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Experimenting with Confederation

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1 Experimenting with Confederation
During the Revolutionary War, the states had united under a similar goal: independence. However, the states were reluctant to unite under a strong central gov’t. Americans favored a republic-a gov’t in which citizens rule through their elected representatives. Colonies Become States Each colony had its own government Reluctant to unite

2 The Continental Congress started the process of drafting a constitution for the central gov’t while the states were drafting their own. The Cont. Congress had to answer 3 questions: Representation? By state or population? Can supreme power be divided? Who gets the western lands?

3 Articles of Confederation – New Government
Weak central government Once a year, each state would send delegation from Capital to meet (Confederation Congress) Powers: Declare war, raise armies, sign treaties Couldn’t: Tax or regulate trade

4 Major Provisions (Parts) What are some potential problems…
No power to tax: No power to enforce treaties: Every state (no matter the size) has one vote: No power to regulate commerce/trade: Amending requires unanimous vote

5 Weaknesses Which weaknes s do you think was the biggest?

6 Successes - Northwest Ordinance
What do we do with all this new land?


8 Northwest Ordinance of 1787
Rules about how to settle: Congress would choose a governor, a secretary, and three judges for that territory When 5,000 free males settled in the territory, they elected a legislature When the population reached 60,000 they could apply to become a state “on an equal footing with the original states” Said that they had rights in territory (Freedom of Religion, property rights, and trial by jury) No Slavery was allowed!!!

9 What states were created?
Ohio Illinois Wisconsin Michigan Indiana

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