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Earth’s History.

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Presentation on theme: "Earth’s History."— Presentation transcript:

1 Earth’s History

2 If all of Earth’s History happened in 1 year…

3 Mini-Quiz and Guided Notes Q1
If Earth is about 4.5 billion years old, how long did it take plants to colonize the land masses? 0.5 billion years 1 billion years 2 billion years 3 billion years

4 Mini-Quiz and Guided Notes Q2
Rank these in order of appearance on Earth dinosaurs algae (single-celled) aquatic animals plants birds

5 Mini-Quiz and Guided Notes Q3
What happened during the Permian Extinction?

6 Mini-Quiz and Guided Notes Q4
True or False T-rex dinosaurs and “cave men” probably fought with each other back in the day.

7 If all of Earth’s History happened on a football field…

8 Mini-Quiz and Guided Notes Q5
About how long ago did Earth actually develop an atmosphere rich in oxygen, so that mammals like us could breathe? (Hint, it was at about the 43 yard line) 4.0 BYA 3.8 BYA 2.3 BYA 1.5 BYA

9 Mini-Quiz and Guided Notes Q6
True or False When humans like “Lucy” first appeared, about 3.2 million years ago, they looked like we do now.

10 So how did we figure out when things happened?

11 Mini-Quiz and Guided Notes Q6
Match each type of rock in the Grand Canyon with the environment of Northern Arizona/Southern Utah when that sedimentary rock was formed: Sandstone (orangish) Muddy swamp with lots of plants Shale (dark grey) Shallow ocean with lots of shelled-animals such as clams, snails, oysters, etc. Limestone (light grey) Dry desert covered with rocks

12 Mini-Quiz and Guided Notes Q7
The layers of rock and ___________ found in those layers of rock help us determine how long ago the rock formed and also what the environment was like when the rock formed.

13 Click on slide 1 to start there.
So how exactly to fossils tell time? Click on the link below or the picture to start an interactive experience which shows how we know about the timeline of Earth’s history. Click on slide 1 to start there. rations/tours/geotime/gtpage1.html

14 Mini-Quiz and Guided Notes Q8
A timeline in rock shows the ______________ order in which things happened, but does not tell us the actual dates when each occurred.

15 Mini-Quiz and Guided Notes Q9
Label the oldest rock and the youngest rock on this diagram:

16 Mini-Quiz and Guided Notes Q10
The law of ________________ says that the oldest rock layers formed first, and will be at the bottom of the stack of rock. Supernovas Supernatural Superposition Supermen

17 Mini-Quiz and Guided Notes Q11
brachiopods According to this fossil evidence, which layer(s) of rock was formed after brachiopods appeared, but before ammonites existed? (choose all that apply) dark orange green red lavendar ammonites

18 Mini-Quiz and Guided Notes Q12
____________________, which analyzes the chemicals found within a rock sample, tells us the actual dates of when rock was formed. Radioactive Decay Radiometric Dating Radical Dating

19 Mini-Quiz and Guided Notes Q13
Which of these encompasses the greatest amount of time? Eon Era Period Year

20 There’s one more trick to unraveling Earth’s history…
Uniformitarianism “Earth processes happen today in the same time scale as they did billions of years ago.” It has always taken millions of years to form new rock or to weather existing rock. Can you label each type of rock pictured?

21 There’s one more trick to unraveling Earth’s history…
Uniformitarianism Processes that shaped North America were the same processes that Shaped Africa. In fact, we find some of the same fossils in the same layers. These are called “index fossils” because we know exactly when those species were alive on Earth.

22 There’s one more trick to unraveling Earth’s history…

23 And now… a scar-your-brain-song

24 Click here for a cool interactive game if you have time…

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