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The Uniting Church is an inter-conciliar church

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2 The Uniting Church is an inter-conciliar church
Church Council (Local) Presbytery (Regional) Synod (State) Assembly (National)

3 The Uniting Church is an inter-conciliar church
Assembly (National) Many think that it is a hierarchy with Assembly being the “big boss” Synod (State) …but the Uniting Church was not set up that way Presbytery (Regional) Church Council (Local)

4 The Uniting Church is an inter-conciliar church
Church Council (Local) Presbytery (Regional) Synod (State) Assembly (National) The different councils are all on the same level …but with different roles, tasks and responsibility

5 Uniting Church Assembly
(National) National Council of the UCA Formally meets every 3 years Responsibilities include: Worship resources and liturgies Theology and beliefs How the church participates in public life Formal relationships & partnerships such as the United Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress

6 Uniting Church 15th Assembly
Gathered at Box Hill Town Hall 8-14th July. Addressing environment issues Korea peace process Affirming disability access for our churches Rural communities Installation of Dr Deidre Palmer as UCA president

7 UCA & Domestic Violence
The Uniting Church 15th Assembly adopted a statement that commits the Uniting Church to repudiate all teaching and theologies that justify domestic violence.

8 UCA & the Sovereignty of First Peoples
The Uniting Church 15th Assembly has affirmed that the First Peoples of Australia, the Aboriginal and Islander Peoples, are sovereign peoples in Australia. “a spiritual notion, reflecting the ancestral tie between the land and the First Peoples.” we are affirming that they are the traditional owners and custodians of the land.

9 UCA & same-gender Marriage
The 15th Assembly of the Uniting Church has agreed to hold two equal and distinct views on marriage to honour the diversity of Christian belief among its members - resolving to allow its ministers the freedom to conduct or to refuse to conduct same- gender marriages.

10 UCA & same-gender Marriage
“The Uniting Church in Australia did indeed make decisions that will allow ministers to conduct same-sex marriages. But it also reinforced the rights of ministers and congregations who remain committed to the traditional understanding of marriage as exclusively between a man and a woman.” Rev. Prof. Andrew Dutney

11 Is the Uniting Church just doing it’s usual “we won’t make a decision but let congregations decide”?

12 UCA & same-gender Marriage
“No minister will have to conduct same-sex marriages if it conflicts with their beliefs. No congregation will have to make its property available for same-sex weddings if they don’t believe gay marriage is valid for Christians. And in the same way, a minister or congregation can conduct same-sex marriages if it sits comfortably with their beliefs.” Rev. Prof. Andrew Dutney

13 UCA & same-gender Marriage
The Uniting Church 15th Assembly affirmed both views of marriage. The UCA now has TWO statements on marriage which they see as equal, and both biblically and theologically valid.

14 But … how can the UCA have two mutually exclusive views on marriage
But … how can the UCA have two mutually exclusive views on marriage? Is that even possible?

15 The 1977 Union of the Uniting Church
Congregational Uniting Presbyterian Methodist

16 Uniting The Uniting Church We are a church of diversity … different people from different backgrounds and with different ways of interpreting the bible and different beliefs and theologies … and yet we somehow God has successfully brought us together to work on God’s mission and ministry.

17 Ephesians 2:1-21 The early church was a diverse church - Jewish, Gentile etc – and yet they all had faith in JESUS v11-12 “To C or not to C” debate. Paul  Focus on the more important thing, JESUS v8-9. We are not saved through works (or what we believe) but faith in JESUS Through our faith in JESUS, God has brought us together (v14) so we can do the ministry and mission that he has prepared for us to do (v12). We are God’s family - JESUS is our cornerstone.

18 Ephesians 2:1-21 – IT IS ALL ABOUT JESUS
The early church was a diverse church - Jewish, Gentile etc – and yet they all had faith in JESUS v11-12 “To C or not to C” debate. Paul  Focus on the more important thing, JESUS v8-9. We are not saved through works (or what we believe) but faith in JESUS Through our faith in JESUS, God has brought us together (v14) so we can do the ministry and mission that he has prepared for us to do (v12). We are God’s family - JESUS is our cornerstone.

19 What does this all mean for us at TUC?
When we talk about marriage equality – we will not all agree – so please be respectful, loving and gracious. Church Council at its next meeting will explore a way forward. (If you want your voice to be held, talk to Phil or a member of Church Council)

20 The issue of marriage equality is important BUT we must not let it distract us from what is most important – JESUS and working together on God’s mission and ministry at Turramurra.

21 The issue of marriage equality is important BUT we must not let it distract us from what is most important – JESUS and working together on God’s mission and ministry at Turramurra.

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