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Deep Dive into Adaptive Query Processing

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1 Deep Dive into Adaptive Query Processing
PASS SQLSATURDAY MANCHESTER 2018 Hugo Kornelis Deep Dive into Adaptive Query Processing @SQLSatMcr @ SQLSatMcr

2 Saturday Agenda Morning Break 09: :45 Break 10: :00 Lunch Sponsor sessions 12: :20 Lunch 12: :30 Afternoon Break : :45 Break : :00 Prize giving 17:00 Times can be found in the event booklet / Guidebook @SQLSatMcr

3 Updates & Amends Lighting Talks Current amends to the day
Paul Andrew - Cognitive Services Embedded in Azure Data Lake & U-SQL Hugo Kornelis - Managing Execution Plans Andrew Pruski - A real world implementation of SQL Server containers Alex Yates - "Reflections on a career of writing code... bring low expectations and a good sense of humour. Earplugs optional." Current amends to the day 4pm – 5pm : Theatre 4 : Steve Morgan (Microsoft) with "Dealing with SQL 2008 end of life & migration options to Azure" @SQLSatMcr @ SQLSatMcr

4 Lunch Sponsor Sessions
Overview of the IT Market & Emerging Recruitment Trends Ahsan Iqbal & Alex Taylor - Robert Walters in Theatre 1 Session 2 Simplifying SQL Server Data Protection - Protecting Microsoft SQL Server with Rubrik Tim Hynes - Rubrik in Theatre 1 Bricking It – A Lightning Tour of Azure Data Bricks Paul Andrew – Adatis in Theatre 2 @SQLSatMcr @ SQLSatMcr

5 Gold Sponsors @SQLSatMcr

6 Silver Sponsors @SQLSatMcr

7 Bronze Sponsors @SQLSatMcr

8 Thank you, Learn and Enjoy
If you have any queries, find a Helper (Green shirts) or Organiser (Yellow). Please be aware of your own and other peoples opinions around you. We support an open policy, and would love everyone to get on, but realise that doesn't always happen.  Please thank the Sponsors and visit them, we can not run it without their support. And the helpers, as they make your day happen. Thanks SQL Saturday Manchester Team (Shaun, Paul, Martin & Ian) @SQLSatMcr

9 Hugo Kornelis I make SQL Server Fast July 14, 2018 (c) Hugo Kornelis

10 Hugo Kornelis I make
Blog: Execution Plan Reference: Resources (planned) Deck and demo for this session will go there Check twitter for exact link Articles (planned) July 14, 2018 (c) Hugo Kornelis

11 Hugo Kornelis I make I do other community things
Technical editor for various books SQL Server Execution Plans, 3rd edition (“Real Soon Now”™) 11 years MVP (2006 – 2016, SQL Server/Data Platform) Lots of other things July 14, 2018 (c) Hugo Kornelis

12 Hugo Kornelis I make I do other community things
I work Independent database consultant Will do (almost) anything for money July 14, 2018 (c) Hugo Kornelis

13 Agenda Why? What? How? Future July 14, 2018 (c) Hugo Kornelis

14 Why? Steps in query processing Preprocessing Parse Syntax check
July 14, 2018 (c) Hugo Kornelis

15 Why? Steps in query processing Preprocessing Parse Bind
Verify object names Find actual data types July 14, 2018 (c) Hugo Kornelis

16 Why? Steps in query processing Preprocessing Parse Bind Optimize
Find “good enough” plan in “reasonable” time Very cpu intensive Result stored in plan cache, for future reuse July 14, 2018 (c) Hugo Kornelis

17 Why? Steps in query processing Preprocessing Execution
Plan executed exactly as prescribed No feedback loop if plan is unexpectedly slow This means that a “bad” plan stays in cache, for reuse July 14, 2018 (c) Hugo Kornelis

18 Why? Adaptive Query Processing
Introduced in Azure DB / SQL Server 2017 First (limited) attempt to add a feedback loop Database compatibility level: 140 More planned for future releases New functionality will probably be in Azure DB first July 14, 2018 (c) Hugo Kornelis

