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Deriving a Relational DB Model from the AIXM CM

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Presentation on theme: "Deriving a Relational DB Model from the AIXM CM"— Presentation transcript:

1 Deriving a Relational DB Model from the AIXM CM

2 Automatic Generation with Rose Data Modeler
Automatic generation of table definitions straightforward Problems: Disregards stereotypes, not controllable Associations: disregards type and navigability

3 Relational Schema Derivation – Features and Objects
<<feature>> and <<object>> implemented as tables artificial primary key (UID) attribute to column

4 Relational Schema Derivation – Associations (1)
Association with multiplicity upper bound 1  primary/foreign key dependency

5 Relational Schema Derivation – Associations (2)
Association with multiplicity upper bound > 1  over additional mapping table

6 Relational Schema Derivation – Associations (3)
Generalization  Equal primary keys of tables of general and special class

7 Relational Schema Derivation – Choice
<<choice>> stereotype of features/objects  over mapping table (XOR: enforce one column null)

8 General Considerations – generic or specialized?
Generic or highly specialized approach? One generic SegmentLeg table with type column or one table for every SegmentLeg specialization? Consistency could still be enforced with constraints

9 General Considerations – codelists, enums, datatypes
Implementation of <<enumeration>> and <<codelist>> As enum column type (if available) or as code table? enum type strictly enforces limited value set code table better scalable/extendable Or: simply as string and enforce allowed values outside DB? Implement data types as column types in DB?  Philosophical question: Implement all constraints in DB?!?

10 Discussion!?!

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