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Maintaining a Database Using the Design and Update Features of Access

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1 Maintaining a Database Using the Design and Update Features of Access
Access Project 3 Maintaining a Database Using the Design and Update Features of Access This project covers the issues involved in maintaining a database. Students learn how to use Form view to add a record. They learn how to locate and filter records. Students change and delete records. They also learn how to change the structure of a table, create validation rules, and specify referential integrity by creating relationships. Students learn how to use update, delete, and append queries. They learn how to create indexes to improve performance. Finally, students learn how to use the backup and recovery features of Access. Case Perspective, AC 113 The Case Perspective presents a real-life situation in which Microsoft Access could be used and offers background for the database maintained in this project (Figure 1-1). Review the Case Perspective. Note how Access will be used to maintain the database. add/chg/dlt rec, search/filter records, chg field width, add new field, update/dlt queries, etc. Explain the need for maintaining the database. (maintaining the data’s value by maintaining it’s integrity, accuracy, etc. i.e. add recs, change existing recs, delete records) Define restructure the database. (changing the database structure i.e. new fields, characteristics of existing fields, delete obsolete fields) Emphasize the importance of keeping databases up-to-date. What are six types of activities than could be involved in maintaining a database? (Answer: Changing, deleting, adding records; changing, deleting, adding fields, creating indexes.)

2 Objectives Add, change, and delete records Search for records
Filter records Update a table design

3 Objectives Format a datasheet Use queries to update records
Specify validation rules, default values, and formats Create and use a Lookup field

4 Objectives Specify referential integrity Use a subdatasheet
Sort records Create indexes

5 Using a Form to Add Records
Mention that keeping a database up-to-date requires all three tasks – adding records, changing records, and deleting records. Adding records, AC 116 LECTURE NOTES Review the differences between Datasheet view (multiple records, spreadsheet like) and Form view (one record, application like, user-interface.) Use Figures 3-2 through 3-4 to explain using a form to add records. In both Datasheet view and Form view, records are ordered by primary key. To use the keyboard to insert a record, press ctrl+plus sign (+). With the Ashton James College database open, click Forms on the Objects bar, and then right-click the Client form Click Open on the shortcut menu Click the New Record button on the Navigation bar and then type the data for the new record as shown on the next slide. Press the TAB key after typing the data in each field, except after typing the data for the final field (Trainer Number) Press the TAB key

6 Searching for a Record Define searching looking for record in database that meets a specific criteria. Consider the value of the Find option. Point out that often the specific record number of the record of interest is not known, so an option like this is essential. Note that the field for the search is selected before clicking the Find button. By selecting a field, values are being restricted to that field. Wildcards also can be used. For example, clicking the Name field, and entering Fa* in the Find What text box will find all records where the client name begins with Fa. Use Figures 3-5 and 3-6 to explain searching for a record. Discuss Other Ways to search for a record. Make sure the Client table is open and the form for the Client table is displayed If necessary, click the First Record button to display the first record If the Client Number field currently is not selected, select it by clicking the field name Click the Find button on the Form View toolbar Type FL93 in the Find What text box and then click the Find Next button Click the Cancel button in the Find and Replace dialog box

7 Updating the Contents of a Field
Changing the contents of a record, AC 119 LECTURE NOTES Differentiate between Insert mode and Overtype mode. Make sure students understand that there are several ways to make changes to a record. Pressing the esc key will undo changes to a current record. To replace an existing value with that of the same field in the previous record, press ctrl+”. If you have access to a computer with projection equipment, consider demonstrating these methods to the class. Use Figure 3-7 to describe updating the contents of a field. TROUBLESHOOTING TIPS If students find that while typing data into a field, they are overwriting the existing data instead of inserting data, it is because they are in Overtype mode rather than Insert mode. Use the insert key on the keyboard to toggle between Overtype mode and Insert mode. QUICK QUIZZES When does the change to a field become permanent? (Answer: When you move to another record or close the table) Click in the Name field text box for client FL93 after the word Lawn, and then type s (the letter s) to change the name

