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Audio Spectrograms Physics of Music.

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Presentation on theme: "Audio Spectrograms Physics of Music."— Presentation transcript:

1 Audio Spectrograms Physics of Music

2 Frequency Spectra are Cool…

3 Frequency Spectra are Cool…

4 But spectrograms are cooler

5 Another view

6 Another view

7 And again…just for clarity

8 Reading/Interpreting Spectrograms

9 What would this sound like?

10 What’s a Spectrogram? I want one!
Number of samples That overlap between Successive snapshots Track Number >> S = drawSpectrogram('jamSess3.wav', 1, 512, 100, [0:1:2000]); Width of sampling window Frequencies at which spectrogram is computed

11 Slide Whistle Jam Band

12 Logarithmic B/W color scale
Easier to see relatively quiet sounds (desirable) But now you can see some “noise” too (undesirable)

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