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SIMSTAT IS progress report

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1 SIMSTAT IS progress report
ITDG plenary meeting 25/2/2015 Christine Wirtz, ESTAT.B3 – IT for statistical production

2 Background SIMSTAT (Single Market Statistics) is a project on micro-data exchange for intra-EU trade ESSC agreed on 24/5/2012 to launch the project ESAC (Oct'12) expressed a positive opinion saying "SIMSTAT stands for a European approach for producing high quality international trade statistics. This is a change in paradigm in the ways European statistics are produced and disseminated." ESSC (Nov'12) included SIMSTAT in the ESS.VIP programme ESSC (Nov'14) approved the alignment of SIMSTAT to the ESS Vision 2020 and that the project should continue according to plan

3 Main deliverables Information system Trial data exchange through which
MSs will provide access to some of their micro-data and will receive relevant micro-data from other MSs. Trial data exchange IS to be successfully tested by around 20 MS. Feasibility study report Documentation and manuals Recommendations / requirements for other corporate software functionality.

4 SIMSTAT Information System consists of …
SIMSTAT HUB central IS for receipt, validation, transformation of data, as well as sending of data and reports SIMSTAT communication component central part (HUB) & client part (in MS) allows communication with CCN SIMSTAT infrastructure hosting of the HUB and the transmission network National systems To produce data files to be sent to the partners, as well as to receive, store and process incoming data and reports National CCN gateway To connect from the NSI to the relevant national administration

5 SIMSTAT Information System in use …
20th April 2015: Trial data exchange will start Before: the SIMSTAT IS needs to be tested Testing by MSs is crucial to ensure that the IS works with the national environments

6 SIMSTAT Information System … testing
Step 1: Transmission infrastructure Eurostat tested during Dec’14 Testing by / with MSs started on 12/1/2015 11 (out of 20) MSs connected by 23/2/2015 Connectivity / network capacity testing ongoing with connected MS Step 2: Complete Simstat IS Eurostat installations and testing ongoing Testing by / with MSs starting: Presentation to MSs at ESSnet workshop Feb’15 ESSnet has a work-package to test the SIMSTAT IS

7 ITDG is invited to support the next steps
Connection to CCN (for 9 – out of 20 - MS) Testing of the complete SIMSTAT IS (for the connected MS) Ensure that national systems are prepared

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