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Is hepatic side tumor in T2 gallbladder cancer need extensive resection compared with peritoneal side tumor? : A multicenter study Woohyung Lee1, Jae Yool.

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Presentation on theme: "Is hepatic side tumor in T2 gallbladder cancer need extensive resection compared with peritoneal side tumor? : A multicenter study Woohyung Lee1, Jae Yool."— Presentation transcript:

1 Is hepatic side tumor in T2 gallbladder cancer need extensive resection compared with peritoneal side tumor? : A multicenter study Woohyung Lee1, Jae Yool Jang1, Chi-Young Jeong1, Young Hoon Kim2, Young Hoon Roh2, Kwan Woo Kim2, Sung Hwa Kang2, Myung Hee Yoon3, Hyung Il Seo3, Sung-Pil Yun3, Jeong-Ik Park4, Bo-Hyun Jung4, Soon-Chan Hong1 1Department of Surgery, Gyeongsang National University Hospital, Gyeongsang National University, College of Medicine, Republic of Korea 2Department of Surgery, Dong-A University Hospital, Dong-A University, College of Medicine, Busan, Republic of Korea 3Department of Surgery, Gyeongsang National University Hospital, Gyeongsang National University, College of Medicine, Republic of Korea 4Department of Surgery, Inje University Haeundae Paik Hospital, Inje University, College of Medicine, Busan, Republic of Korea

2 Methods Retrospective multicenter study
Gyeongsang National University Hospital Pusan National University Hostpial Dong-A University Hostpial Inje University Haundae Hospital This study is retrospective study. The patients who underwent partial liver resection for IHCC in GNUH from March 2010 to Dec 2012 were enrolled. And the patients who underwent palliative operation or diagnosed as T3 T4 or mixed HCC and IHCC were excluded.

3 Methods Jan 2000 - Dec 2015 Inclusion Criteria
1. Pathologically proven T2 gallbladder (GB) adenocarcinoma 2. Additional surgery after simple cholecystectomy Exclusion Criteria 1. Simple cholecystectomy 2. Incomplete record (tumor site) 3. Adenosquamous, papillary neoplasm, small cell, squamous cell ca This study is retrospective study. The patients who underwent partial liver resection for IHCC in GNUH from March 2010 to Dec 2012 were enrolled. And the patients who underwent palliative operation or diagnosed as T3 T4 or mixed HCC and IHCC were excluded.

4 Patients information N=129 Hepatic side (N= 68) Peritoneal side
GB cancer without liver invasion (N= 184) Exclusion Incomplete record (n=23) Other pathology (n=11) R1 resection (n=6) Simple Cholecystectomy (n=29) Cholecystectomy With LND (n=20) Cholecystectomy With LND & LR (n=95) Exclusion Simple cholecystectomy (n=15) Additional LND & LR (n=14) N=129 Adenosquamous, papillary neoplasm, MCN, small cell ca, squamous cell ca. Hepatic side (N= 68) Peritoneal side (N= 61)

5 Definition Ann Surg 2015;261:733–739
This study is retrospective study. The patients who underwent partial liver resection for IHCC in GNUH from March 2010 to Dec 2012 were enrolled. And the patients who underwent palliative operation or diagnosed as T3 T4 or mixed HCC and IHCC were excluded. Ann Surg 2015;261:733–739

6 Patients Characteristics
Variables N=129 Age 68.7 ± 9.4 Sex (female, %) 77 (59.7) BMI (kg/m2) 23.3 ± 3.0 ASA (I/II/III) 9 (6.7) / 95 (73.6) / 25(19.4) Preoperative Imaging studies USG (n, %) 74 (57.4) CT (n, %) 129 (100) Tumor site Hepatic side 68 (52.7) Peritoneal side 61 (47.3) The median age was 63 years old Male patients was dominant compared with female 3 patients have Combined hepatitis B And all pateints were child A 17 patients underwent liver resection only, and 20 patients underwent LND with liver resection The median hospital stay was 13 days.

