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Industrial Revolution Vocab Review

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1 Industrial Revolution Vocab Review

2 Eli Whitney began a practice of making parts that can be used in place of one another in the production of goods. These are known as ______________ _____. Interchangeable Parts

3 An overcrowded apartment building in a city is known as a ___________

4 In factories, people would work on one specific part of a finished good and then pass it down to the next person to do their part. This system was known as the ________ ______. (Hint: Think of your chain links!) Assembly Line

5 The system of economics where people can own their own businesses and compete with others to earn revenue. Capitalism

6 Money used to buy the necessary materials to produce goods is known as ___________

7 People who use their own money to buy raw materials and run businesses

8 A business that is chartered by the government is known as a _____________.

9 A __________ is when a person decides not to go to work until they get what they want.

10 Raw materials that are taken from nature to produce goods are also known as ________ ___________.
Natural Resources

11 A ______ ________ is a group with the same job that meets together to find ways improve their working conditions. Labor Union

12 During this time, some art and literature was created to reflect how real life was during this time. This type of art/literature is known as __________. Realism

13 During this time, other art and literature tried to people from real life. These works were created to appeal to emotion rather than reason. Romanticism

14 The move of people from the countryside caused a growth in cities
The move of people from the countryside caused a growth in cities. This movement and growth is known as _____________. Urbanization

15 What does the stem means hand?

16 What stem means to do or to make?

17 What stem means together?

18 What stem means city? urb

19 What stem means between?

20 What stem means belief in?

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