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Data Pipeline Town Hall May 12th, 2016
The goal of the webinar is to provide updates on the Data Pipeline and current and upcoming collections. These webinars also provide a forum for districts, BOCES, and Administrative Units to have questions answered about Data Pipeline. We will begin the webinar shortly Dial in number is Data Pipeline support is
Webinar Etiquette Mute Your Phone (*# Mutes and Un-mutes Individual Phones); many phones have a mute button on them. If you receive a call and need to pick up, please disconnect from the webinar. Otherwise, all town hall participants hear your hold music! We will hold the Q&A session at the end of the presentation: Type it in the Chat Box for a response OR Raise Your Hand: A presenter will call your name After your name is called, un-mute your phone and speak your question/comment Please be respectful of others time; we may need to have a separate conversation later to best help you 2
Important Reminder Lists are generated from IdM groups
LEAs are responsible for maintaining the groups Please be sure to update accounts for changes including no longer at your LEA, change of , names, adding phone numbers. Thank you 3
Importance of Data Privacy
12/1/2018 Importance of Data Privacy Federal and state laws govern data privacy, confidentiality and security and require CDE to collect data that may include personally identifiable information (PII). Name, address, personal identifier Other indirect identifiers (e.g., date or place of birth) Information that, alone or in combination, is linked or linkable to a specific student that would allow a reasonable person in the school community, who does not have personal knowledge of the relevant circumstances, to identify the student with reasonable certainty. (§ 99.3) 4
How to Share Data Check local policies for restrictions
Use secure-file transfer protocols Call CDE with questions about how to transmit PII securely Do not send PII over or fax Do not use PII in trainings Do not share PII with unauthorized individuals Do not share passwords For more information 5
Today’s Agenda Open Collections in Data Pipeline READ Collection
Student End of Year McKinney-Vento Data Collection Student Interchange Student October Identity Management Directory School Discipline and Attendance (SDA) Special Education End of Year Student Biographical Data
Introductions 7
Open Collections in Data Pipeline
Open Data Pipeline Collections
Year Round Directory 4 Day School Week (Closes May 13th) School Code Changes (Closes June 30th) RITS EDIS Periodic 9
Open Data Pipeline Collections
12/1/2018 Open Data Pipeline Collections Snapshots Student End of Year Teacher Student Data Link READ Special Education Discipline Special Education End of Year Coming Soon School Discipline and Attendance (May 9th) 10
Questions? Phones will be unmuted for a moment and questions can be asked. If you prefer type in your questions in the chat box. 11
READ Collection 12
READ Defects/Tips/Hints
At this time, districts should have completed or are currently working on: Creating and submitting beginning READ file to ensure correct file layout Resolving errors RD120 has new logic (click here to view the Business Rules) READ Score must be if READ Test = ISIP (Istation) 2 READ - Whitney Westgaard -
2016 READ Legislative Report
12/1/2018 2016 READ Legislative Report The 2016 annual report on implementation of the Colorado READ Act includes: Reduction of significant reading deficiencies statewide Trends across demographic groups Distribution of per-pupil funds Statewide professional development Early Literacy Grant program Early Literacy Assessment Tool project Full report can be found: 2 READ - Whitney Westgaard -
Highlights from READ Report
12/1/2018 Highlights from READ Report In spring 2015, 13.8% (36,420) of K-3 students were identified as having an SRD, representing a decrease of .6% (1,086) from spring 2014 2.7% Reduction from 2013 baseline Distribution of Per-Pupil Intervention Funds Approximately $33 million was distributed in per-pupil intervention funds which equate $ per student with an SRD. A reduction of 2.7% (6,059) from the first year of implementation in 2013 A list of districts and distribution amounts is included in Appendix A of the report. 2 READ - Whitney Westgaard -
Highlights from the READ Report
12/1/2018 Highlights from the READ Report Intervention Services and Summer School were reported as the most frequent use of per-pupil intervention funds Usage of Per-Pupil Intervention Funds Full Day Kindergarten Summer Literacy Program Tutoring Services Intervention Services 5% 11% 10% 75% The department allocates the per-pupil intervention funds to LEAs by dividing the amount of moneys available by the total number of students enrolled in kindergarten through third grade in public schools identified as having a significant reading deficiency. LEAs may use the per-pupil intervention funds to provide full-day kindergarten, operate a summer school literacy program, purchase tutoring services, and/or provide other targeted, scientifically- or evidence-based intervention services as allowed in statute. 2 READ - Whitney Westgaard -
