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FM_Project Multi-Period and Year Expenditure Comparison Report

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1 FM_Project Multi-Period and Year Expenditure Comparison Report
Focus on Reports Session 22 To print: Right click Choose “Print” Change option “Print What?” from “slides” to “note pages” Click ok The FM_Project Multi-Period and Year Expenditure Comparison Report was created in conjunction with the FUSS Usability team and provides both a multi-period and YTD comparison for selected periods, and/or a multi-year BBA comparison by PTA. FM_Project Multi-Period and Year Expenditure Comparison Report

2 Purpose of Report To allow multiple period and/or year expenditures to be listed side by side for comparison purposes. The report contains 3 tabs: Multi-Period YTD and Period Comparison Multi-Period Expense Comparison Multi-Year BBA This report is an analytical report that allows you to make a side-by-side comparison of expenditures for multiple periods at either the period total and YTD total. There is also a tab that allows comparisons at the BBA level as of the end of the fiscal year. There are 3 tabs to the report. Each tab shows expenditure comparisons at different aggregation levels. The first tab shows total monthly and YTD expenditures through the end of the periods selected for side-by-side comparisons. The second tab shows just monthly expenses for all the periods selected. The third tab shows Budget, Expenditure and BBA totals as of the end of each UVA fiscal year selected.

3 Multi-Period YTD and Period Comparison
Parameters: 2 or more periods, (separated by commas) Plus one of the following: Project Carrying Out Org Project MBU Dept The first tab is a YTD and Period Expense Comparison Report. It shows a comparison of 2 or more individual period expenditures as well as the period end Fiscal Year-To-Date totals for each period entered in the parameter window. In keeping with recent FM Parameter Standardization effort, other parameters include the option to run the report for an individual project, or all projects owned by a MBU, Dept, or Project Carrying Out Org.

4 Muti-period Expense Comparison
UV-MBU Parameters: 2 or more periods, (separated by commas) Plus one of the following: Project Carrying Out Org Project MBU Dept The second tab is a Monthly Expense Comparison Report. It shows a monthly expenditures for each period entered in the parameter window. Any number of periods can be selected. In keeping with recent FM Parameter Standardization effort, other parameters include the option to run the report for an individual project, or all projects owned by a MBU, Dept, or Project Carrying Out Org.

5 Multi-Year BBA Parameters:
2 or more fiscal years (separated by commas) Plus one of the following: Project Carrying Out Org Project MBU Dept The third tab is a Budget Balance Available Comparison Report. It shows budget, expenditures and a budget balance available for each fiscal year entered in the parameter window. Totals are as on the end of the fiscal year (I,e, Jun-xx). NOTE: All totals are shown as either project-to-date or fiscal-year-to-date depending on budget type indicated. In keeping with recent FM Parameter Standardization effort, other parameters include the option to run the report for an individual project, or all projects owned by a MBU, Dept, or Project Carrying Out Org.

6 Questions Questions? Contact the IS Help Desk.

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