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2018 OSEP Project Directors’ Conference
OSEP Disclaimer 2018 OSEP Project Directors’ Conference DISCLAIMER: The contents of this presentation were developed by the presenters for the 2018 Project Directors’ Conference. However, these contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government. (Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1221e-3 and 3474)
Implementation Science in Action: Lessons learned from NTACT Intensive TA
Marcella Franczkowski and Christy Stuart, MD Deanne Unruh and David Test, NTACT
NTACT’s Purpose To assist State Education Agencies, Local Education Agencies, State VR agencies, and VR service providers to implement evidence-based and promising practices ensuring students with disabilities, including those with significant disabilities, graduate prepared for success in postsecondary education and employment.
NTACT Outcomes Increased access/participation in rigorous academic preparation so students are prepared for success in postsecondary education Increased access/participation in career-related curricula so students are prepared for post-secondary employment and careers 3
NTACT Outcomes Improved quality of secondary transition services
Increased use of data-driven decision making Increased knowledge/implementation of strategies, including early warning and intervention systems, to reduce drop out and increase graduation 4
Time-limited & Task specific
Levels of TA Universal Accessible to All Targeted Time-limited & Task specific Intensive 12 Selected States Accessible website Practical briefs & toolkits Access to self-directed online learning modules National CoPs Webinar for priority content areas eNewsletters General SSIP guidance Response to inquiries Support for SEA/VR review of data & development of strategic improvement plans Topical CoPs EBP LERN Online Coaching CBI and Targeted Regional Cadre Meetings Ask the Experts Webinars Support for use of EWIS, STEPSS, Planning Tool, and Quality Indicators-2 Data-driven selection of states with commitment of SEA and VR Sustained support for examination of data, analysis of policies, programs, and practices Recommended practices for integrated, inter-departmental service provision Coaching during exploration to installation with State and Local Initial implementation including evaluation to inform research and practice Transition Self-Studies 5
NTACT’s Intensive TA Process is Grounded in Implementation Science
What Procedures Promote Change?
Use of data for decision-making Having clearly defined outcome objectives Give priority to evidence-based practices Systems oriented Systems Data Practices Outcomes Source: Sugai, Horner, Fixen, & Blasé, 2010 7
Change Takes TIME! 8
Slide 9
NTACT Intensive States
Nevada New Hampshire North Dakota Oregon Republic of Marshall Islands West Virginia Alaska Arizona Arkansas Bureau of Indian Education Delaware Maryland
NTACT Intensive TA Process
Partnership Agreement Develop Core Leadership Team State Special Education staff State Vocational Rehabilitation staff Others as defined (e.g., DD services, CTE, PTI, Behavioral Health, Labor) Members may be added based on future actions 11
NTACT Intensive TA Process (cont)
Completion of Infrastructure Analyses Outcomes of this process include: Theory of Action Common Goal
NTACT Intensive TA (ITA) Process
Develop ITA logic model This drives the evaluation plan Organized by NTACT’s evaluation model Development of an Intensive Technical Assistance Plan
Intensive Technical Assistance (ITA) Plans include:
Short-term goals and activities (outputs) to achieve overall goal Identifying a district or set of districts to implement EBPP’s Build capacity of district to implement EBPP’s Evaluation measurement of outputs and outcomes
Maryland: NTACT Intensive TA
Intensive Technical Assistance, Year 2 [ ] Competitive selection criteria: readiness & sustainability MD-NTACT Core Leadership Team [CLT] Onsite visits, monthly phone calls & CLT at NTACT’s 10th Annual Capacity Building Institute Completed infrastructure analysis & developed Theory of Action & Logic Model Intensive Technical Assistance Plan (ITAP) for improving transition programs and services in Maryland Maryland Flow of Services 15
Theory of Action Example
Moving Maryland Forward
The Division of Special Education/Early Intervention Services STRATEGIC PLAN 17
Maryland’s Youth Transition System
State Dept Of Education/ 24 LEAs* (students with disabilities) Department of Labor, Licensing, and Regulation (DLLR) MHEC UM System Community College System Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA) Behavioral Health Administration (BHA Division Of Rehabilitation Services (DORS) Supports/Training/Employment Providers America’s Job Centers for training/employment Public & Private Colleges/ Universities Indicator 14 All youth with IEPs employed, engaged in postsecondary education or training one year post school 18
Maryland’s Priorities
Focus is on ALL students with disabilities Common Vision & Message Roles and Responsibilities Diverse partners (Coordination and Collaboration) 19
Anticipated Maryland Outcomes
Statewide blueprint to show ALL youth flow in and out of services after exiting school Common messaging (across state agencies) Resource allocation- blending and braiding 20
Maryland’s Accomplishments to Date
Secondary Transition “System”- collective agreement at table Branding representing all partners (expanding) Changes in MOU Development Professional Learning Opportunities Flow of Services 21
Maryland Flow of Services
Determining the gaps What’s missing/what’s needed? Who will be responsible for what, when? Resources aligned with current initiatives 22
Maryland Flow of Services
Student outcomes Student services Referral & eligibility Agency roles & responsibilities - MSDE - DORS - CTE - DLLR - DDA - MWBLC - IHE - OTHER... 23
Maryland Flow of Services Draft
Maryland Partners Department of Education Department of Disabilities
Division of Special Education and Early Intervention Services Division of Rehabilitation Services Department of Disabilities Department of Labor, License and Regulations Department of Health Developmental Disabilities Administration Behavioral Health Administration Higher Education Career and Technology Education Parent Training and Information Center 25
Another NTACT ITA example
Youtube link TBD
Discussion Questions How is implementation science embedded into other TA Center’s or State Personnel Development Grant work? Are there suggestions for how NTACT can improve our process of providing Intensive Technical Assistance? What lessons learned did you gain from this information today?
Contact Info Maryland: Marcella Franczkowski: Christy Stuart: NTACT: David Test: Deanne Unruh:
2018 OSEP Project Directors’ Conference
OSEP Disclaimer 2018 OSEP Project Directors’ Conference DISCLAIMER: The contents of this presentation were developed by the presenters for the 2018 Project Directors’ Conference. However, these contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government. (Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1221e-3 and 3474)
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