Highlights from READ Report
12/1/2018 Highlights from READ Report The most widely adopted interim assessment by districts was DIBELS Next (48%). The second most widely adopted was DRA2 (27%) FAST, Istation and DIBELS 6th edition are not included on this report because those assessments were only selected by 5 districts PLEASE NOTE DRA2 and Dibels 6th edition will be removed after this year’s collection 2 READ - Whitney Westgaard -
12/1/2018 READ Resources READ resources can be found at: Data collection timeline Data Elements File layout (no change) Business Rules (updated 5/4/16) Webinar trainings (recorded webinar from 3/31) Additional resources – Frequently Asked Questions and Assessment Cut Scores 2 READ - Whitney Westgaard -
Student End of Year 19
12/1/2018 End of Year Schedule The snapshot is open and districts should be working to upload student interchange files and create snapshots Errors on the interchange level? Please see for more information Errors on the snapshot level? Please see for more information Create an Initial Snapshot by Thursday, June 2nd Student End of Year — Duncan Anderson — 20 Student End of Year — Duncan Anderson —
New Warnings for 2015-16 SE700s warnings in Phase 1 of the Collection
These warnings allow districts to address Cross LEA errors early as records are initially submitted. SE701-SE711 warnings correspond to the SE801-SE811in the Cross LEA process The complete list of the warnings will not be available until all districts have completed their initial submission in September 21
12/1/2018 End of Year Changes If you are new and would appreciate a more detailed walkthrough of the EOY process, please contact Duncan to schedule an introductory training. — (303) Student End of Year — Duncan Anderson — 22 Student End of Year — Duncan Anderson —
Questions? Phones will be unmuted for a moment and questions can be asked. If you prefer type in your questions in the chat box. 23
McKinney-Vento Data Collection
Data Collection Information
Students who are eligible for the McKinney-Vento Education of Homeless Children and Youth program lack a primary nighttime residence that is fixed, regular and adequate. All districts must appoint a homeless education liaison to identify “McKinney-Vento” students. A statewide list of McKinney-Vento Liaisons by district can be found at: Once identified, McKinney-Vento students have educational rights that are federally mandated. Additionally, districts are required provide an accurate count of McKinney-Vento students in data reports submitted to CDE. For the year of end count, the data must represent the accumulative total of McKinney-Vento students identified across the full school year (this is not a point in time count). CDE then submits these numbers to the U.S. Department of Education. 25
Data Collection Issues
12/1/2018 Data Collection Issues Currently, the year end cumulative numbers submitted by district McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Liaisons to CDE through the McKinney-Vento office and the cumulative numbers submitted by district data representatives for the Student End of Year vary greatly, causing concern as these numbers should match. Why do you think these numbers differ? Do you verify the McKinney-Vento student numbers with your district’s Homeless Education Liaison to ensure accuracy? What are ways we can ensure increased accuracy in this mandated reporting category? 26
Student Interchange 27
Changes for EDAC approved further changes to the Student Interchange files file layouts at: DEM Changes: GED changed to HSED REMOVED: Student Address, Telephone, and Refugee Field New Code: Post Secondary Enrollment: Carry Forward ASCENT (9) 28
Changes for 2016-2017 2016-2017 file layouts at: SSA Changes
SSA Changes NEW: Funding code 64 NEW: Gifted Fields (14 dummy categories) REMOVED: Colorado Continuously Enrolled REMOVED: Date Most Recently Enrolled in U.S. NEW: Date First Enrolled in U.S. 29
Changes for 2016-2017 New Funding Code:
64 – Full-Time Preschool, CPP and Special Education Combination of one PK Special Education slot (84) and a part-time CPP slot (83) Students must qualify for both CPP and Special Education 30
Student October 31
2016-2017 October Schedule Official Count Day Changed:
Tuesday October 4th Wednesday October 5th Timeline is posted on website: 32
2016-2017 October Schedule Free and Reduced Lunch – Variance Waiver
