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C.I.M.A. ANNUAL REPORT F.A.I. GENERAL CONFERENCE KRAKOW 2003 by Tormod VEIBY, President F.A.I. International Microlight Aviation Commission.

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Presentation on theme: "C.I.M.A. ANNUAL REPORT F.A.I. GENERAL CONFERENCE KRAKOW 2003 by Tormod VEIBY, President F.A.I. International Microlight Aviation Commission."— Presentation transcript:

1 C.I.M.A. ANNUAL REPORT F.A.I. GENERAL CONFERENCE KRAKOW by Tormod VEIBY, President F.A.I. International Microlight Aviation Commission

2 First full World Championships in all 7 classes

3 Microlight aircraft Single seat weightshift controlled trikes
Dual seat weightshift controlled trikes Single seat 3-axis Dual seat 3-axis Single seat parawing trikes Dual seat parawing trikes Footlaunched powered paragliders (PPG)

4 First World Championships with full use of Flight Recorders
Excellent results New opportunities

5 A challenge to keep classes together in one championship
Parawing classes vs. Classic classes

6 Continental Championships outside Europe
Asia (PPG) North America - possibly

7 3 WAG Development of new tasks


9 Intra communication As always, excellent service from the FAI secretariat in Lausanne Thank you for your attention

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