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Presentation on theme: "Professionalism."— Presentation transcript:

1 Professionalism

2 Objectives Have the ability to: Prepare and critique resumes
Understand job-hunting etiquette and techniques Understand the function of career services Understand how to obtain your professional license Understand the laws related to professional practice

3 Your Work History How did you find your first couple of jobs? (summarize on board) Summer Employment Survey (Handout if not completed)

4 After graduation Not the end, but the beginning!!!
Employment (full-time; part-time) Graduate School (full-time; part-time)

5 Career vs Job

6 Career Planning What are your assets and traits?
Where do you want to start? What are your short-term goals? What are your long-term goals?

7 Looking for Jobs Career Services Internet Professional Organizations
Newspapers Magazines Friends and Family Other?

8 Career Services at SUNY Poly https://sunypoly
Workshops Resume Internships Full-time Jobs (College Central Network) Resume handouts Tips / Actions verbs Resume example Poor resume (critique in class)

9 Resume References: Reverse chronological order (most important first)
Making Your First Impression Count-Effective Resumes Resumes: The Basics Reverse chronological order (most important first) Limit to one-page No misrepresentations (ET, not ENGR) Visually pleasing Easy to read

10 Interviewing Be prepared Arrive early Dress appropriately
Get names of those you interview with (ask for business cards) Ask open-ended questions Follow-up

11 Interview Questions Typical Interview Questions

12 References Better to ask before the job hunt
Provide detailed info to the person who is giving you a reference: When is due date? Provide additional information about yourself Provide a self-addressed envelope (if mailed)

13 Landing the Job – Next steps
How to act professionally in the workplace!!!

14 Professionalism From Wikipedia:
A professional is a member of a vocation founded upon specialised educational training. The word professional traditionally means a person who has obtained a degree in a professional field. The term professional is used more generally to denote a white collar working person, or a person who performs commercially in a field typically reserved for hobbyists or amateurs. In western nations, such as the United States, the term commonly describes highly educated, mostly salaried workers, who enjoy considerable work autonomy, a comfortable salary, and are commonly engaged in creative and intellectually challenging work.[1][2][3][4] Less technically, it may also refer to a person having impressive competence in a particular activity.[5] Because of the personal and confidential nature of many professional services and thus the necessity to place a great deal of trust in them, most professionals are held up to strict ethical and moral regulations.

15 Work Environment Professional—Knowledge, ideas and information
Nonprofessional—Work can be measured by the quantity and quality of work output

16 Professionalism Managing your time Communicating Teamwork
Treating others with respect High ethical standards Positive attitude Reliable Leadership

17 Relationships Employee-Corporation Employee-Manager Employee-Employee
Employee-Support Personnel

18 Employee-Corporation
Mutual interests; both need each other Corporate Obligations: Fair compensation Treat employees w/ dignity Equal opportunity Employee Commitments: Work the required number of hours Adhere to confidentiality guidelines Respect conflict-of-interest agreements

19 Employee-Manager May be most important relationship
Manager Responsibilities: Explain company principles and policies Administer salary, promotion and hiring plans equitably Review, hire and fire employees Employee Commitments: Complete quality assignments in a timely manner Act professionally Take responsibility for self-development

20 Employee-Employee Important to form effective working relationships
Most work is accomplished by teams Collect info from others, analyze, and report results Everyone knows their responsibilities and target dates

21 Employee-Support Personnel
Treat support personnel with respect Encourage open communication Make support personnel part of the team

22 Traits for Success in the Workplace
Competence Pursuit of Excellence Personal Integrity Likeability Positive Attitude Effective Communication

23 Homework Assignments (#1 and #2) Individual Work
Prepare a draft resume in career services format Have a peer critique it (pair up students) Prepare answers to 10 interview questions Submit your draft/critiqued resume, your revised resume and interview questions/answers on Blackboard (PDF format) prior to next week’s class (Sept 14th) By the end of the semester have your resume approved by career services. Forward to me the that says your resume is approved and ready for upload to CCN.

24 Practicing Professionalism as a Student
Round Robin

25 Break

26 Professional Licensing-Why
Professionalism Pride Enhances Resume Job requirement (NYSDOT JE: ) In most agencies, in order to successfully pass the one-year probationary period, Junior Engineers appointed from this eligible list will be required to obtain a Fundamentals in Engineering Certificate during their first year of service. Upon receipt of this certification and successful completion of one year of State service, you may be advanced to the Grade 20 level of the engineering series with a starting salary of $53,037 without further testing. In some agencies, Junior Engineers who fail to obtain their Fundamentals in Engineering Certificate during the first year may be offered an opportunity to transfer to a para-professional engineering position pending completion of this requirement. You should discuss this with agency representatives during your employment interview.

