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Health Reform: The Many- Headed Dragon

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1 Health Reform: The Many- Headed Dragon
Pols 321 Lecture 6

2 Government Concerns cost control: concern with how much money is being spent on public services efficacy: concern with how the money is being spent coordination and integration: concern with fragmentation of administration and delivery citizen participation: concern with responsiveness and accountability

3 “Health as an Ailing System”
“corporate rationalizers” (Alford, 1975) “an attractive patient for the ministration of experts in cost-benefit analysis, programme budgeting, and other methodological niceties of the systems approach” (Hoos, 1972)

4 Why Regionalization ? appears to address the major problems now associated with health care: facilitates coordination and integration provides for greater responsiveness and accountability offers increased points of access for citizen participation allows for the prudent containment of costs

5 Why Regionalization? “Regionalization…not only will make the administration of health systems easier, but more constructively, will aid in the distribution of services to all regions on a more equitable basis…regionalization can also avoid duplication of services, promote coordination among specialist, and provide numerous points of access for consumer participation.” - Weller, 1977 -linked to the concepts of consumer participation and CHCs

6 Health Politics: Emerging Trend
“health care delivery includes the organization and management of health care as well as the physical provision of services.” - Raisa Deber, 2002 “These components are increasingly linked through the efforts of third party benefits plan sponsors and public health programs to more aggressively manage rapidly rising costs – and equally aggressive counter efforts by product manufacturers, suppliers and private insurers to expand their sales and markets. This makes for a lot of politics, politicking and political pressures.”- Wendy Armstrong

7 Population Health Recognized need to increase efforts to promote health and wellness So far only major initiative has related to children

8 Financing How, who, sustainability Privatization De-insure, de-list
User fees Contract out Private health insurance Public-private partnerships

9 Primary Care Reform Payment mechanisms Teams Gatekeeper role
Continuity of care Rostering 24/7 (access) Focus on wellness/promotion

10 Alberta Health and Wellness, 2005.

11 Pharmaceuticals Discussion of a national pharmacare program

12 Health Human Resources
Supply Reduce barriers by increased use of foreign-trained health providers, realignment of scopes of practice, consolidation of high risk procedures, AND national planning

13 Quality Assurance Needs for improved patient outcomes, clear performance measures/targets, public reporting and better information systems Agreement to 14 performance indicators

14 Governance/Accountability
Improved federal-provincial-territorial relations Public reporting New structures to support public reporting

15 Homecare A major theme nationally, but not provincially
Sustainable funding

16 “The first time I started to look at the Massachusetts General Hospital in the spring of 1969 I had the uneasy feeling there was too much flux, too much instability in the system. I felt a little like an interviewer who has come upon his subject at a bad time. Only later did I realize that there would never be a “good” time, and that change is a constant feature of the hospital environment.” - Michael Crichton, 1969

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