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Literature Review Guidance

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1 Literature Review Guidance

2 Going further than citing research as part of a report’s introduction.
Describe and evaluate What was done/found What was good/can be criticised Relate the evaluation to your research question.

3 Literature reviews survey findings in a particular area.
Main emphasis is on giving a picture of current thinking in a field of research. Current thinking will be informed by previous classics which should be reviewed.

4 Description may include
Research question Method used data analysis and any conclusions drawn. Allows evaluation to compare literature on these fundamental aspects In this case you are mainly focusing on arguments What arguments support current science education What problems can you spot in arguments?

5 Evaluation can include:
What’s good, what’s bad But also Identifying relations amongst literature Contradictions Identify gaps and inconsistencies in the literature Leads to Suggesting the next step needed to implement good arguments Your goal is to synthesise the research, not just describe it. Report introductions might just include description, feel free to criticise, make assertions that support your viewpoint.

6 You are conducting a mini literature review.
Aim for 4 or 5 pieces reviewed in some depth Others might be briefly mentioned Eg you review an article in some depth and then briefly mention literature that shares similarities. Since a full literature review might contain 30+ reviewed articles, you need to be selective as to which literature describes the field and is highly relevant to the assignment.

7 Science as a core subject Importance of Science as a subject
Have a look at the task How can you break this up? Science as a core subject Educationalists for and against this Importance of Science as a subject Why do we want more science students How Science education should change Focus on secondary Consider Psychology and its place as a Science Narrow your focus 1000 words is short Justify what you include

8 Find one really good article
Shares your viewpoint, or Recent, or Style gives implications, recommendations and reading list What does its discussion say Use its references to locate more research to review Search for more articles by the same author/s Find readable articles to start with.

9 You need to read the articles! Read the easier articles first.
So you need to have the articles Read the easier articles first. Scan the articles to identify the important points. An in-depth understanding of these aspects is necessary for comparing the work of different researchers. You should notice some overlap among articles. What are these similarities, but what are the differences? Allow enough time.

10 Might organise by subsections
Most often literature reviews, particularly student ones will be organised by article Each successive article allows more comparison Might use heading for each piece of literature, but consider something more meaningful than Machamer (1998) Might organise by subsections Chronology Similar viewpoints Aspects of the subject use conceptual headings Still want brief introduction and conclusion Conclusion to include Implication Your viewpoint

11 Other literature reviews?
Who else has written about The nature of science The place of Science in the curriculum Psychology as a Science

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