27 Professional Licensing
FE (Fundamentals Exam) PE (Professional Exam) Administered by State FE reciprocal but details controlled by state PE state specific

28 New York State New York State Education Dept Licensed Professionals

29 Differences between ET and E
Engineering Technology Engineering Eligibility for FE exam After graduation Before graduation Experience before PE 6 years 4 years Historically—Paper exam; Offered twice a year. Could take FE in Vermont (and PA?) before graduation Since Jan 2014, FE exam is online but must be taken at a test center (one location in Utica)

30 Taking FE after Graduation (ET)
New Computer-Based-Testing Details at Letter from NYSED

31 FE Civil and FE Mechanical Knowledge Areas
FE Mechanical:

32 Forms and Reference Materials

33 FE Contents Ethics & Business Practices (7% of Morning Test)
Code of Ethics Agreements and Contracts Ethical versus Legal Professional Liability Public Protection Issues (e.g. licensing boards) Ref:

34 Engineering Practice Unethical Behavior
Loss of business Loss of licensure Monetary fines Loss of reputation

35 Engineering Practice Ethical Behavior
Increased business Enhanced professional reputation Extended employment

36 Engineering Practice New York Education Law
NY Educ (Administration) NY Educ (Conduct) New York Code, Rules & Regulations: 8 NYCRR § 68.1 et seq. (Administration) 8 NYCRR § 29.1 et seq. (Conduct)

37 Engineering Practice Engineering Defined
NY Educ. § Definition of practice of engineering. The practice of the profession of engineering is defined as performing professional service such as consultation, investigation, evaluation, planning, design or supervision of construction or operation in connection with any utilities, structures, buildings, machines, equipment, processes, works, or projects wherein the safeguarding of life, health and property is concerned, when such service or work requires the application of engineering principles and data.

38 Engineering Practice Licensing and Title Statue
§ Practice of engineering and use of title "professional engineer". Only a person licensed or otherwise authorized under this article shall practice engineering or use the title "professional engineer".

39 Permissible Scope of Practice
The purpose of the Education Law is to safeguard the life, health and property of the public. Licensing requirements which protect the public health and safety must be strictly complied with and a contract in violation of such statutes cannot be enforced.

40 Code of Ethics No matter what state you practice in, that state has a code of ethics which governs your ethical conduct. As a member of NSPE, there is another code of ethics which governs your ethical conduct.

41 Professional Code of Conduct
As a professional license holder, or someone who works for a professional license holder, you are required to know the constraints imposed upon your conduct by the state code of ethics. If you violate the provisions of those code of ethics, you or the person that you work for can be fined or lose their license to practice.

42 State Laws Professional Misconduct-NY Education Law § 6509
Unprofessional Conduct – 8 NYCRR § 29.1 Design Professionals - 8 NYCRR § 29.3

43 Professional Misconduct 8 NYCRR § 29.1
Willful or grossly negligent failure to comply with federal, state or local laws governing the practice of the profession; Exercising undue influence on a client in such a manner as to exploit financial gain in favor of the practitioner or a third party; Directly or indirectly offering, soliciting or receiving a fee to or from a third party for client referrals;

44 Professional Misconduct (Cont.) 8 NYCRR § 29.1
Fee sharing with those not otherwise authorized to practice in the same profession; Moral unfitness; Willfully making or filing a false report or failing to file a report required by law or the Education Department Failing to make available to a client copies of documents in the possession of the professional which have been prepared and paid for by the client

45 Professional Misconduct (Cont.) 8 NYCRR § 29.1
Revealing personal information without the consent of the client (identity; financial condition; how you’re getting paid) Practicing or offering to practice beyond the scope permitted by law, or performing services which the professional is not competent to perform; Delegating responsibilities to a person that is not qualified to perform them;

46 Professional Misconduct (Cont.) 8 NYCRR § 29.1
Performing professional services which have not been authorized by the client (going above and beyond in hopes of getting paid) Failing to respond to inquiries from the Education Department (must “rat out” your friends; most often comes up amongst partners)

47 Design Professionals 8 NYCRR § 29.3
Being associated with any project or practice known to be fraudulent; Failing to report to the owner any unauthorized or substantial disregard by any contractor of plans or specifications when observation of the work is provided for in the agreement between the owner and design professional; Signing and sealing documents for which professional services have not been performed by the profession;

48 Design Professionals (Cont) 8 NYCRR § 29.3
Failing to maintain plans, documents, computations and evaluations to which the professional has signed and sealed for at least 6 years; Having a substantial financial interest in a contractor, manufacturer or supplier on a project for which the professional is responsible without the knowledge and approval of the client; Fee sharing with persons other than partners, employees, associated in a professional firm or corporation, subcontractor or subconsultant;

49 Design Professionals (Cont) 8 NYCRR § 29.3
Accepting compensation from more than one party for services on the same project without disclosing the same to all interested parties; Participating as a member, advisor or employee in a governmental body in actions or deliberations which pertain to the services of the professional; As to the practice of land surveying, revising, altering, or updating existing boundary lines without adequate confirmation of relevant boundary lines and monuments;

50 Homework Assignments (#3) Individual Work
Download the FE manual reference-handbook/ By knowledge areas (Civil-- content/uploads/2012/11/FE-Civil-CBT-specs.pdf ) or Mechanical-- content/uploads/2012/11/FE-Mec-CBT-specs.pdf ), prepare a written summary as to how well you think you know the material. If you feel you don’t know the material, list courses you could take or areas for review to help you be better prepared.

51 Assign Professionalism Topics
Preparing for FE exam (reference materials, classes, etc.) Rules for taking the FE/PE in New York State. Research differences between Engineering and Engineering Technology Job Search Engines (find and review 3) What’s on FE exam; What’s on PE exam? FE exam (Computer-Based testing) Dress Codes Appropriate use of Technology at Work Patents MLA/APA Citation and Citations for online Sources Working With “Difficult” Personality Types Determining who is licensed as a Professional Engineer in New York State; Other states? Good answers to hard interview questions

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