7 Results

8 Preoperative data Variables Hepatic side (N=68) Peritoneal side (N=61)
P value Age 67.1 ± 10.6 70.4 ± 7.4 0.045 Sex (Female) 40 (58.8) 37 (60.7) 0.859 BMI (kg/m2) 23.0 ± 3.0 23.6 ± 3.0 0.279 ASA score (I/II/III) 4/49/15 5/46/10 0.683 Preop imaging study USG 34 (56.7) CT 68 (100) 61 (100) CEA (ng/ml) 15.1 ± 58.4 3.6 ± 5.2 0.122 CA 19-9 (U/ml) 75.8 ± 145.1 30.0 ± 52.6 0.024 Total bilirubin 0.8 ± 0.9 0.6 ± 0.3 0.087 AST 31.4 ± 36.0 29.9 ± 39.7 0.819 ALT 28.6 ± 24.7 24.2 ± 16.4 0.243 ALP 187.5 ± 155.2 181.3 ± 98.4 0.786

9 Intraoperative Data 0.527 Wedge resection Variables
Hepatic side (N=68) Peritoneal side (N=61) P value Secondary extended cholecystectomy 6 (7.8) 9 (12.3) Extent of resection 0.476 Cholecystectomy with LND 9 (13.2) 11 (18.0) Cholecystectomy with LND & LR 59 (86.8) 50 (82.0) Extent of LND 0.527 #12 17 (26.6) 12 (21.1) #8,12,13 47 (73.4) 45 (78.9) Extent of liver resection Wedge resection 37 (59.7) 27 (52.9) 0.568 Bisegmentectomy or major LR 25 (40.3) 24 (47.1) 연대에

10 Intraoperative Data 292.7 ± 123.2 268.3 ± 143.7 0.302 560.6 ±435.0
Variables Hepatic side (N=68) Peritoneal side (N=61) P value OP time (min) 292.7 ± 123.2 268.3 ± 143.7 0.302 EBL (ml) 560.6 ±435.0 475.0 ±368.5 0.259 Frozen biopsy 51 (75.1) 53 (86.9) 0.215 T1a/T1b/T2/T3 1/4/30/1 0/4/34/0 0.778 Intraoperative transfusion 21 (31.3) 8 (13.7) 0.019 Complicated GB stone 13 (25.0) 15 (28.3) 0.826 In operative data, Operative time was longer in open group, however no significant. And surgeon used pringle maneuver more frequently to prevent parenchymal bleeding during resection. Blood loss was significantly larger in open group . Otherwise, there was no significant difference in intraoperative Tf and LND

11 Pathologic Data Variables P value Tumor Size(cm) 3.3 ± 1.9 1.9 ± 1.6
Hepatic side (N=68) Peritoneal side (N=61) P value Tumor Size(cm) 3.3 ± 1.9 1.9 ± 1.6 0.195 Gross type (polypoid /others) 12/56 10/51 1.000 Microvascular invasion 6 (9.7) 8 (13.6) 0.577 Lymphatic invasion 11 (19.6) 14 (25.5) 0.502 Neural invasion 6 (10.0) Cell differentiation (WD/MD/PD/UD) 33/22/10/1 33/18/9/0 0.939 N stage (0/1) 47(69.1)/21(30.9) 49(81.7)/11(18.3) 0.126 Retrieved LN 6.5 ± 5.6 6.6 ± 5.8 0.899 Positive LN 0.8 ± 1.8 0.3 ± 1.2 0.111 In pathologic data. Tumor size was similar, The proportion of gross type was comparable And margin status and cell differentiation was similar between 2 groups Margin positivie 김영일 8개월 만에 node meta 장도업: NO recu

12 Postoperative data Variables P value Postoperative complication
Hepatic side (N=68) Peritoneal side (N=61) P value Postoperative complication 8 (11.9%) 5 (8.2%) 0.566 Biliary leakage 2 (2.9) 0.498 Fluid collection 3 (4.4) 2 (3.3) 1.000 Bleeding 1 (1.5) 1 (1.6) Wound problem 0.602 Major Complication (≥IIIb) 1 (14.3) Hospital stay (Days) 13.4 ± 11.04 10.6 ± 5.7 0.074 Adjuvant Tx 25 (41.7) 18 (32.1) 0.338 CTx/RTx/CCRT 10/2/13 8/2/8 0.699 Major complication : postop cerebral infarct으로 ICU care

13 Long term outcome We compared long term outcome between open and laparoscopic groups

14 Median Survival(Months)
Overall survival Hepatic vs. Peritoneal side - Median F/U period: 30.0 ( ) Months P=0.046 Median Survival(Months) 3-yr OS rate (%) Hepatic side (68) 98 78.7 Peritoneal side (61) 112 90.5 Median F/U period was 16 months Median survival was same in 2 groups and estimated 3 yr OS rate was 81% and 85% in open and lap group, respectively. There was no significant difference in overall survival between 2 groups.

15 Median disease free survival
Hepatic vs. Peritoneal side liver resection P=0.037 Median disease free survival (Months) 3-yr DFS rate (%) Liver side 70 77.2 Peritoneal side 105 84.9 Disease free survival was evaluated. Estimated 3 yr DFS rate was 53% and 75% in open and lap group, respectively. There was no significant difference in disease free survival between 2 groups. However. Follow up period of laparoscopic group was too short to evaluate exact data. We have to follow up continuously.

