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VCOM - Virginia campus Spring VOMA Update

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1 VCOM - Virginia campus Spring VOMA Update
Jan M. Willcox, D.O. FACOFP Vice Dean Virginia Campus

2 The MISSION of the Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine (VCOM) is to prepare globally minded, community-focused physicians for the rural and medically underserved areas of Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and the Appalachian Region, and to improve human health especially of those most in need.

3 History Development timelines in VA
2010 First primary care complete residency and return 2011 First specialty residency completed by VCOM VA grads residencies in 6 hospitals with >200 residency positions 2001 Charter VCOM VA 2003 First class begins VCOM VA 2006 First residency program developed 2007 First class graduates Final accreditation visit 7 yrs granted class size increased to 175

4 Additions to the Virginia campus since 2004
2007 VCOM Center for Simulation and Technology VCOM opened an over 20,000 square feet research laboratory in 2004 for biomedical research “RB2” VCOM II Biomedical Engineering Research and Conference Center VCOM RBII

5 South Carolina Campus

6 History Development TIMELINES in SC
2013 VCOM students will begin clinical program 2015 First class will graduate VCOM-SC 2008 branch development begins 2010 Accreditation approved to recruit/admit 2011 First 4 stages of accreditation completes and first class begins SC




10 Early Clinical Experiences OMS I and II
Students value the early clinical experiences and the regional site faculty report positively on the readiness of our students for the clinical years. Appalachian Medical Missions Free Clinic Experiences Live Pelvic Models Mini-Medical Schools in Southwest Virginia SimMan Sim Peds Radiology Introduction to the Hospital (a day with a resident) Geriatric Clinical Experiences

Family Medicine Internal Medicine – hospital based Internal Medicine 2 Obstetrics/ Gynecology Psychiatry Underserved Care Pediatrics Surgery Geriatrics Structured with core clinical faculty and on-line curriculum at core training sites

12 Fourth Year Clinical Rotations allows more flexibility
chosen based on self-assessment of areas where student would benefit most from further education and patient exposure 4 Electives 3 Medical Selectives (one is Emergency Medicine) 2 Surgical Selectives

13 List 1 Medical Selectives include:
Internal Medicine Critical Care Medicine Cardiology Pulmonology Infectious Disease Nephrology Neonatology or Pediatric Critical Care Sub-Internship, Junior Internship, Acting Internship

14 List 2 Medicine Selectives Include:
Family Medicine Neurology Rheumatology Endocrinology Hematology/ Oncology Physical Medicine/ Rehabilitation Psychiatry Allergy/Immunology Sports Medicine (primary care focus) Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine Gastroenterology VCOM Medical Mission

15 Surgical Selective Rotations
Ophthalmology*, Otorhinolaryngology*, Oromaxillofacial surgery*, Orthopedic Sports Medicine, Anesthesiology*, Orthopedics, Neurosurgery, Cardiovascular surgery, Plastic Surgery*, Surgery Trauma Unit, Urology*, Vascular surgery, Urogynecology, Gynecology/Oncology Surgery, Ortho Spine Surgery, Surgical Critical Care, Podiatry*. * May be 2 or 4 week

16 Integration of OMM Throughout the Curriculum
Osteopathic Manipulation is taught throughout the first two years in a weekly lecture followed by a laboratory session. OMM lecture and laboratory at the end of each rotation. OMM/OPP questions are incorporated into each of the end of rotation exams 3rd, 4th year and postgraduate - utilizes the text and videos “Somatic Dysfunction in Osteopathic Family Medicine” by Kenneth E. Nelson, D.O., FAAO, FACOFP. Special Sessions with SAAO 3rd and 4th year students in each region are required to attend monthly OMM skills sessions

17 VCOM State of the Art Center for Simulation and Technology Center for Competency training.
Provides over 500 high fidelity simulation experiences annually Provides over 1700 standardized patient educational experiences to 580 medical students annually

18 The Standardized Patient Program
Trains students in interview skills physical diagnosis skills differential diagnosis of disease plan of treatment writing a progress note  VCOM trains individuals to simulate patient scenarios utilized in testing at the end of each block in the first and second year as well as end of the third year clinical rotations.

