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Slide 1 Jack and the Beanstalk A Tale from England

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1 Slide 1 Jack and the Beanstalk A Tale from England What is the biggest plant you have ever seen? What would you do if a giant plant grew outside your window overnight? Once there was a poor boy named Jack who lived in a tiny house with his mother. One day their old cow stopped giving milk. Jack’s mother said, “Jack, it’s time to sell the cow. Take her to market and sell her for a good price.” So Jack set off to market that very day. On the way, he met a funny little man. “I see you’re off to sell your cow,” said the man. “I’d like to buy her. I’ll pay you with these beans.” “Beans!” said Jack. “I can’t sell our cow for beans!” “Ah, but these are magic beans,” said the man. “If you plant them in the moonlight, they will thrive. They will grow way up into the sky!” Jack wanted to see if it were true, so he took the beans and gave the man the cow.

2 Slide 2 Jack and the Beanstalk A Tale from England (Cont.) Jack went home and told his mother what he had done. “These beans are not magic,” said his mother. “What a foolish boy!” She threw the beans out the window and sent Jack to bed. That night as Jack slept, the beans began to grow. The roots took hold in the fertile soil, and tiny stalks sprouted up in the moonlight. The stalks twisted into one large beanstalk that went high into the sky. When Jack woke in the morning, the beanstalk had grown up through the clouds! He rubbed his eyes in disbelief. Now Jack wanted to know what was at the top of the beanstalk, so he began climbing. He climbed and climbed until his head popped up through the clouds. There before him was the biggest house he had ever seen! The door was open, so he went right in. Tables and chairs towered over him, making him feel as small as a mouse. Then he heard a rumble. BOOM, BOOM, BOOM! A giant walked into the room, stopping to sniff the air. “Fee–fi–fo–fum!” said the giant. “Into my house a stranger has come!” Jack quickly hid behind a table leg so the giant would not find him.

3 Slide 3 Jack and the Beanstalk A Tale from England (Cont.) The giant searched for Jack, but he soon grew tired. So he sat down to count his money. He counted out bags and bags of gold coins. Then he lay down on his giant couch and fell fast asleep. When the giant began to snore, Jack grabbed a bag of gold and ran out of the room. He dashed to the beanstalk and slid all the way down. “I was right about the beans!” Jack said to his mother when he handed her the bag of gold. She agreed, and they lived happily with the help of the gold coins for many months. But eventually the coins were all gone, so Jack decided to climb the beanstalk again. This time when Jack entered the huge house, he saw the giant sitting at the table with a pretty hen. “Lay!” said the giant. And the hen laid an egg of gold. The giant reached for the egg, and then stopped. He sniffed the air. “Fee–fi–fo–fum. Into my house a stranger has come!” Clever Jack knew just what to expect. He quickly hid himself and waited for the giant to fall asleep again. Then Jack snatched up the hen and made his way down the beanstalk.

4 Slide 4 Jack and the Beanstalk A Tale from England (Cont.) When Jack got home, he showed his mother the hen. Each time he said “Lay!” a golden egg appeared. Jack’s mother was overjoyed, and they lived happily with the help of the golden eggs for months. But Jack longed for more adventure, so he decided to climb the beanstalk again. This time, Jack found the giant at his table with a golden harp. “Sing!” said the giant, and the harp sang a beautiful song. The sweet song put the giant to sleep, and Jack snatched up the harp and dashed toward the door. But the harp cried out, “Wake up! Wake up!” The giant awoke and ran after Jack. “Fee–fum–fo–fi!” cried the angry giant as he followed Jack down the beanstalk. “I will catch you by and by!” But Jack reached the ground before the giant. He grabbed an ax, and chopped the beanstalk in two. CRASH! BOOM! The giant fell out of the sky, straight through the earth, and was never heard from again. Jack felt lucky to escape the giant, and he never longed for adventure again. Instead, he and his mother became rich from the singing harp and the golden eggs, and they lived happily ever after. Unit 5, Week 1 1. What appears on plants as they grow? 2. When you dash, do you move as fast or as slow as you can? 3. What sight would make you rub your eyes in disbelief? 4. What do you expect will happen in class today? 5. Why is it important for farms to have fertile soil? 6. Where do you long to go one day? 7. If you were late for school, what would you snatch before leaving home? 8. What happens to seeds after they sprout? 9. What do you do when a stranger knocks on your door? 10. What are some things that you need to thrive?

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