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Plan of the talk Unofficial common ground accounts (Stokke, 2013; Eckardt, 2014) Metafictive statements Workspace account Bald-faced lies.

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3 Plan of the talk Unofficial common ground accounts (Stokke, 2013; Eckardt, 2014) Metafictive statements Workspace account Bald-faced lies

4 Unofficial common ground
Harry Potter Official C Unofficial C LOTR Sherlock Holmes C = <C0, C1, … , Cn> Unofficial common ground – Metafictive statements – Workspace account – Bald-faced lies

5 Unofficial common ground
Harry Potter Official C Unofficial C LOTR Sherlock Holmes Assertions (lies): C +A p = <C0*p, C1, … ,Cn> ? C0∪{p} Unofficial common ground – Metafictive statements – Workspace account – Bald-faced lies

6 Unofficial common ground
Pride and Prejudice Unofficial common ground Harry Potter Official C Unofficial C LOTR Sherlock Holmes Fiction: C +F,i p = { <C0, C1, … , Ci-1, Ci*p, Ci+1, … , Cn>, if 1 ≤ i ≤ n, <C0, C1, … , Cn, CBASE*p>, otherwise ? Unofficial common ground – Metafictive statements – Workspace account – Bald-faced lies

7 Unofficial common ground
Pride and Prejudice Unofficial common ground Harry Potter Official C Unofficial C LOTR Sherlock Holmes Eckardt: non-temporal unofficial common grounds Stokke: temporal unofficial common grounds Unofficial common ground – Metafictive statements – Workspace account – Bald-faced lies

8 Metafictive statements
A: Frodo was adopted by his uncle B: Actually, Bilbo is Frodo’s cousin Conflicting intuitions: 1. The acceptance of fictional truths is temporary 2. We retain information about fictional content after engaging with narrative “[A]n unofficial common ground need not be temporary in the sense of lasting a short time. There are arguably [unofficial] common grounds [that] continue to be operative for a very long time” (Stokke, 2013:55) Unofficial common ground – Metafictive statements – Workspace account – Bald-faced lies

9 Metafictive statements
Fictional statements Frodo had a very trying time that afternoon (The Lord of the Rings) “Metafictive statements” (Currie, 1990) Frodo was adopted by his cousin = In The Lord of the Rings, Frodo was adopted by his cousin Unofficial common ground – Metafictive statements – Workspace account – Bald-faced lies

10 W C Workspace account <C, W> + p = <C, W*p> Workspace
Official C <C, W> + p = <C, W*p> Unofficial common ground – Metafictive statements – Workspace account – Bald-faced lies

11 Workspace account Assertive closure: <C, W>  <W, W> C W
Official C Assertive closure: <C, W>  <W, W> Unofficial common ground – Metafictive statements – Workspace account – Bald-faced lies

12 Workspace account Workspace W C □­­i Official C Official C Fictivei closure: <C, W>  <C∪{□­­i⋂W}, C∪{□­­i⋂W}> Lewisian In fiction i-operator: □­­i Unofficial common ground – Metafictive statements – Workspace account – Bald-faced lies

13 Workspace account C W C W □­­i Assertions, lies Fictional statements
Official C Fictional statements Workspace W C □­­i Official Unofficial common ground – Metafictive statements – Workspace account – Bald-faced lies

14 C Workspace account □­­i □­j □­h □­­k W W W W Official
Unofficial common ground – Metafictive statements – Workspace account – Bald-faced lies

15 Bald-faced lies Lie is an assertion
 proposal to update the official common ground Intention to deceive? “Bald-faced lies” (Sorensen, 2007): statements that are labelled ‘lies’ but involve no intention to deceive Unofficial common ground – Metafictive statements – Workspace account – Bald-faced lies

16 Bald-faced lies Unofficial common ground – Metafictive statements – Workspace account – Bald-faced lies

17 Bald-faced lies Pentangeli: I never knew no Godfather
Proposal to update the official common ground?  Acceptance based official common ground Common acceptance: Pentangeli knows no Godfather Instead: Common belief: According to the account given by Pentangeli in court, he knows no Godfather Unofficial common ground – Metafictive statements – Workspace account – Bald-faced lies

18 Bald-faced lies C W □­­i Fictivei closure:
Workspace W C □­­i Official Fictivei closure: <C, W>  <C∪{□­­i⋂W}, C∪{□­­i⋂W}> Bald-faced lie is not a lie (cf. Kreiser, 2016; Meibauer, 2014) but resembles a fictional statement Unofficial common ground – Metafictive statements – Workspace account – Bald-faced lies

19 Conclusions Further research Nature of *
Nature of CBASE Continuing reading Unofficial common ground accounts do not adequately model metafictive discourse Workspace account: - uniform workspace update - assertive and fictive closure Bald-faced lies are more like fictional statements than like lies

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