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The Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy A reflection

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1 The Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy A reflection
Click to start the slideshow. After that the slides will advance automatically until you reach the prayer (slide 22 onwards) so that if you are using this reflection with a group you can say the prayer together at your own speed. You may wish to play the Hymn of the Jubilee of Mercy in the background, please visit:

2 Jesus of Nazareth, by his words, his actions, and his entire person reveals the mercy of God.

3 We need constantly to contemplate the mystery of mercy
We need constantly to contemplate the mystery of mercy. It is a wellspring of joy, serenity, and peace.

4 Mercy is the force that reawakens us to new life and instils in us the courage to look to the future with hope.

5 “Blessed are the merciful: they shall have mercy shown them
“Blessed are the merciful: they shall have mercy shown them.” Matthew 5:7

6 Jesus asks us also to forgive and to give
Jesus asks us also to forgive and to give.  To be instruments of mercy because it was we who first received mercy from God.

7 “The Lord gives justice to the oppressed,

8 gives food to the hungry;

9 The Lord sets prisoners free.

10 The Lord gives sight to the blind,

11 lifts up those who are bowed down.”
Psalm 146

12 Day after day, touched by God’s compassion, we also can become compassionate to others.

13 Let us enter more deeply into the heart of the Gospel where the poor have a special experience of God’s mercy.

14 Let us rediscover these corporal works of mercy: to feed the hungry,

15 Give drink to the thirsty,

16 Clothe the naked,

17 Welcome the stranger,

18 Heal the sick,

19 Visit the imprisoned,

20 And bury the dead.

21 From the heart of the Trinity, from the depths of the mystery of God, the great river of mercy wells up and overflows unceasingly. It is a spring that will never run dry. Pope Francis, Bull of Indiction 2015

22 Lord Jesus Christ, you have taught us to be merciful like the heavenly Father, and have told us that whoever sees you sees him.

23 Send your Spirit and consecrate every one of us with its anointing, so that the Jubilee of Mercy may be a year of grace from the Lord,

24 and your Church, with renewed enthusiasm, may bring good news to the poor, proclaim liberty to captives and the oppressed, and restore sight to the blind. Amen.

25 Words: Misericordiae Vultus Bull of Indiction of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy Photos: Asad Zaidi/CAFOD, Annie Bungeroth/CAFOD, Louise Norton/CAFOD, Shea Bradley/CAFOD, David Mutua/CAFOD, Mazur/, Sophie Stanes, Mayerling Garcia/CAFOD, Miguel Samper/Caritas Internationalis, Mazur/, Simon Rawles/CAFOD, Beck Photographic/CAFOD, Nick Harrop/CAFOD, istock Prayer: Extract from Prayer of Pope Francis for the Jubilee

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