19 What? Adaptive Query Processing in SQL 2017
Batch Mode Memory Grant Feedback Interleaved Execution Batch Mode Adaptive Joins July 14, 2018 (c) Hugo Kornelis

20 Memory Grant Feedback What is a memory grant?
Memory allocated for query execution E.g. for Sort or Hash Match operators July 14, 2018 (c) Hugo Kornelis

21 Memory Grant Feedback What is a memory grant?
Memory allocated for query execution Computed during optimization Allocated when query execution starts Fixed throughout entire execution With some (very specific) exceptions July 14, 2018 (c) Hugo Kornelis

22 Memory Grant Feedback What is a memory grant?
Affect of too low memory grant Operators “spill” to tempdb Slower algorithms July 14, 2018 (c) Hugo Kornelis

23 Memory Grant Feedback What is a memory grant?
Affect of too low memory grant Operators “spill” to tempdb Warning signals: Extended Events: hash_warning / sort_warning Warnings in actual execution plan July 14, 2018 (c) Hugo Kornelis

24 Memory Grant Feedback What is a memory grant?
Affect of too low memory grant Affect of too high memory grant Queries have to wait for memory Warning signals High RESOURCE_SEMAPHORE waits Error 8645 sys.dm_exec_query_memory_grants July 14, 2018 (c) Hugo Kornelis

25 Memory Grant Feedback How does it work? Batch mode only
First time query runs Normal compilation + execution Spills and actual memory usage recorded July 14, 2018 (c) Hugo Kornelis

26 Memory Grant Feedback How does it work? Batch mode only
First time query runs Later executions Last execution used < 50%? Adjust memory grant down (1 MB minimum) Last execution spilled? Adjust memory grant up July 14, 2018 (c) Hugo Kornelis

27 Memory Grant Feedback How does it work? Batch mode only
First time query runs Later executions Queries with “random” memory usage pattern After few consecutive adjustments: increase threshold After several threshold increases: turn off completely July 14, 2018 (c) Hugo Kornelis

28 Memory Grant Feedback How does it work? Batch mode only
First time query runs Later executions Queries with “random” memory usage pattern Stored in plan cache All learnings forgotten when plan is recompiled July 14, 2018 (c) Hugo Kornelis

29 Memory Grant Feedback Scenarios
Memory grant based on estimates is wrong Grant will be correct after 1 or 2 executions Effect lost on recompile July 14, 2018 (c) Hugo Kornelis

30 Memory Grant Feedback Scenarios
Memory grant based on estimates is wrong Required memory evolves over time Grant correction even before statistics are updated Effect lost on recompile July 14, 2018 (c) Hugo Kornelis

31 Memory Grant Feedback Scenarios
Memory grant based on estimates is wrong Required memory evolves over time Required memory different every time Change based on last execution (usually) not helpful Feature will increase thresholds and eventually stop Effect lost on recompile July 14, 2018 (c) Hugo Kornelis

32 Memory Grant Feedback DEMO July 14, 2018 (c) Hugo Kornelis

33 Interleaved Execution
What is the problem with multi-statement table valued user-defined functions (MSTVFs)? Compilation needs an estimated rowcount Full compilation before execution Actual rowcount from MSTVF not known at compile time July 14, 2018 (c) Hugo Kornelis

34 Interleaved Execution
What is the problem with multi-statement table valued user-defined functions (MSTVFs)? Compilation needs an estimated rowcount Full compilation before execution Code units compiled separately Estimated rowcount from MSTVF not used for outer query July 14, 2018 (c) Hugo Kornelis

35 Interleaved Execution
What is the problem with multi-statement table valued user-defined functions (MSTVFs)? Compilation needs an estimated rowcount Full compilation before execution Code units compiled separately But we still need an estimated rowcount to compile! SQL Server 2005 – 2012: Estimate of 1 row SQL Server 2014 – 2016: Estimate of 100 rows SQL Server 2017+: Interleaved execution July 14, 2018 (c) Hugo Kornelis

36 Interleaved Execution
What is the problem with multi-statement table valued user-defined functions (MSTVFs)? Compilation needs an estimated rowcount Incorrect estimation results in bad (slow) plans Biggest risk: Incorrect join type Nested Loops: Ideal for one small and one cheap input MSTVF with “100” rows // index seek repeated for each row Merge Join or Hash Match: Ideal for bigger inputs MSTVF with “mucho” rows // single index scan July 14, 2018 (c) Hugo Kornelis

