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Byzantium Becomes the New Rome SOL 7A & B

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1 Byzantium Becomes the New Rome SOL 7A & B
Copyright © Clara Kim All rights reserved.

2 Refresher……. Just listen……

3 The Fall of the Roman Empire
After the Pax Romana, the Roman Empire entered an era of decline The Roman Empire had a series of weak emperors Romans had a large trade imbalance (they bought more than they produced) As Rome grew more in debt, the military became weak & began using foreign mercenary soldiers

4 Emperor Constantine moved the Roman capital to Constantinople in the Eastern Roman Empire
The Western Roman Empire continued to grow weak Text Emperor Diocletian tried to save Rome by dividing the empire

5 The Fall of the Roman Empire
By 476, barbarians conquered the Western Roman Empire The Western Roman Empire fell into the Middle Ages (“Dark Ages”) from 500 to 1300 A.D.

6 The Fall of the Roman Empire
While the Western Roman Empire was in decline… …the Eastern Roman Empire remained strong The Eastern Roman Empire became known as the Byzantine Empire

7 The Byzantine capital was Constantinople
Constantinople was a wealthy trade city located between the Mediterranean & Black Seas

8 Western Rome EASTERN ROME Byzantine

9 Constantinople to provide political, economic and military advantages.
Eastern Roman Empire SOL 7A Capital changed to Constantinople to provide political, economic and military advantages. Tell me why?????

10 Location of Constantinople
Protection of the eastern frontier Distance from Germanic invasions in the Western Empire Crossroads of trade Easily fortified site on a peninsula bordered by natural harbors

11 Black Sea Sea of Marmara
Bosphorus Sea of Marmara


13 Role of Constantinople
Seat of the Byzantine Empire until Ottoman conquest Preserved classical Greco-Roman culture

14 Byzantium Preserves Learning
Families valued education Sent children to monastic or public schools Hired private tutors Greek and Latin grammar, philosophy and rhetoric They preserved Greek and Roman great works

15 Justinian Rule SOL 7B Emperor
Justinian provided the basis for the law codes of Western Europe Codification of Roman law Byzantine Empire reaches its height under his rule Reconquest of former Roman territories Expansion of trade


17 Byzantine Under Justinian
He wanted a reconquest of the Roman territories that were lost through Germanic invasions

18 Justinian Expands Trade
There was a giant open-air market where shoppers could buy Tin from England Wine from France Cork from Spain Ivory and gold from Africa

19 Empress Theodora Justinian’s wife Theodora had a lot of power & influence in the Byzantine Empire: She met with & wrote to foreign leaders She advised Justinian & helped him pass laws She encouraged building of Christian cathedrals

20 The Hagia Sophia Justinians’ most splendid building
Christian church later taken by the Muslims




24 Justinian Code Justinian set up a panel of legal experts to look through 400 years of Roman law. Some laws were outdated Justinian wanted to create a single, uniform code This became known as the Justinian Code that was used for 900 years after his death

25 Justinian’s Code Understanding Justinian’s Code
You and your partner will be given three scenarios to interpret Once you have completed the interpretation use your knowledge of our laws to give the equivalent law today

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