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Presentation on theme: "THE WORST INVASIVE ANTS IN THE PACIFIC"— Presentation transcript:

Note: Credits: two top right ant photos © Eli Sarnat, Share Alike CC BY-SA Licence; other ant photos © Phil Lester; background map from free clipart site The lesson plan was developed for the Pacific Invasive Ant Toolkit by Pacific Biosecurity, and funded by the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign affairs and Trade

2 What are we going to learn today?
What are the top five invasive ant pests, the problems they cause people, agriculture and the natural environment. Learn about the life cycle and structure of their colony. Credits: Image from Image courtesy of TAW4 at Image courtesy of TAW4 at

3 Let’s recap In our previous lesson, we
learnt that an ant is a living thing. learnt that not all ants are invasive. discussed the positive and negative impacts of ants on our environment. Credits: Image from Image courtesy of TAW4 at Image courtesy of TAW4 at

4 The five WORST invasive ANTS in the Pacific
African big-headed ant Red imported fire ant Little fire ant These are the top five worst invasive ants in the Pacific. Looking at these pictures it is difficult to see what makes them any different or any worse from other ants. The next slide uses icons to illustrate the problems each causes. Using the icon sheets, work with the class to discuss the effect each of the five ants has on people, agriculture and the environment. Credits: centre, bottom left and top right © Phil Lester; top left and bottom right © Alex Wild Argentine ant Yellow crazy ant You can’t tell just by looking at these five ant species that they cause worse problems than any other ants

5 Invasive Ants Icon Guide

6 The five WORST invasive ANTS in the Pacific
African big-headed ant Red imported fire ant Little fire ant These are the top five worst invasive ants in the Pacific. Looking at these pictures it is difficult to see what makes them any different or any worse from other ants. This slide uses icons to illustrate the problems each causes. Using the icon sheets, work with the class to discuss the effect each of the five ants has on people, agriculture and the environment. Credits: centre, bottom left and top right © Phil Lester; top left and bottom right © Alex Wild; icons © Pacific Biosecurity Argentine ant Yellow crazy ant

7 Video on Fire Ants by SPREP
Copyright: SPREP

8 Activity 1 Discuss the icons and their effects for each of the ant species. What do you think their impacts are on: People Agriculture Environment Record your discussion on a mind map. Credits: Image from Image courtesy of AKARAKINGDOMS at retrieved from Image courtesy of AKARAKINGDOMS at

9 Ant life cycle Ants go through a number of different stages from egg to adult. They have a 4 stage life-cycle just like the butterfly! Queens lay eggs Eggs hatch into larvae Larvae grow until they make a coccoon and become pupae Adult ants emerge from the pupae Ants are social insects. This means that workers look for food, tend the young and protect the nest Ants go through the same life stages as butterflies. Eggs hatch into larvae, which moult and grow until they eventually pupate. Adult ants emerge from the pupae. Ants are social insects. This means there is a worker caste that forage, tend the young and protect the nest, and one or more queens which lay eggs that develop into new workers, queens and males. Males, mate with he queens then die – they do not perform any other function. Only queens and males can fly, and only for very short distances. No ant is capable of flying the distances between Pacific Islands. Credits: life cycle image © Arizona Board of Regents / ASU Ask A Biologist ( photograph © Meghan Cooling One or more queens lay eggs that develop into new workers, queens and males.

10 Ant hunt! We are going to hunt for ants now!
This is an opportunity to go on the look out for ants. Some simple rules to remember: Always take care of one another. Take care not to damage any other parts of nature. If in doubt, always ask the teacher. Be back to the classroom on time. Credits: Image from Image courtesy of TAW4 at Image courtesy of TAW4 at

11 Activity 2 1) Have a look for some ants outside.
2) Follow them back to their nest. 3) Dig up the nest (make sure the ants don’t sting or bite first though)! 4) Count up the number of different life stages in the nest. Ask yourselves these questions: 1) Can you see workers? Are there any queens? 2) Do any of the ants have wings? 3) Can you tell apart the workers from the queens? 4) Can you see eggs, larvae and pupae? Ants go through the same life stages as butterflies. Eggs hatch into larvae, which moult and grow until they eventually pupate. Adult ants emerge from the pupae. Ants are social insects. This means there is a worker caste that forage, tend the young and protect the nest, and one or more queens which lay eggs that develop into new workers, queens and males. Males, mate with he queens then die – they do not perform any other function. Only queens and males can fly, and only for very short distances. No ant is capable of flying the distances between Pacific Islands. Credits: life cycle image © Arizona Board of Regents / ASU Ask A Biologist ( photograph © Meghan Cooling

12 What we have learnt today
There are 5 worst invasive ants in the pacific. Collectively, they bite, spray acid, sting, harm crops, harm people and harm wildlife. The ant goes through a 4 stage life-cycle similar to a butterfly. Ants are social creatures and they live in colonies where they have specific roles Credits: Image from Image courtesy of TAW4 at Image courtesy of TAW4 at

13 Share with your family today!
We had an exciting day today! Can you go back home and share at least 2 ways the invasive ants are harmful? You can use the red icons to help guide your sharing! Credits: Image from Image courtesy of AKARAKINGDOMS at retrieved from Image courtesy of AKARAKINGDOMS at

14 See you next time! Credits: Image from Image courtesy of arztsamui at Image courtesy of arztsamui at


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