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Perspectives in Psychology

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1 Perspectives in Psychology
Biological: Neuroscience – How does brain anatomy and brain chemistry influence thoughts and behavior? Biological: Behavior genetics – What role do genes play in behavior? Evolutionary – How do behaviors aid in survival and reproduction? Behavioral – How do we learn overt behaviors? Cognitive – How do we think about information for memory and problem solving? Social-cultural – How does our culture affect us? Psychodynamic – how does our unconscious affect us; often relates to sex and parenting.

2 Pop Quiz!!! A. Psychodynamic B. Cognitive C. Behavioral D. Biological E. Socio-cultural F. Evolutionary I study the relationship between people and work, and more specifically, how to increase productivity. I believe that by changing environmental factors, increasing the use of rewards and praise for correct behavior, and providing corrective feedback, workers’ over behavior can be changed. I study how people of all ages learn, and I develop instructional methods and materials to help the learning process. In particular, I stress the roles played by thinking, problem-solving, memory, and mental imagery. C B

3 A. Psychodynamic. B. Cognitive C. Behavioral D. Biological. E
A. Psychodynamic B. Cognitive C. Behavioral D. Biological E. Socio-cultural F. Evolutionary E I often travel to different countries to research people’s attitudes and group relations. My research tends to show that many behavioral patterns—for instance, the amount of personal space people require to feel comfortable—vary from one country to another. I believe that unconscious conflicts, early childhood experiences and repressed sexual and aggressive feelings make us who we are, and I use this point of view in my work on individual differences and in trying to determine which characteristics make each of us unique. Psychological processes that have helped individuals adapt to their environment have also helped them to survive, reproduce, and pass those abilities to their offspring. I adopt this point of view in my investigations of interpersonal attractions, prejudice, and aggression. A F

4 A. Psychodynamic. B. Cognitive C. Behavioral. D. Biological. E
A. Psychodynamic B. Cognitive C. Behavioral D. Biological E. Socio-cultural F. Evolutionary My research keeps me in the lab most of the time, and I focus on the principles and conditions of learning and motivation. Recently, I have been investigating how quickly rats learn the layout of a maze as a function of either large or small amounts of reinforcement. I work mostly with people who suffer from mental disorders, and I believe that the main causes of mental illness are either genetic or due to some malfunction in the central nervous system or endocrine system. C D

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