37 Interleaved Execution
What is the problem with multi-statement table valued user-defined functions (MSTVFs)? Compilation needs an estimated rowcount Incorrect estimation results in bad (slow) plans Biggest risk: Incorrect join type Other bad things can also happen July 14, 2018 (c) Hugo Kornelis

38 Interleaved Execution
What is the problem with multi-statement table valued user-defined functions (MSTVFs)? Compilation needs an estimated rowcount Incorrect estimation results in bad (slow) plans No easy fixes Fixed parameters (usually after FROM or JOIN) Execute MSTVF first, save result in temporary table Have main query join to temporary table instead of MSTVF July 14, 2018 (c) Hugo Kornelis

39 Interleaved Execution
What is the problem with multi-statement table valued user-defined functions (MSTVFs)? Compilation needs an estimated rowcount Incorrect estimation results in bad (slow) plans No easy fixes Fixed parameters (usually after FROM or JOIN) Parameters from other tables (requires APPLY or subquery) Rewrite as inline table-valued user-defined function Requires rewriting as a single statement Will also work when used after FROM / JOIN, with fixed parameters July 14, 2018 (c) Hugo Kornelis

40 Interleaved Execution
How does it work? Compiler recognizes interleaved execution candidates Requires MSTVF with fixed parameters Plan marked with ContainsInterleavedExecutionCandidates July 14, 2018 (c) Hugo Kornelis

41 Interleaved Execution
How does it work? Compiler recognizes interleaved execution candidates Compilation halted MSTVF is executed Corresponding operator marked: IsInterleavedExecuted July 14, 2018 (c) Hugo Kornelis

42 Interleaved Execution
How does it work? Compiler recognizes interleaved execution candidates Compilation halted Compilation continues Actual number of rows from MSTVF is now known Rest of plan optimized for this rowcount (When compiling for estimated plan, fall back to “100”) July 14, 2018 (c) Hugo Kornelis

43 Interleaved Execution
How does it work? Compiler recognizes interleaved execution candidates Compilation halted Compilation continues Rest of plan executes Plan gets stored in plan cache Future executions reuse, without interleaved execution Can still get bad plan if rowcount varies between executions July 14, 2018 (c) Hugo Kornelis

44 Interleaved Execution
Scenarios MSTVF with “fixed” parameters (after FROM or JOIN) Automatically fixed, without need for temporary table Can backfire when rowcount varies between executions Similar to parameter sniffing First execution: 27 rows: plan optimized for low rowcount Nested loops join Low memory grant July 14, 2018 (c) Hugo Kornelis

45 Interleaved Execution
Scenarios MSTVF with “fixed” parameters (after FROM or JOIN) Automatically fixed, without need for temporary table Can backfire when rowcount varies between executions Similar to parameter sniffing First execution: 27 rows: plan optimized for low rowcount Next execution: 7,934,402 rows: query very slow Millions of iterations in Nested Loops join Hash Match / Sort spill to tempdb July 14, 2018 (c) Hugo Kornelis

46 Interleaved Execution
Scenarios MSTVF with “fixed” parameters (after FROM or JOIN) Automatically fixed, without need for temporary table Can backfire when rowcount varies between executions Similar to parameter sniffing First execution: 27 rows: plan optimized for low rowcount Next execution: 7,934,402 rows: query very slow Can be hard to troubleshoot Just as every other parameter sniffing issue July 14, 2018 (c) Hugo Kornelis

47 Interleaved Execution
Scenarios MSTVF with “fixed” parameters (after FROM or JOIN) Automatically fixed, without need for temporary table Can backfire when rowcount varies between executions MSTVF with variable parameters (APPLY, subquery) Not a candidate for interleaved execution Unfortunately, this is the more common use case of TVFs July 14, 2018 (c) Hugo Kornelis

