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Presentation on theme: "#GettingCumbriaReady"— Presentation transcript:

1 #GettingCumbriaReady
Welcome #GettingCumbriaReady

2 Hannah Bladen Sport England Getting Cumbria Ready
27 November, 2018 Hannah Bladen Sport England Getting Cumbria Ready November 2016

3 Government Strategy: Sporting Future
27 November, 2018 Government Strategy: Sporting Future

4 Sport England Strategy: Towards An Active Nation
Social and Community Development Individual Development Mental Wellbeing Physical Economic Development Outcomes + Customer Focus How we think How we decide Seven investment principles What we invest in Tackling inactivity Children and young people Mass market Core market Volunteering Facilities Local delivery Underpinned by Workforce Coaching Active Lives

27 November, 2018 SPORT ENGLAND’S VISION We want everyone in England regardless of age, background or level of ability to feel able to engage in sport and physical activity. Some will be young fit and talented, but most will be not. We need a sport sector that welcomes everyone – meets their needs, treats them as individuals and values them as customers. .

6 Key Themes Investing for a purpose, not sport for sport’s sake
27 November, 2018 Investing for a purpose, not sport for sport’s sake Behaviour change Customer focus Under-represented groups Children and young people Wider partnerships Governance and efficiency A new approach to measurement and evaluation

7 The Behaviour Change Journey
Tackling Inactivity Challenging the intention/action gap 1 Creating regular activity habits Building a new habit is challenging 2 Pre-contemplation Contemplation Preparation Action Maintenance 3 Helping those with a resilient habit stay that way Life gets in the way and is challenging

8 Under-Represented Groups
27 November, 2018 Under-Represented Groups Women Older people Lower socio-economic groups People with a disability Some ethnic groups They need to drive growth

9 Focus on The Person – To Create Active Lives
Sam’s Sporting Life

10 Investment Programmes
27 November, 2018 Investment Programmes Tackling Inactivity Children and Young People Volunteering Taking sport and activity into the Mass Market Supporting Sport’s Core Market Local Delivery Facilities

11 Portfolio Management The Sport England Approach to Implementation:
27 November, 2018 Portfolio Management The Sport England Approach to Implementation:

12 Supporting Sport’s Core Market
27 November, 2018 Supporting Sport’s Core Market July Launch Governance Scoping Submissions Assessment Decisions Transition Bespoke

13 Volunteering Strategy Objectives
27 November, 2018 Volunteering Strategy Objectives The strategy has 3 objectives: Ensure better quality volunteering experiences Increase the diversity of those who volunteer in sport and activity Increase the quantity of volunteers in sport and activity The priority for will be to improve the quality of the experience. A focus in the first period will be to increase diversity in sports volunteering, with some dedicated work and investment. The focus of the strategy will shift towards driving growth at scale from 2021.

14 Key Implementation Updates
Governance Code Tackling Inactivity Facilities Coaching Mass Market Local Delivery

15 Thank You & Questions November 2016

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