Free and Reduced Lunch should be as of the Count Day or carried forward from prior year. Carry forward can be used if the Count Day is within the first 30 school days For if the Count Day is not within the first 30 school days districts may request a Variance Waiver to use carry forward status Variance waiver is for At-Risk calculation and not the child nutrition program 33
2016-2017 October Schedule Free and Reduced Lunch – Variance Waiver
Written requests for Variance Waiver required: Submitted to Jennifer Okes, School Finance Director Addressed to Commissioner of Education Deadline for Submission is September 15, 2016 Please make sure Pupil Count Coordinator and Nutrition Director are informed of the request and/or approval of Variance Waiver. 34
Identity Management 35
Identity Management Upgrade
CDE is extending the final cut over date to two weeks beyond the implementation and testing of the final release Final release will address the following issues: District – AU LAM user role assignment Bulk load for disabling users LEA’s can continue to use both the legacy system through that date Final Cut-over date will be made public through direct to UM’s / LAM’s and DP Town Hall. All users and roles continue to be migrated from 10g to 11g Questions and Answer sessions continuing through May No meeting next week as the new release is not ready Don’t wait for the meeting, report any issues right away 36
Identity Management Upgrade
Meeting Information: The URL: Conference Bridge (No meeting on May 17th – Reminder will go out on Monday) CDE still plans to create a separate user report to allow LAM’s to sort and or use the report for multiple purposes Questions or concerns about the rollout? 37
Directory 38
Directory 4 Day School Week Application
12/1/2018 Directory 4 Day School Week Application Final Notice - Last days to submit your application. Collection closes May 13th 2016. REQUIRED Application must be submitted each year! School districts operating a school on four-day school week (less than 160 scheduled days per school year) are required to submit a request for approval. Only for schools that include grades 1-12. Application guide available at: 39
Directory If you have questions contact Dennis St. Hilaire at or at Phones will be unmuted for a moment and questions can be asked. If you prefer type in your questions in the chat box. 40
School Discipline and Attendance
(SDA) 41
Timeline Monday, May 9th – Collection Open
Friday, June 10th – Upload at least 1 file and update ‘No Reportable Incidents’ tab Thursday, June 16th – All applicable files uploaded Thursday, June 23rd – All applicable files are error free Thursday, June 30th – All files are finalized Bold – required Italicized – goals School Discipline and Attendance — Annette Severson—
Current Status No Reportable Incidents tab now fully functioning:
Enter timeframe for reporting marijuana, sexual assault, and rape incidents. If these fields are left blank, full year will be default. Update school status for Disciplinary Incidents and Firearm Incidents. Approvals cannot be completed yet: please upload files, correct errors and review reports only SDA – Annette Severson –
Trainings Dates & Times:
12/1/2018 Trainings Dates & Times: Thursday, April 28th from 3 to 4 pm Wednesday, May 4th from 12 to 1 pm Monday, May 9th from 2 to 3 pm Tuesday, May 17th from 11 to 12 (noon) URL Link: Phone: All Trainings will be identical No registration is needed School Discipline and Attendance — Annette Severson—
Questions? Contact Annette Severson at for assistance Phones will be unmuted for a moment and questions can be asked. If you prefer type in your questions in the chat box. School Discipline and Attendance — Annette Severson—
Special Education End of Year
Special Education EOY - Updates
Snapshot is open! snapshots can be created at any time and as many times as needed however, records with errors at the interchange level will not pull into your level 2 snapshot validations. Enrich issue – Compliance Check “IEP Start date within 90 days of Consent for initial Evaluation ended” - delay reason required. This delay reason isn’t necessary and will cause errors on your Pipeline file. Enrich is aware of the issue (since yesterday). Will keep you posted on the fix. Error SY112 – age calc cutoff was adjusted from 2 years 9 months to 2 years 6 months. Error should trigger if child was < 2 years 6 months as of 12/1 and disability is 11(and neither unless clause is met). Change was moved to PROD on Tuesday evening 4/3. Special Education EOY Collection Summary document posted under: Snapshots/Special Education EOY- Additional Resources
Special Education EOY: Training Webinars
Training Webinars (office hours): Tuesday May 17 2:15 – 4:00 Tuesday May :00 – 11:30 Webinar focus will be examples and coding scenarios so please bring any questions you have Content slides will be sent via to read through beforehand Adobe Connect web address: Call-in number: 48
Special Education EOY: Questions?
