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Monopolistic Competition

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1 Monopolistic Competition
Microeconomics Monopolistic Competition © 1999 Michigan State University. All rights reserved.

A market form in which there is: 1) Product differentiation. 2) Many firms. 3) Easy entry and exit. Monopolistic competition

3 The importance of monopolistic competition is that it seems to explain aspects of many important real world markets. Monopolistic competition

4 SOME EXAMPLES Shoe stores Pizza parlors Fast food, in general
Local moving companies Hand calculators PC compatible clones Others you can think of ... Monopolistic competition

5 Greasy Sam’s Hamburgers
The demand curve facing a monopolistically competitive firm looks very much like that facing a monopoly, but it is very elastic due to the presence of many close substitutes. $/Q D Q Greasy Sam’s Hamburgers Monopolistic competition

6 Greasy Sam’s Hamburgers
Because the demand curve is negatively sloped marginal revenue must be less than average revenue. $/Q D Q Greasy Sam’s Hamburgers MR Monopolistic competition

7 The short-run analysis of the monopolistically competitive firm proceeds exactly as for monopoly, because in the short-run entry and exit are not possible. Monopolistic competition

8 Greasy Sam’s Hamburgers
With the the cost curves shown below, the firm can maximize profits by choosing output where MC = MR. $/Q AC MC p* D Q Q* Greasy Sam’s Hamburgers MR Monopolistic competition

9 Greasy Sam’s Hamburgers
Profits are shown by the shaded area. $/Q AC MC p* D Q Q* Greasy Sam’s Hamburgers MR Monopolistic competition

10 Greasy Sam’s Hamburgers
What happens in the long-run, as firms can enter or leave? The following hidden slide shows the process. $/Q AC MC p* D Q Q* Hidden slide Greasy Sam’s Hamburgers MR Monopolistic competition

11 Do monopolistically competitive firms operate in society’s interest
Do monopolistically competitive firms operate in society’s interest? Do they produce outputs and sell at prices which maximize surplus? Are the firms economically efficient? Monopolistic competition

1) In the short-run firms choose price and output by setting MC = MR. 2) In the long-run entry of new firms assures that profit will be zero. 3) Some economic inefficiency exists because in equilibrium price is higher than marginal cost. Monopolistic competition

13 Comparison of market structure
Perfect competition Monopolistic competition Oligopoly Monopoly Economic efficiency P = MC P > MC P >MC Cost Efficient scale Below eff. scale Not likely efficient scale Economic profit Likely > 0 Monopolistic competition

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