16 Recurrence pattern P value Near resection margin 1 (1.5) 2 (3.3) 0.602
Hepatic side (N=68) Peritoneal side (N=61) P value Near resection margin 1 (1.5) 2 (3.3) 0.602 Intrahepatic 3 (4.4) 1.000 Regional node Paraaortic LN Distant meta 7 (10.3) 4 (6.6) 0.538 13 patients experienced recurrence after curative resection 61% patients experienced intrahepatic metastasis. We compared recurrence pattern according to the operative method. There was no significant difference between 2 groups. Systemic meta: T2N1 (1/3) Lap lt lat sectionectomy. Adjuvant CTx, 5개월만에 recur

17 Subgroup analysis We performed subgroup analysis to exclude bias of lymph node dissection

18 Patients information Liver side (N= 68) Peritoneal side (N= 61) LND
GB cancer without liver invasion (N= 184) Exclusion Incomplete record (n=23) Other pathology (n=11) R1 resection (n=6) Simple Cholecystectomy (n=29) Cholecystectomy With LND (n=22) Cholecystectomy With LND & LR (n=99) Exclusion Simple cholecystectomy (n=15) Additional LND & LR (n=14) Adenosquamous, papillary neoplasm, MCN, small cell ca, squamous cell ca. Liver side (N= 68) Peritoneal side (N= 61) LND (N= 9) LND c LR (N= 59) LND (N= 11) LND c LR (N= 50)

19 Median Survival(Months)
Overall survival P: LND c LR P: LND H: LND c LR p=0.030 Median Survival(Months) 3-yr OS rate (%) Peritoneal LND (n=11) 105 83.3 LND LR (n=50) 113 88.2 Hepatic LND (n=9) 32 43.8 LND LR (n=59) 103 79.7 H:LND LND median F/U 27개월 (1-119) LND LR median F/U 30 (1-129)

20 Patients information Liver side (N= 68) Peritoneal side (N= 61) LND
GB cancer without liver invasion (N= 184) Exclusion Incomplete record (n=23) Other pathology (n=11) R1 resection (n=6) Simple Cholecystectomy (n=29) Cholecystectomy With LND (n=22) Cholecystectomy With LND & LR (n=99) Exclusion Simple cholecystectomy (n=15) Additional LND & LR (n=14) Adenosquamous, papillary neoplasm, MCN, small cell ca, squamous cell ca. Liver side (N= 68) Peritoneal side (N= 61) LND (N= 9) LND c LR (N= 59) LND (N= 11) LND c LR (N= 50)

21 Peritoneal side (LND vs. LND c LR)
OS DFS p=0.874 p=0.442 Median Survival(Months) 3-yr OS rate (%) LND (n=11) 105 83.3 LND LR (n=50) 113 88.2 Median Survival(Months) 3-yr DFS rate (%) LND (n=11) 95 77.9 LND LR (n=50) 106 79.5 LND median F/U 27개월 (1-119) LND LR median F/U 30 (1-129)

22 Patients information Liver side (N= 68) Peritoneal side (N= 61) LND
GB cancer without liver invasion (N= 184) Exclusion Incomplete record (n=23) Other pathology (n=11) R1 resection (n=6) Simple Cholecystectomy (n=29) Cholecystectomy With LND (n=22) Cholecystectomy With LND & LR (n=99) Exclusion Simple cholecystectomy (n=15) Additional LND & LR (n=14) Adenosquamous, papillary neoplasm, MCN, small cell ca, squamous cell ca. Liver side (N= 68) Peritoneal side (N= 61) LND (N= 9) LND c LR (N= 59) LND (N= 11) LND c LR (N= 50)

23 Hepatic side (LND vs. LND c LR)
OS DFS 20 patients underwent LND dissection, and 17 patients underwent only liver resection Liver resection group worse 3 yr OS rate compared with LND group, However there was significant difference between 2 groups. DFS was similar results with OS p=0.063 p=0.833 Median Survival(Months) 3-yr OS rate (%) LND (n=9) 32 43.8 LND LR (n=59) 103 79.7 Median Survival(Months) 3-yr DFS rate (%) LND (n=9) 29.1 83.3 LND LR (n=59) 70.3 77.1

24 Limitations Retrospective study Small number
Different operative extent among institutions

25 Conclusion T2 GB cancer showed different oncologic outcomes according to the tumor site. Peritoneal side tumor showed comparable oncologic outcome regardless of extent of resection. In hepatic side tumor, radical surgery was related with better oncologic outcome.

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