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Social Stratification: Sex & Gender

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Presentation on theme: "Social Stratification: Sex & Gender"— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Stratification: Sex & Gender

2 Part ONE: Components of Sexual Identity

3 Component #1: Sex DEFINITION:
Biological/chromosomal distinctions that determine physical characteristics in males and females Sex chromosomes, sex organs, sex hormones & reproductive functions

4 Component # 2: Gender DEFINITION:
Culturally, socially & historically conditioned categories of identity Based primarily on cultural values

5 Component # 2: Gender Gender Identity:
Culturally conditioned sense of self One’s awareness of being masculine or feminine Gender Roles: Specific behaviors & attitudes expected of men and women, as established by society

6 Component # 2: Gender

7 Component # 2: Gender Cultural universals in regards to gender roles?
Are there only two genders? California’s DMV Manual – what’s wrong? Do we even notice? California’s 2006 DMV Manual

8 California’s DMV Manual – what’s wrong? Do we even notice?








16 Component #3: Sexuality
DEFINITION: A concept that includes an individual’s desires, behaviors, sexual identity, and orientation

17 Component #3: Sexuality
Sexual Orientation: Patterns of sexual attraction exhibited by an individual Continuum of sexual orientation, rather than sharp categories Heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, asexual


19 Part TWO: Social Stratification

20 How Widespread is sexism among females?
Sexism among females is somewhat widespread, as women work to gain rights and at the same time view men as being inferior in certain areas. I don’t think women are particularly sexist. Occasionally women will joke about the inferiority of men, or how hard it is to be a woman, but it’s not particularly widespread. Women think that all men are pigs & that they are much worse off than men…just because they have periods. I think that most women categorize men as pigs.

21 What is the most difficult thing about being a woman in today’s society?
I think the challenge of succeeding without a man is huge. Women are looked at more closely than men are. Everything is harder for women. I think the most difficult part of being a woman in today’s society is being taken seriously and getting respect – from everyone, not just men or other women alone. The hardest thing for women today is having to balance the sexist roles placed on them and the ambitions of their goals. One of the most difficult things about womanhood is being subject to society’s double standards. For instance, many media outlets preach that women ought to be more accepting of their body’s natural shape, yet the media continues to portray skinnier women as more beautiful. Pregnancy

22 What is the most difficult thing about being a man in today’s society?
A difficult aspect of being a man are the expectations of athleticism & success/wealth in American society. The most difficult thing about being a man is finding a job. The economy is bad right now, and the unemployment rate is 9.7%. In most families the father works and is often the sole provider for his family. The most difficult think about being a man is being blamed for discrimination.

23 Gender Inequity Sexism (Individual):
The belief that one sex is superior to the other Inherent biological differences create naturally different roles; these roles lead to the differential distribution of power, status & income

24 Gender Inequity Sexism (Institutional):
Policies, procedures & practices that produce unequal outcomes for men and women Examples: Education, politics, workplace, athletics, etc.







31 Fascinating Womanhood
Helen B. Andelin, 1965 Home Economics textbook for high school girls Excerpts

32 Fascinating Womanhood
Get your work done Prepare yourself Have dinner ready Clear away the clutter Prepare the children Minimize all noise

33 Fascinating Womanhood
Be happy to see him Make him comfortable Listen to him Make the evening his The goal Some don’ts


35 World Gender Inequity Annual Human Rights Report, 2006
EXAMPLES OF INEQUITY: Sex trade & forced labor (Ghana) Honor killings (Middle East & North Africa) Underage prostitution Sex-selective breeding Female circumcision State Department, 196 nations, 2006

36 This campaign uses the world's most popular search engine (Google) to show how gender inequality is a worldwide problem. The adverts show the results of genuine searches, highlighting popular opinions across the world wide web.” Each ad's fine print says "actual Google search on 09/03/13." While Google users in different countries are likely to get different results, a quick test shows that several of these suggested terms definitely come up in U.S. searches.


38 U.S. Gender Inequity EDUCATION:
Studies show young boys are called on more often in school and receive more of a teacher’s attention

39 U.S. Gender Inequity The “Glass Ceiling”
Idea that there is an invisible barrier that keeps woman from advancing to the top positions within a company

40 U.S. Gender Inequity The Glass Escalator:
Men who enter predominantly female occupations are disproportionately likely to be promoted to leadership positions

41 U.S. Gender Inequity Disparities in Pay:
For every dollar a man earns in the U.S., women earn 81 cents Women are over represented in higher education, but men are compensated more for the same education…

42 Disparities in Earnings Remain Significant


44 U.S. Gender Inequity Why? Type of work women do?
However…book editing/nursing… More likely to be caregivers to children/elderly parents

45 U.S. Gender Inequity The Second Shift
While women are now working in greater numbers, men are only doing slightly more housework

46 U.S. Gender Inequity Business:
Money from investors and loans for entrepreneurs and startups mostly goes from men to other men Only 7-15% go to women

47 U.S. Gender Inequity POLITICS & GOVERNMENT:
Though number of women in politics has increased, representation is still a problem WHY? Low “supply” of candidates Low “demand” for female candidates “Damned-if-you-do-or-don’t” standards




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