8 Switching from Form View to Datasheet View
Switching between views, AC 119 LECTURE NOTES Use Figures 3-8 and 3-9 to describe switching from Form view to Datasheet view. Emphasize that the position in the table is maintained when switching between Datasheet view and Form view. Discuss More About The View Button. Consider Other Ways to switch from Form view to Datasheet view. Click the View button arrow on the Form View toolbar Click Datasheet View, and then maximize the window containing the datasheet by double-clicking its title bar

9 Using Filter by Selection
Filtering records, AC 120 LECTURE NOTES Define filter. (show only record/s that meet the criteria) Explain the difference between using the Find button (all records displayed regardless if meet criteria) and using a filter (subset of records that meet the criteria.) Emphasize that you can use filters either in Form view or Datasheet view. Using filter by selection, AC 121 Define Filter By Selection. (give Access an example of the data to select or criteria example for a single field. The filter by selection method produces a subset of the table. This is useful when you need to update a field in several records with the same value. Use Figures 3-10 and 3-11 to describe using filter by selection. You also can use filter by selection in Form view. Use Figure 3-12 to explain removing a filter and point out that if there is no filter applied to the table, the Remove Filter button displays the ScreenTip, Apply Filter. Discuss Other Ways to use filter by selection. Click the City field on the second record Click the Filter By Selection button on the Table Datasheet toolbar If instructed to do so, print the results by clicking the Print button on the Table Datasheet toolbar

10 Removing a Filter Click the Remove Filter button on the Table Datasheet toolbar

11 Using Filter by Form Using filter by form, AC 122 LECTURE NOTES
Define Filter By Form. (give Access an example of data to select in multiple fields). Point out that you use filter by form to retrieve records based on more than one value. When you click the arrow in the field, all possible values for the field appear. Use Figures 3-12 and 3-14 to illustrate using filter by form. Discuss Other Ways to use filter by form. QUICK QUIZZES How does Filter By Form differ from Filter By Selection? (Answer: Filter By Form lets you filter records based on more than one field) Click the Filter By Form button on the Table Datasheet toolbar Click the City field (San Julio may appear in the field), click the arrow that appears, and then click Lake Hammond Click the right scroll arrow so the Trainer Number field is on the screen, click the Trainer Number field, click the down arrow that appears, and then click 42 Click the Apply Filter button on the Filter/Sort toolbar Click the Remove Filter button on the Table Datasheet toolbar

12 Using Advanced Filter/Sort
Using advanced filter/sort, AC 123 LECTURE NOTES Define Advanced Filer/Sort. (complex criteria for Access to select records in database.) Advanced filters are very similar to the queries that students did in Project 2. Use Figures 3-15 through 3-18 to explain using Advanced Filter/Sort. Point out the Apply Filter button and the compound criteria in Figure Discuss Figure Emphasize that the Apply Filter button is now the Remove Filter button. Discuss the Q&A on page AC 125. Click Records on the menu bar, and then point to Filter Click Advanced Filter/Sort Type 48 in the criterion in the second Criteria row (the or row) of the Trainer Number column, double-click the Name field to add the field to the filter, click the Sort row for the Name column, click the arrow that appears, and then click Ascending Click the Apply Filter button on the Filter/Sort toolbar Click the Remove Filter button on the Table Datasheet toolbar

13 Deleting a Record Deleting records, AC 125 LECTURE NOTES
Explain that when you delete the records, they are removed permanently from the database. In some database management systems, deleting records is a two-stage process. First, records are marked for removal. The records remain in the table but cannot be updated and will not be retrieved in searches. Records are removed permanently from the database in a separate step. It is important to back up a database before adding, changing, or deleting records. To use the keyboard to delete a record, press ctrl+minus sign (-). Use Figures 3-19 and 3-20 to explain deleting a record. Point out the dialog box in Figure Discuss Other Ways to delete a record. With the datasheet for the Client table on the screen, click the record selector to select the record in which the client number is EU28 Press the DELETE key to delete the record Click the Yes button to complete the deletion Close the window containing the table by clicking its Close Window button

