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Agenda Word Power Practice Say the Name Sharing

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1 Agenda Word Power Practice Say the Name Sharing
Read aloud- Anthem and « The Most Dangerous Game » Closing/ Homework

2 Tuesday, September 21, 2010 Silent Focus
Read and listen to the poem, « Desiderata » by Max Ehrmann Desiderata (Latin: "desired things“) Write about what you think this poem means or what the lesson is? Do you agree or disagree with this lesson? Why? Borrow a line and write your own poem or journal entry.

3 Agenda Word Power Practice Session 2 Conventions ML #2
Reading ML #4- Good readers visualize the story as they read Read aloud/ Practice strategies Closing/ Homework

4 Reading ML #4- Good readers visualize as they’re reading
We call this a mental image or a movie in your mind. When you’re really clicking with the text, you start to see what’s happening in your head. If you don’t have a movie in your mind, that’s a clue that you might have a problem understanding what you’re reading. Let’s practice!

5 Agenda WP Practice Irregular Verb Practice Writing ML #1
Pre-Writing Activity If time: Read aloud Closing/ Homework

6 Writing ML # 1 Good writers use a variety of pre-writing strategies before they begin writing. They focus on organizing their thoughts and ideas and don’t worry about spelling and conventions until later. They might use graphic organizers to arrange their topics.

7 Closing/ Homework Study for Word Power and Irregular Verbs
Start writing your childhood narrative. A rough draft is due on Tuesday! SSR tomorrow!

8 Friday, September 24, 2010 Silent Focus
Friday Free Topic! If you’re stuck for a topic, write about what you think the biggest/ toughest issue facing teens is today.

9 Agenda Word Power Quiz Irregular Verb Quiz
Hang on to Pre-Writing activity until Monday! SSR/ Literary Letter Closing/ Homework

10 Literary Letter Pg # 40 “He struts back and forth” 42 41
Sense Pg # Example Sight 40 “He struts back and forth” Smell “He lies in a cloud of dust, wheezing and gasping” Touch 42 “My tendons dig into his windpipe…” Taste Sound 41 “Laughter ripples through the crowd” Write a letter to me that includes two things: A storyboard or picture that shows what you read about today A chart that shows each of the five senses and a page number and example that the author uses of each.

11 Closing/ Homework Hang on to your 12-memories pre-writing until next week Start working on book reports. They are due the week after next (Oct. 4-8)

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