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Japan’s Electronics & Technology

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1 Japan’s Electronics & Technology
By: Matthew De La Cruz

2 What did Japan make before?
Not a lot actually… Pre-Meiji Restoration Japan Mechanical devices were more prominent

3 Where did they learn from?
During and after the Meiji Restoration Japan Japan learned from other countries and began to put their innovation on technology. Specifically IBM influenced a lot of electronic innovation in Japan which then turned around to influence everyone around them Japan is notorious for not only copying people but, they make what they copy much better than the original

4 What is Japan known for? Just about everything in the electronics spaces. Batteries: Sanyo/Panasonic Cameras: Nikon, Canon, Sony Televisions: Sony, Sharp Consoles: Sony, Nintendo Computers: NEC, Toshiba, Fujitsu, Hitachi

5 Some Familiar things

6 Innovations within Japan

7 “Big guys in electronics”

8 The Present Japanese Electronics
Japan isn’t #1 number in technology anymore. Everyone else caught up and now Japan is the one playing catch up. Korea with Samsung. Taiwan with Acer and Asus. Toshiba was ranked 9th in world semiconductor companies

9 Why is Japan behind Globally?
They shifted their focus on themselves instead. BUT! A recent article showed that 95% of Japanese University graduates landed a job right away.

10 Works Cited

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