14 Changing the Size of a Field
Changing the structure, AC 126 LECTURE NOTES Define structure (the names, data types, and the sizes of all fields.) Consider the various reasons why the structure of a database might need to be changed. (incorrect data due to data entry errors, data becomes too large, obsolete fields). Discuss the benefits of the changes to the Client table. Use More About Changing the Structure to point out the advantages of using a database management system. Changing the size of a field, AC 127 Point out that the size of a field can be increased or decreased. If the field size is decreased, any existing data larger than the new field width will be truncated. With the Database window on the screen, click Tables on the Objects bar, and then right-click Client Click Design View on the shortcut menu Click the row selector for the Name field Press F6 to select the field size, type 25 as the new size, and then press F6 again

15 Adding a Field to a Table
Adding a new field, AC 128 LECTURE NOTES Consider the reasons why a new field may be necessary. (user requirements change, government requirements, customer requirements, missed requirements.) Mention Other Ways to add a new field. Discuss More About Moving a Field in a Table Structure and More About Changing Data Types on page 130. Deleting a field, AC 130 Remind students that there are times when fields are no longer needed. Review the steps to delete a field. 130 Click the row selector for the Amount Paid field, and then press the INSERT key to insert a blank row Click the Field Name column for the new field Type Client Type as the field name and then press the TAB key. Select the Text data type by pressing the TAB key Type Client Type (EDU – Education, MAN – Manufacturing, SER – Service) as the description Press F6 to move to the Field Size text box, type 3 (the size of the Client Type field), and then press F6 again Close the Client : Table window by clicking its Close Window button Click the Yes button to save the changes

16 Updating the Contents of a Field
Updating the restructured database, AC 130 LECTURE NOTES Point out how easy it is to change the characteristics of fields. Use Figure 3-28 to explain updating the contents of a field. The changes are immediate. Be sure the Client table is selected in the Database window, and then click the Open button on the Database window toolbar Click immediately to the right of the final a in Morgan-Alyssa (client MC28), press the SPACEBAR, and then type Academy to change the name

17 Resizing a Column Resizing columns, AC 131 LECTURE NOTES
Define resizing (change field size), field selector (the line in the column heading-to right of column name to be resized <-|->), and best fit (d-click the line for Access to choose best size.) Explain why you might need to resize columns in a table (see more on screen when data truncated, see less white space). Use Figure 3-33 to point out that resizing a column or a row is a change to the layout of the table. Discuss Other Ways to resize a column on page AC 133. Point to the right boundary of the field selector for the Name field Double-click the right boundary of the field selector for the Name field Use the same technique to resize the Client Number, Address, City, State, Zip Code, and Client Type columns to best fit the data If necessary, click the right scroll arrow to display the Current Due and Trainer Number columns, and then resize the columns to best fit the data Close the Client : Table window by clicking its Close Window button Click the Yes button

18 Changing the Font in a Datasheet
Formatting a datasheet, AC 133 LECTURE NOTES Point out that you can change the font size, style, and color as well as the cell effects. Use Figures 3-34 and 3-35 to explain changing the font in a datasheet. Consider Other Ways to change the font. Use Figures 3-36 and 3-37 to illustrate changing the format of the datasheet grid. Use Figure 3-38 to explain using print preview. Discuss the Q&A on page AC 135. Review Steps 1 and 2 on page AC 135 to close the datasheet without saving the format changes. With the Tables object selected and the Trainer table selected, click the Open button on the Database Window toolbar Click Format on the menu bar Click Font, click Arial Rounded MT Bold in the Font list, and then click 9 in the Size list Click the OK button

19 Changing the Format of the Datasheet Grid
Click Format on the menu bar, and then click Datasheet Click the Gridline Color box arrow, click Aqua, and then click the OK button Resize the columns to best fit the data

