great Start to Semester 2
Keep up to date at ALL times. Keeping up is WAAAY easier than catching up. Start Your Semester Right !!

26 Tips for a Great Start to Semester 2
See your teacher for extra help - sooner not later. No procrastinating !!! Start Your Semester Right !!

27 Tips for a Great Start to Semester 2
Got a tutor for a difficult subject?? Let your teacher know !! He / she can help guide you and your tutor to work on the right stuff. Start Your Semester Right !!

28 Tips for a Great Start to Semester 2
Too much work / study ? Ask your teacher(s) how much time THEY think you should be spending on study / prep, homework, assignments. Maybe it’s not as big an assignment as you think !! ?? Start Your Semester Right !!

29 Tips for a Great Start to Semester 2
Work efficiently. Don’t just sit there !! Short concentrated bursts are better than long, slow, not getting much done...... Start Your Semester Right !!


31 Study Thank you ! Please clean and clear your table when
finished your lunch. Thank you ! Study


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