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Pizza UK July 2011.

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1 Pizza UK July 2011

2 and Forecast Total market value of take home pizza, 2006-16
Mintel/based on SymphonyIRI Group InfoScan

3 - Frozen vs Chilled Pizza
Frozen and chilled pizza market values, Mintel/based on SymphonyIRI Group InfoScan

4 - Frozen Pizza Growth vs Chilled Pizza Growth
Annual sales growth in chilled and frozen pizza, Mintel/based on SymphonyIRI Group InfoScan

5 - Frozen Pizza Market share of frozen pizza, by brand, 2010 Mintel

6 - Types of Pizza Eaten Types of pizza eaten, May 2011
“We would like you to think about eating pizza over the past 12 months. Which, if any, of these types of pizza have you eaten in the past year at home?” Toluna/Mintel 1,500 internet users aged 16+

7 - Choice Factors Important factors when choosing frozen pizza, May 2011 “Which, if any, of the following factors are most important to you when choosing what frozen pizza to buy?” Toluna/Mintel Internet users aged 16+

8 - Attitudes to Health in Pizza
Attitudes to health in pizza, May 2011 “To what extent do you agree or disagree with the statement: I always check the fat content when buying/ordering pizza?” Toluna/Mintel 1,287 internet users aged 16+ who have eaten pizza

9 - Attitudes to Health in Pizza
Attitudes to health in pizza, May 2011 “To what extent do you agree or disagree with the statement: I think chilled pizzas are better quality than frozen.” Toluna/Mintel 1,287 internet users aged 16+ who have eaten pizza

10 - Attitudes to Pizza Attitudes to pizza, May 2011
“Still thinking about your in-home pizza consumption, including chilled, frozen and take-away/home delivery pizza, which, if any, of the following statements do you agree with?” Toluna/Mintel 1,287 internet users aged 16+ who have eaten pizza

11 Uninterested in low-calorie pizza.
Bulk Buyers Stock up with pizza when it’s on promotion. Keep a ready supply of pizzas in their freezer; dislike cooking from scratch. Accustomed to eating microwave meals. Free-Froms Relatively conservative with their food tastes; pizza is a quick-fix meal. The most likely to buy a reduced salt or gluten-free pizza. Slimmers Weight conscious and most likely to check the pizza’s fat content. Try to eat their RDA of fruit and veg; least inclined to keep a frozen pizza in the freezer. Chilleds Strongly believe that pizza is healthier than other types of fast food. Prefer chilled over frozen pizza; enjoy preparing food at the weekends. Convenience Cooks Most likely to appreciate the convenience of pizza; disagree that chilled pizza is better quality than frozen. Uninterested in low-calorie pizza. Toluna/Mintel 1,287 internet users aged 16+ who have eaten pizza


13 Alex Beckett Senior Food Analyst

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