20 Using Print Preview Click the Print Preview button on the Table Datasheet toolbar Click the Close button on the Print Preview toolbar

21 Using an Update Query to Update All Records
Mass changes, AC 135 LECTURE NOTES Review the query types (update query all or some records get the changes), delete query, append query (adds results of a query to a new/existing table) that you can use to make mass changes to records in a database. Students will use update, delete, append, and make-table queries in the exercises at the end of this project. Discuss More About Action Queries. QUICK QUIZZES What are the four types of action queries? (Answer: Delete, Update, Append, Make-table) Using an update query, AC 136 Define update query.(a query that makes the same change to all records that meet a specified criteria.) Point out the benefits of using update queries rather than Datasheet view or Form view to make the entries (manually step through entire table to update each individual record); it is easier and less prone to mistakes. Use Figures 3-39 through 3-41 to explain using an update query to update all records. In Figure 3-41, clicking No would stop the procedure and no records would be updated. Discuss Other Ways to create an update query. With the Client table selected, click the New Object button arrow on the Database toolbar and then click Query. With Design View selected in the New Query dialog box, click the OK button Be sure the Query1 : Select Query window is maximized Resize the upper and lower panes of the window as well as the Client field list so all fields in the Client table field list appear Click the Query Type button arrow on the Query Design toolbar Click Update Query, double-click the Client Type field to select the field, click the Update To row in the first column of the design grid, and then type SER as the new value Click the Run button on the Query Design toolbar Click the Yes button

22 Using a Delete Query to Delete a Group of Records
Using a delete query, AC 137 LECTURE NOTES Define delete query. (a query to delete all records that satisfy criteria in a query) Use Figure 3-42 through 3-44 to describe using a delete query to delete a group of records. In Figure 3-44, if you select No the record will not be deleted. Once records are deleted using a delete query, the operation cannot be undone. To preview the records to be deleted, view the query in Datasheet view before running it. Discuss the Q&A. Consider Other Ways to create a delete query on page AC 139. Using append and make-table queries, AC 139 Define append query (adds a group of records from one table to the end of another table) and make-table query (adds a group of records from one table to a new table that Access creates) . Review the steps to create an append query. Mention the difference between an append query and a make-table query. An append query adds records to an existing table. A make-table query adds records to a new table. Click Edit on the menu bar and then click Clear Grid to clear the grid Click the Query Type button arrow on the Query Design toolbar Click Delete Query, double-click the Zip Code field to select the field, and then click the Criteria row Type as the criterion Click the Run button on the Query Design toolbar to run the query Click the Yes button Close the Query window. Do not save the query

23 Specifying a Required Field
Validation rules, AC 139 LECTURE NOTES Define validation rules (rules a user must follow when entering data) and validation text (a message that appears when a user doesn’t follow a rule). Explain required field (user must enter a value), range of values (data entry must be in a reasonable range of values), and default value (Access populates field before user enters data). Consider the importance of including validation rules in the database. Mention that including validation rules also makes it easier to enter data. When a data type is declared as Number or Currency, Access automatically validates the type of data that can be stored in the field (only numbers can be entered in the field). With the Database window open, the Tables object selected, and the Client table selected, click the Design button on the Database Window toolbar Select the Name field by clicking its row selector Click the Required property box in the Field Properties pane, and then click the down arrow that appears Click Yes in the list

24 Specifying a Range Specifying a range, AC 140 LECTURE NOTES
Use Figure 3-41 to illustrate specifying a range using a validation rule and validation text. You also can specify just a minimum or maximum value. Select the Amount Paid field by clicking its row selector. Click the Validation Rule property box to produce an insertion point, and then type >=0 and <=90000 as the rule. Click the Validation Text property box to produce an insertion point, and then type Must be between $0.00 and $90, as the text

25 Specifying a Default Value
Select the Client Type field. Click the Default Value property box, and then type =SER as the value

