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Roles of Banda Sea to air-sea interaction over Indonesia, the existing oceanographic measurements and future plans of oceanographic observatories in the.

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Presentation on theme: "Roles of Banda Sea to air-sea interaction over Indonesia, the existing oceanographic measurements and future plans of oceanographic observatories in the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Roles of Banda Sea to air-sea interaction over Indonesia, the existing oceanographic measurements and future plans of oceanographic observatories in the sea Gerry Giliant Salamena, B.Sc (Hons), M.Sc Division of Physical Oceanography LIPI’s Centre for Deep Sea Research

2 ITCZ (monsoon activities) and SST variability
August August February February (Qu et al., 2005) Monthly climatology QuickSCAT

3 Consequences of seasonal variability in Indonesian Archipelago: Coastal upwelling
January August (chlorophyll-a data from Ocean Color, )

4 Characteristic of Coastal upwelling in Indonesian waters: Significance of Banda Sea Upwelling System
(Gordon & Susanto, 2005) August Ekman pumping: up to 2.5 Sv average upwelling velocity = 2.36e-6 m/s

5 Tropical depression over Banda Sea
2011–12 Australian region cyclone season (1 November May 2012) Source: Bureau of Meteorology, Australia

6 Tropical depression over Banda Sea
7-14 May 2012 (Qu et al., 2005)

7 Global oceanic inflow into Indonesian waters: Indonesian Through Flow (ITF)
Characteristics: Found around m (Ffield & Gordon, 1992) Salinity maximum (c.a. 35 ‰, Ffield & Gordon, 1992; Gordon, 2005) and cooler (9oC, Gordon et al., 2003) The flow is determined by ENSO: strong flows during La Nina due to significant pressure gradient (sea level difference) between Western Pacific Ocean and Eastern Indian Ocean (Gordon, 2005; Wyrtki, 1987) Banda Sea prevails as a isolated topographic bowl to trap the sea water mass of ITF with the residence time up to 10 years (Postma & Mook 1988) (Gordon, 2005)

8 ITF-Banda Sea’s divergent (convergent) relationship
(Gordon & Susanto, 2005) (Ffield & Gordon, 1992) (Gentili, 1972

9 ITF-driven climatic patterns over Indonesian Archipelago
According to Sprintall et al. (2014): “During transit through the Indonesian seas, temperature and salinity stratified water from the Pacific is mixed and modified by strong air–sea fluxes, monsoonal wind-induced upwelling and extremely large tidal forces” On the other hand, the mixing also modulates air-sea interaction, atmospheric convection and the monsoonal response; ITF mixing with the Indonesian sea via monsoonal wind-induced upwelling cools SST by ~0.5 oC and rises ocean heat uptake by ~ 20 W/m2 (i.e. change of precipitation) and reduces deep convection by approximately 20%

10 The Roles of Banda Sea

11 Impacts from the ocean and atmospheric dynamics in Banda Sea
Dynamics of sea-air interaction in Banda Sea with the involvement of ITF: The Rainfall pattern over Banda Sea is sensitively associated with the vertical diffusion of the Banda Sea Tropical depression activities Coastal hazards for small islands around Banda Sea Decrease of atmospheric pressure in Banda Sea during upwelling can increase height of sea level conducting extreme coastal waves. ENSO teleconnection to monsoon (ITCZ variability) due to climate change could play a significant role to the magnitude of Banda Sea’ upwelling which increases the sea level

12 The Absence of an adequate ocean observing system in Indonesian waters

13 The Absence of an adequate ocean observing system in Indonesian waters

14 The existing oceanographic measurement: Oceanographic Cruises
(Gordon, 2005)

15 LIPI’s Centre for Deep Sea Research

16 Required ocean observing system: time-series measurement

17 Planned ocean observing system for upwelling

18 Planned ocean observing system for upwelling
(Gordon & Susanto, 2005) (Gordon & Susanto, 2005)

19 References Ffield, A., & Gordon, A. L. (1992). Vertical mixing in the Indonesian thermocline. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 22(2), Gentilli, J. (1972). Thermal anomalies in the eastern Indian Ocean. Nature,238(84), Gordon, A. L. (2005). the Indonesian Seas and its throughflows. Oceanography, 18(4), 14. Gordon, A. L., & Susanto, R. D. (2001). Banda Sea surface-layer divergence.Ocean Dynamics, 52(1), Gordon, A. L., Susanto, R. D., & Vranes, K. (2003). Cool Indonesian throughflow as a consequence of restricted surface layer flow. Nature,425(6960), Jochum, M., & Potemra, J. (2008). Sensitivity of tropical rainfall to Banda Sea diffusivity in the Community Climate System Model. Journal of Climate, 21(23), Postma, H., and W.G. Mook. (1988). The transport of water through the east Indonesian deep sea water. Netherlands Journal of Sea Research 22:373–381 Qu, T., Du, Y., Strachan, J., Meyers, G., Slingo, J., (2005). Sea surface temperature and its variability. Oceanography 18, 50. Sprintall, J., Gordon, A.L., Koch-Larrouy, A., Lee, T., Potemra, J.T., Pujiana, K., Wijffels, S.E., The Indonesian seas and their role in the coupled ocean-climate system. Nature Geosci 7, Wyrtki, K. (1987). Indonesian throughflow and the associated pressure gradient.J. Geophys. Res, 92(12),

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