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Jeopardy Final Jeopardy Unit 1- Unit 2- Unit 3- Unit 4- Lagniape $100

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1 Jeopardy Final Jeopardy Unit 1- Unit 2- Unit 3- Unit 4- Lagniape $100
The Infection Unit 2- Gene Screen Unit 3- Conquering Cancer Unit 4- Organ Failure Lagniape $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 Final Jeopardy

2 1 - $100 What is the collection, classification, storage, and analysis of biological information using computers bioinformatics

3 1 - $200 Disease samples from two patients were collected and subjected to serial dilutions before running an ELISA. What does it mean if the disease can be detected in samples from one person only at a dilution of 1/5 but the disease can be detected in the other patient at a dilution of 1/5 and 1/100? Both patients have the disease but the second patient has a stronger infection

4 1 - $300 ELISA is an acronym for Enzyme-linked immunosorbant assay

5 1 - $400 During the ELISA test, the secondary antibody was conjugated (linked) with an enzyme. What happens when that enzyme was attached with a substrate? the substrate causes the enzyme to oxidize resulting in a color change

6 1 - $500 Explain why antibodies allow scientists to target and identify specific disease agents. Antibodies are produced in response to and bind to a specific antigen on a disease-causing

7 2 - $100 What is the alteration of genes of a person that has a genetic disorder Gene Therapy

8 2 - $200 How do proto-oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes work to control the cell cycle? Proto-oncogenes allow the cell to divide while tumor suppresor genes stop the cell from dividing.

9 2 - $300 In a DNA microarray slide a saturated red color indicates
a gene is highly expressed in genes that could cause cancer

10 2 - $400 Given what you know about these two strains of yeast, what role does a cell’s ability to repair DNA play in how well it tolerates exposure to sunlight? A cell that is healthy will repair DNA quickly

11 2 - $500 Why do you think many patients undergoing chemotherapy are also given medications simulating erythropoietin, a hormone in the body that stimulates the production of red blood cells? The chemicals used in chemotherapy target fast producing cells, like hair, skin, and blood cells

12 3 - $100 What is the study of the role that an individual’s genetic make-up plays in how well a medicine works, as well as what side effects are likely. Pharmacogenetics

13 3 - $200 Gsenes can be cut out of human, animal, or plant DNA and placed into bacteria in small rings of DNA called plasmids

14 3 - $300 Explain why radiation therapy is often targeted towards the tumor or to a specific body region and not applied to the entire body radiation uses high beam electrons that could endanger other cells/regions in the body

15 3 - $400 12. Skin cancer develops because:
The more exposure to UV light, more times enzymes have to repair the DNA which increases the risk that a mutation will occur

16 3 - $500 When looking at Breast Cancer, there are two important genes where mutations occur; BRCA 1 and BRCA 2. There are several different tests that can be done to determine if a person contains a mutation in one of these genes. Which test is the least expensive and still give accurate results: Marker analysis

17 4 - $100 How does protein electrophoresis differ from DNA electrophoresis? DNA electrophoresis is sorted in agar, while the protein electrophoresis is sorted with polyacrylimide gel

18 4 - $200 The technique used to separate and purify components in a mixture of gases, liquids, or dissolved solids is called chromatography

19 4 - $300 Why does a salt buffer cause hydrophobic amino acids, like the ones in GFP, to push to the outside of a protein and bind to a chromatography column? the hydrophobic amino acids in GFP push to the outside of the protein and bind to the column, while the less hydrophobic proteins can be washed out of the column

20 4 - $400 How does amino acid structure relate to the overall shape of a protein? the hydrophobicity of each amino acid determines the shape of the protein

21 4 - $500 Why is the bla gene on this plasmid important in harvesting GFP? it codes for the beta-lactamase gene to cause antibiotic resistance

22 5 - $100 Which organ system does NOT work to move your arm, wrist, and fingers? endocrine

23 5 - $200 Which type of clinical trial provides the most reliable results? double blind study because neither patients nor doctors know who is receiving the actual treatment

24 5 - $300 A patient’s SNP profile correlates with his or her ability to tolerate chemotherapy with azathioprine. How do SNP profiles aid in pharmacogenetics? it allows doctors to predict how a patient will react to a particular drug

25 5 - $400 Explain why the patient with the lowest levels of the TPMT enzyme has the greatest number of side effects when exposed to a drug containing a thiopurine When TMPT levels are low, the thiopurines can increase

26 5 - $500 Which statement is correct about sensorineural and conductive hearing loss? Sensorineural hearing results in hearing loss in the inner ear; while conductive hearing loss results in hearing loss in the middle ear

27 Final Jeopardy What likely happened on Day 6 to cause the results seen over the following 2 days the person stopped taking their antibiotics

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