26 Specifying a Collection of Legal Values
Specifying a collection of legal values, AC 142 LECTURE NOTES Define legal values. (Access will only accept these values as an entry into the database) The use of legal values is very useful when there are a limited number of values available for a field. Use Figure 3-49 to describe specifying a collection of legal values. Note that Access automatically inserts the quotation marks around text values and changes the lowercase letter o to uppercase in the word, or. Discuss More About Validation Rules. Make sure the Client Type field is selected Click the Validation Rule property box and then type =EDU or =MAN or =SER as the validation rule Click the Validation Text property box and then type Must be EDU, MAN, or SER as the validation text

27 Specifying a Format Using a format, AC 143 LECTURE NOTES
Define format (affects the way the data appears in a field) and format symbol. (symbols that affect the way data is displayed i.e. > causes lowercase to be upper case) Use Figure 3-50 to explain specifying a format. Formats affect only the appearance of the data and not how it actually is stored. QUICK QUIZZES What does the Format symbol “<” ask Access to do? (Answer: Display all text as lowercase) Select the Client Number field. Click the Format property box and then type >

28 Saving the Validation Rules, Default Values, and Formats
Saving rules, values, and formats, AC 144 LECTURE NOTES Use Figures 3-51 and 3-52 to explain saving the validation rules, default values, and formats. Point out in Figure 3-52, that Access can apply the rules to already existing data. Click the Close Window button for the Client : Table window to close the window Click the Yes button to save the changes Click the No button Updating a table that contains validation rules, AC 145 Use Figures 3-53 through 3-57 to illustrate the effect validation rules have on data entry. Students can test the validation rules by copying their database and making intentional errors to the copied database. Remind students that pressing the esc key will undo any changes to the current field. DISCUSSION TOPICS When a validation rule is violated, Access displays the text in the Validation Text property box. Why is it important that this text is helpful to the user?

29 Creating a Lookup Field
Creating a lookup field, AC 146 LECTURE NOTES Define Lookup field. (user can select from a list of values for data entry) Explain the advantages of a lookup field. Users can select from a list of values. Use Figures 3-59 through 3-62 to explain using the Lookup Wizard. Point out the Lookup Wizard data type in Figure Use Figure 3-63 to point out that the data type for the Client Type field is still Text because the values entered in the wizard were text values. Discuss More About Lookup Fields on page AC 150. If necessary, click the Tables object. Click Client and then click the Design button on the Database Window toolbar Click the Data Type column for the Client Type field, and then click the arrow Click Lookup Wizard, and then click the “I will type in the values that I want” option button Click the Next button Click the first row of the table (below Col1), and then type EDU as the value in the first row Press the DOWN ARROW key, and then type MAN as the value in the second row Press the DOWN ARROW key, and then type SER as the value in the third row Ensure Client Type is entered as the label for the lookup column The label is entered Click the Finish button to complete the definition of the Lookup Wizard field Click the Close Window button on the Client : Table window title bar to close the window When the Microsoft Office Access dialog box is displayed, click the Yes button to save your changes

30 Using a Lookup Field Make sure the Client table is displayed in Datasheet view Click to the right of the SER entry in the Client Type field on the second record Click the down arrow Click MAN to change the value In a similar fashion, change the SER on the sixth record to MAN, on the seventh record to EDU, and on the ninth record to EDU Close the Client : Table window by clicking its Close Window button