Special Education EOY contact information Lindsey Heitman – (Main point of contact) Kristi Gleason – Orla Bolger – *Please remember to include your AU #, Error code #, and phone number if possible. Thanks. 49
Collection Calendar 50
Collection Calendar 2016-17 Collection Calendar is now available
Student Biographical Data
Future SBD Dates SBD for CMAS (includes PARCC) SBD for ACT SBD for DLM
Tuesday, May 31st, 2016 to Thursday, June 9th, 2016 SBD for ACT Monday, June 13th, 2016 to Monday, June 20th, 2016 SBD for DLM Monday, June 20th, 2016 to Monday, June 27th, 2016 SBD for PSAT Wednesday, July 6th, 2016 to Friday, July 15th, 2016 Collect invalidation information early – Planning to have districts submit invalidation info to CDE to avoid interruptions to planned leave
To be determined – After June 30th, 2016 To be determined – Collect data ahead of SBD window Collect data for SBD now while easily remembered CMAS/PARCC invalidations applied on ‘Student Participated’ field: Not tested codes If a student does not test and no code is reported, will default to ‘Absent’ Void codes ONLY void scores or CDE reporting, won’t go back to College Board 54 Melissa Mincic
Assessment Unit ‘Trainings’ Website
12/1/2018 Assessment Unit ‘Trainings’ Website ‘Data Trainings’ SBD Manual SBD Review Webinar (PPT) SBD Review Webinar (Recording) CDE’s Data Pipeline system is used for SBD reviews. General information about the SBD collections can be found using the navigation menu on the main data pipeline webpage. The link to the main data pipeline webpage is provided at the top of this slide. Links for Assessment collection websites are under the Periodic Collections on the left side of the main page. 55
Assessment Unit Data Pipeline Manual for SBD
Link to the Assessment Unit Data Pipeline Manual for SBD Links to SBD webinar trainings PPT slides: Recording: 56
Contact Information Suggestions or Questions? Different members of the assessment data team are responsible for each SBD collection. If you have questions about a collection for a specific assessment, please contact the Assessment Unit staff member responsible for that collection. For general questions about SBDs, please contact Melissa Mincic or Jasmine Carey You can also call the general phone number for the Assessment Unit at , and Margo will direct you to the person who can best answer your question.
Questions? Phones will be unmuted for a moment and questions can be asked. If you prefer type in your questions in the chat box. 58
12/1/2018 Coming Soon! Privacy trainings offered through the U.S. Department of Education’s Privacy Technical Assistance Center (PTAC). Details forthcoming…. Possible passage of HB 1423 concerning data privacy. Bill introduced on March 30th Has passed both the House and the Senate Gen 59
PTAC Trainings May 25th, 2016 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM
12/1/2018 PTAC Trainings May 25th, 2016 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Pikes Peak BOCES - Large Conference Room (Upstairs) 2883 S. Circle Dr. Colorado Springs, CO 80906 May 26th, 2016 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM JeffCo School District- Boardroom 1829 Denver West Drive, Bldg. 27 Golden, CO 80401 Gen 60
12/1/2018 PTAC Trainings Agenda FERPA 101: Understanding the Basics of Protecting Student Privacy Colorado Data Privacy Laws and the New Data Privacy Bill You just downloaded a lawsuit! Working with Online Service Providers and Apps Colorado-Specific App and Online Service Providers Requirements and Best Practices Lunch on your own Dude, where’s my Data? Data Breach Response Training What are you doing with my child’s data? Developing district privacy, communication & transparency programs Colorado-Specific Transparency Requirements and Best Practices Questions Gen 61
Thanks for joining us today!
Next Town Hall: Thursday, May 19th, a.m.-10 a.m. 62
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