48 Interleaved Execution
DEMO July 14, 2018 (c) Hugo Kornelis

49 Adaptive Joins What algorithm is optimal for a join? Merge Join
Combines two sets that are sorted on the join column(s) Most cost effective join operator (if the relationship is one to many) May require additional sort operators If data not already in the required order Cost of sorting often exceeds saving of “cheap” join algorithm July 14, 2018 (c) Hugo Kornelis

50 Adaptive Joins What algorithm is optimal for a join? Merge Join
Nested Loops For each row in top input, reprocesses bottom input Efficient when Top input is small Bottom input is “cheap” (seeks and/or very small tables) Performance scales linearly with top input July 14, 2018 (c) Hugo Kornelis

51 Adaptive Joins What algorithm is optimal for a join? Merge Join
Nested Loops Hash Match Stores top input in memory “Hash table” – optimized for rest of algorithm Bottom input finds matches in memory Prefers small top input July 14, 2018 (c) Hugo Kornelis

52 Adaptive Joins What algorithm is optimal for a join? Merge Join
Nested Loops Hash Match Stores top input in memory Relatively expensive overall Large memory requirement High CPU usage July 14, 2018 (c) Hugo Kornelis

53 Adaptive Joins What algorithm is optimal for a join? Merge Join
Nested Loops Hash Match Stores top input in memory Relatively expensive overall Performance scales logarithmical with top input July 14, 2018 (c) Hugo Kornelis

54 Adaptive Joins Nested Loops vs Hash Match July 14, 2018
Source: July 14, 2018 (c) Hugo Kornelis

55 Adaptive Joins How do adaptive joins work? New execution plan operator
Only join operator with three inputs However, only two of them are ever used! New property: Adaptive Threshold Rows July 14, 2018 (c) Hugo Kornelis

56 Adaptive Joins How do adaptive joins work? New execution plan operator
First phase: Store top input in memory Exactly the same as a Hash Match Actual row count is known when done July 14, 2018 (c) Hugo Kornelis

57 Adaptive Joins How do adaptive joins work? New execution plan operator
First phase: Store top input in memory Second phase depends on row count When > threshold: continue as Hash Match Using second input Third input not used in this case July 14, 2018 (c) Hugo Kornelis

58 Adaptive Joins How do adaptive joins work? New execution plan operator
First phase: Store top input in memory Second phase depends on row count When > threshold: continue as Hash Match When < threshold: switch to Nested Loops Second input not used in this case Third input executed once per row in hash table July 14, 2018 (c) Hugo Kornelis

59 Adaptive Joins How do adaptive joins work? New execution plan operator
First phase: Store top input in memory Second phase depends on row count Batch mode only July 14, 2018 (c) Hugo Kornelis

60 Adaptive Joins Scenario Two plan options
With Nested Loops into an Index Seek Very efficient if actual row count is low Can spiral out of control if row count higher than estimate July 14, 2018 (c) Hugo Kornelis

61 Adaptive Joins Scenario Two plan options
With Nested Loops into an Index Seek With Hash Match into an Index Scan Scales much better Index Scan makes base cost quite high July 14, 2018 (c) Hugo Kornelis

62 Adaptive Joins Scenario Two Three plan options
With Nested Loops into an Index Seek With Hash Match into an Index Scan With Adaptive Join Slightly slower than Nested Loops for low rowcount Same performance as Hash Match for high rowcount July 14, 2018 (c) Hugo Kornelis

63 Adaptive Joins Limitations Only in batch mode
Same limitations as Nested Loops join Limited logical join types Inner Join Left Outer Join Left Semi Join Left Anti Semi Join July 14, 2018 (c) Hugo Kornelis

64 Adaptive Joins Limitations Only in batch mode
Same limitations as Nested Loops join Same limitations as Hash Match join Requires equality predicate Semi-blocking High memory requirement July 14, 2018 (c) Hugo Kornelis

65 Adaptive Joins DEMO July 14, 2018 (c) Hugo Kornelis

66 Future July 14, 2018 (c) Hugo Kornelis
Source: July 14, 2018 (c) Hugo Kornelis

67 Conclusion Memory Grant Feedback Interleaved Execution Adaptive Join
Future work July 14, 2018 (c) Hugo Kornelis

68 Twitter: @Hugo_Kornelis
T H E E N D Questions? July 14, 2018 (c) Hugo Kornelis

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