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Inspiring the Vote: A Simulation Election

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Presentation on theme: "Inspiring the Vote: A Simulation Election"— Presentation transcript:

1 Inspiring the Vote: A Simulation Election
Preliminary Results November 27, 2018

2 3019 Total Responses

3 Q3: Will you be 18 and eligible to vote by November 2016?
Answered: 2, Skipped: 30

4 Q3: Will you be 18 and eligible to vote by November 2016?
Answered: 2, Skipped: 30

5 Q4: What is your gender? Answered: 3, Skipped: 19

6 Q4: What is your gender? Answered: 3, Skipped: 19

7 Q6: Which race/ethnicity best describes you? (Please choose only one.)
Answered: 3, Skipped: 18

8 Q6: Which race/ethnicity best describes you? (Please choose only one.)
Answered: 3, Skipped: 18

9 Q7: Where would you place yourself on this Liberal-Conservative scale?
Answered: 2, Skipped: 46

10 Q7: Where would you place yourself on this Liberal-Conservative scale?
Answered: 2, Skipped: 46

11 Q8: Generally speaking, do you usually think of yourself as a Republican, a Democrat, an Independent, or other? Answered: 2, Skipped: 36

12 Q8: Generally speaking, do you usually think of yourself as a Republican, a Democrat, an Independent, or other? Answered: 2, Skipped: 36

13 Q9: Do you think there are any important differences in what the Republicans and Democrats stand for? Answered: 2, Skipped: 34

14 Q9: Do you think there are any important differences in what the Republicans and Democrats stand for? Answered: 2, Skipped: 34

15 Q10: Which factors are a positive influence that get you more interested or engaged in what’s happening in politics? Answered: 3, Skipped: 17

16 Q10: Which factors are a positive influence that get you more interested or engaged in what’s happening in politics? Answered: 3, Skipped: 17

17 Q11: Use the following scale to rate how much this issue has or might impact you personally:
Answered: 2, Skipped: 24

18 Q11: Use the following scale to rate how much this issue has or might impact you personally:
Answered: 2, Skipped: 24

19 Q12: Please click any of the activities you have or will participate in during the Presidential Campaign: Answered: 2, Skipped: 172

20 Q12: Please click any of the activities you have or will participate in during the Presidential Campaign: Answered: 2, Skipped: 172

21 Q13: Which qualities are most important in a president?
Answered: 2, Skipped: 37

22 Q13: Which qualities are most important in a president?
Answered: 2, Skipped: 37

23 Q14: Which Democratic candidate(s) would you be willing to support for president?
Answered: 2, Skipped: 37

24 Q14: Which Democratic candidate(s) would you be willing to support for president?
Answered: 2, Skipped: 37

25 Q15: Which Republican candidate(s) would you be willing to support for president?
Answered: 2, Skipped: 44

26 Q15: Which Republican candidate(s) would you be willing to support for president?
Answered: 2, Skipped: 44

27 Q16: If the candidate you support were elected as the next president (2017—2021), how much progress do you think s/he will be able to achieve toward the future you want in relation to: Answered: 2, Skipped: 26

28 Q16: If the candidate you support were elected as the next president (2017—2021), how much progress do you think s/he will be able to achieve toward the future you want in relation to: Answered: 2, Skipped: 26

29 Q17: Which of these statements best matches your feeling about voting now or in the future?
Answered: 2, Skipped: 28

30 Q17: Which of these statements best matches your feeling about voting now or in the future?
Answered: 2, Skipped: 28

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