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10 Minutes of Book Love .

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1 10 Minutes of Book Love 

2 Citing Shakespeare Beginning of each line is capitalized
Quotation marks at beginning and end Slash (/) between each line No period or comma at the end of the quote After the quote, put the Act #, Scene #, and Line #'s in parenthesis  Ex: “Many a morning hath he there been seen, /With tears augmenting the fresh morning’s dew,/ Adding to clouds more clouds with his deep sighs” (I.i ).

3 Roman Numerals Numbers you need to know: Rule when citing: One= i
Two= ii Three=iii Four=iv Five=v Six=vi Act Numbers are capitalized Scene Numbers are lower case

4 How do I get full points on Citations?
Three or more Accurately cited Must support the thematic thesis statement you are trying to prove Must connect to the content of the script My advice: if you're worried I will not get why a quote is relevant to the thesis statement or the script, explain your reasoning after each quote.

5 Goals in the Library Today
Complete rough draft of script Check quotes for accuracy  Get help with my thesis statement if I am unsure

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