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In your assigned seat with All phones and earbuds put

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Presentation on theme: "In your assigned seat with All phones and earbuds put"— Presentation transcript:

1 In your assigned seat with All phones and earbuds put
Away when the bell rings….. We Love Crack!

2 Key Terms Sectionalism Missouri Compromise Kansas-Nebraska Act
Popular Sovereignty Dred Scott v. Sanford

3 Reminder! Notebook Check #1 on Friday Quiz #4 on Friday

4 Sectionalism 1819: 11 states allow slavery, 11 do not NOTES

5 Sectionalism North: no more new slave states!
South: Those damn Yankees want to take away our slaves!

6 Missouri Compromise Missouri wanted in the union as a slave state
NOTES Missouri Compromise Missouri wanted in the union as a slave state This would mess up balance!!! (12 to 11)… North refused

7 NOTES Sectionalism Solution: MISSOURI COMPROMISE - Missouri added as slave state - Maine added as NON-SLAVE state

8 Kansas-Nebraska Act (1854)
Stephen Douglas—A Senator From Chicago, Illinois. Kansas and Nebraska will Be admitted as states under The concept of Popular Sovereignty. (People vote on Slavery or not) His real interest is in starting A railroad to the west coast From Chicago. He owns tons Of land in Chicago, and will get Very rich!

9 Popular Sovereignty New Territories would vote
On the issue of slavery before becoming States. Stephen Douglas

10 Kansas-Nebraska Act 1854


12 Dred Scott Case 1857

13 Bell rings. Put all phone and
Be in your seat when the Bell rings. Put all phone and Earbuds away.

14 Secede Vocab When one part of a country Decides to withdraw and
Become independent In the Revolutionary War, the American colonies fought to Secede from the British Empire.

15 Justify Vocab To make an argument in favor
Of why something is correct or Proper. To justify the raise he was asking For, Jerome told his boss about How long it took him to drive to Work.

16 Nullify Vocab To cancel something out or Make it null and void.
Their best player held out. He Wanted to nullify his contract and Negotiate a new one.

17 Debate Vocab A formal discussion on a Particular topic where different
Arguments are put forward. The two candidates for Student Council president had a debate On the issues facing the School.

18 Abolitionist Vocab A person who believed in Completely ending slavery
(Abolish=Get rid of) Abraham Lincoln did not start Off as an abolitionist, but because Of the Civil War he decided to end Slavery in the south.

19 Compromise…? Fugitive Slave Act Compromise of 1850 Republican Party
Key Terms Compromise of 1850 Fugitive Slave Act Republican Party “Bleeding” Kansas

20 Compromise of 1850 Why? South was upset that northern states were
Not returning slaves who escaped to their Masters, but helping them escape to Canada. North was embarrassed that slave auctions Happened in Washington, D.C. in front of Foreigners and other VIPs. What to do with land acquired in the war With Mexico…? Would it be slave or free?

21 What was the Compromise?
Compromise of 1850 What was the Compromise? Banned slavery in the district of Columbia (Washington DC) California admitted as a Free State Utah and New Mexico admitted, and the people would vote on slavery or free 4) Tough new fugitive slave law

22 Fugitive Slave Act 1850

23 The Republican Party --Founded in 1854 in Wisconsin and Michigan to
Protest against the Kansas/Nebraska Act. --They were against any extension of slavery To the new territories of the west… They DID NOT want to mess with slavery in The south. --A Sectional party. No members in the South. Not even on the ballot!

24 Bleeding Kansas --A “mini-Civil War!”
--Kansas is supposed to decide in a vote If they will have slavery or not, but instead Two governments spring up in the state, one For slavery and one against slavery. WAR! May 21, 1856—800 Pro-slavery southern settlers attack Lawrence, Kansas with 5 Cannons. They Rob people And set the town on fire. May 24, An anti-slavery man named John Brown Takes his 5 sons and they attack a pro-slavery family and Hack them to pieces with knives and swords.

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