19 APPALACHIAN MISSION VCOM students and faculty currently provide medical care in 8 free clinics each Friday. All students have free clinic experience. Summer Enrichment Program Anatomy Camp (SEE)for students from rural and medically underserved populations to interest them in futures in healthcare All VCOM student organizations have service mission to the community and region, and many to our international program.

20 Appalachian Outreach Each VCOM student is involved in community health experiences including: Mini-Med schools to 15 rural high schools annually Free head start physicals to 15 different head starts annually Appalachian outreach health fairs to 10 rural and/or underserved communities annually Each VCOM student spends at least one month and most three or more in a rural or underserved practice setting with at least one month in a FQHC or Critical Access hospital Outreach Giles April 22 and Jonesville May 6

21 Nationally Recognized as a leader in Global HEALTH
VCOM operates permanent – (year round) sustainable clinics in the Dominican Republic and Honduras and mobile clinics to orphanages in El Salvador VCOM provides 6 additional one week outreach trips in those countries to care for surrounding rural villages that have no care, with over 240 students participating in the academic year. The mobile clinic in El Salvador cares for children in three orphanages, one where all children are HIV+. Received Clinton Global Initiative Recognition for the clinic in the Dominican Clinic

22 Global Outreach VCOM faculty and students have provided primary care and preventive services to over 30,000 annually, prenatal care for hundreds not available before, and immunizations for thousands of children who would not have been immunized. VCOM has responded to over seven disasters in international countries including the Tsunami in India, the Haiti earthquake, a Dengue outbreak, and many Honduran floods. The global outreach experiences instill in our students an appreciation of public health, community health, and an appreciation of what a physician receives from caring for an underserved population.

23 Areas of VCOM research include
Inflammation Metabolic triad Lupus Birth injury Environmental toxicology Water and birth defects Toxin and free radical research Musculoskeletal research Injury prevention Healthy aging Prevention and treatment of aging spine and joints. Neurologic Head Injury Concussions Helmet Study Nanoparticle (Ceria) on neurological cell protection and healing M.S. Healthy aging Prevention and Treatment of Cognitive and Memory Disorders of Aging Cardiovascular Atherosclerosis Oxidative Stress Metabolic Syndrome Reperfusion studies Infectious Disease Obesity and Diabetes research

24 Education mission Quality education and quality applicants Over 4000 applications in 2010 for the combined 375 positions. Recruit from 54% of students grew spent the majority of their years in centers less than 30,000 COMLEX Board scores in the upper 1/3 of the country. Low attrition rate (<5%)

25 Education Mission Outcomes
In the first four classes VCOM graduated over 590 physicians Greater than 50% entered primary care fields (>60% if EM included) 29% entered family medicine 5% entered Pediatrics 18% entered Internal Medicine 6% entered OB/GYN 64 of our graduates in the first four years became Chief Interns and Chief Residents in both AOA and ACGME residency training programs.


27 VCOM Alumni News Two class of 2007 alumni Sofia Abraham D.O. and Ann Shaw D.O. will join the VCOM Pediatric faculty and APCA summer 2011. Daliborka Danelisen, D.O. (VCOM 2007) will join the Psychiatry department in She will be actively involved in teaching and assist the Chair, Dr. Brian Wood in the development. Amy Doolan, D.O. is FM and completing the Sports Medicine Fellowship. She has joined the faculty for next year. VCOM Class of 2007 graduates, Drs. Amy Doolan, Ronna Compton, and Paul Phillips completed the ACOFP Future Leaders Conference in January Dr. David Danner and Dr. Paul Phillips (2007) provide clinical rotations in Under Served Care for third year students.

28 Additional Accomplishments
Ranked in top ten schools by US World News and World Report for producing primary care graduates in 2009, 11th in Repeatedly ranked as a top school for Hispanic students Blacksburg VA #1 Small Business Award

29 Dr. Blood’s tips for giving to your Virginia school
Mentorship (shadowing for premed, young physicians, etc.) Provide a clinical rotation experience Scholarship Club participation

30 Please come to Blacksburg and tour the school
Thank you Please come to Blacksburg and tour the school

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