31 Specifying Referential Integrity
Referential integrity, AC 150 LECTURE NOTES Define referential integrity (property the makes sure the entry in a foreign key matches a value in another tables primary key) and foreign key (a field in one table whose values must match the primary key of another table). Spend some time explaining these concepts to students. These concepts can be related to the concept of redundancy that was discussed in Project 1. Using more than one table in a database eliminates redundancy but there needs to be some way to link the tables and prevent errors. If you are using the Access 2003 Comprehensive text, Appendix F further explains referential integrity and foreign key. All relational database management systems must have the ability to enforce referential integrity. Discuss More About Referential Integrity on page AC 154. With the Database window displaying, click the Relationships button on the Database toolbar Click the Trainer table and then click the Add button. Click the Client table, click the Add button again, and then click the Close button in the Show Table dialog box Resize the field lists that appear so all fields are visible Drag the Trainer Number field in the Trainer table field list to the Trainer Number field in the Client table field list Click Enforce Referential Integrity to select it, and then click Cascade Update Related Fields to select it Click the Create button Close the Relationships window by clicking its Close Window button Click the Yes button in the Microsoft Office Access dialog box to save the relationship you created Specifying referential integrity, AC 150 Define one-to-many relationship.(one record in the first table is related/matches many records in the 2nd table. Point out that in the Ashton James College database, there is a one-to-many relationship between the Trainer table and the Client table. One trainer is associated with many clients. Define cascade the delete. (Access allows the delete of a trainer but automatically deletes any clients assigned to the trainer) Point out that normally Access prohibits the deletion. Define cascade the update. (Access allows the update but automatically makes the coorsponding changes in related tables i.e. change trainer number 42 to 62 then all clients whoses trainer number is 42 changes to 62) Again, Access normally prohibits the update. Use Figures 3-67 through 3-71 to explain specifying referential integrity. Emphasize that it is necessary to be in the Database window to define relationships. Use Figure 3-70 to point out the Cascade Update Related Fields and the Cascade Delete Related Fields check boxes. Define relationship line. Use Figure 3-71 to point out the relationship line. Discuss Other Ways to specify referential integrity. Use Figures 3-72 and 3-73 to discuss the importance of referential integrity in keeping a database free from update problems. Discuss the Q&A on page AC 154. Point out More About Relationships: Printing Relationships on page AC 151. Students print the Relationships window for all the exercises at the end of this project. Discuss More About Relationships and Lookup Wizard Fields on page AC 149.

32 Using a Subdatasheet Using subdatasheets, AC 153 LECTURE NOTES
Define subdatasheet. (related tables that can be viewed at the same time.) Point out the advantages of being able to display the one-to-many relationship between the Trainer and Client tables. Use Figures 3-74 and 3-75 to illustrate using a subdatasheet. With the Database window on the screen, the Tables object selected, and the Trainer table selected, click the Open button on the Database Window toolbar Click the plus sign in front of the row for trainer 48 Click the minus sign to remove the subdatasheet, and then close the datasheet for the Trainer table by clicking its Close Window button Finding duplicate records, AC 154 Describe the purpose of the Find Duplicates Query Wizard and the reasons for using such a wizard. Review the steps to find duplicate records. Finding unmatched records, AC 154 Describe the purpose of the Find Unmatched Query Wizard and the reasons for using such a wizard. Review the steps to find unmatched records.

33 Using the Sort Ascending Button to Order Records
Ordering records, AC 155 LECTURE NOTES Point out that, by default, records are in order by the primary key. Use Figure 3-76 to point out that the client names are not in alphabetical order (Center Services comes before Calder Plastics), but the client numbers (the primary key) are. Discuss More About Changing Table Properties on page AC 159. The OrderBy property allows a user to change the default table order. Cases and Places 3 has students change the default order of the Book table. Using the sort ascending button to order records, AC 155 Emphasize that the procedures for ordering records are different depending on whether it is a single-field sort or multiple-field sort. Use Figures 3-76 and 3-77 to illustrate using the Sort Ascending button. Discuss Other Ways to sort the records in ascending order. With the Database window on the screen, the Tables object selected, and the Client table selected, click the Open button on the Database Window toolbar Click the City field on the first record (any other record would do as well) Click the Sort Ascending button on the Table Datasheet toolbar

34 Using the Sort Ascending Button to Order Records on Multiple Fields
Ordering records on multiple fields, AC 156 LECTURE NOTES Use Figures 3-78 and 3-79 to illustrate using the Sort Ascending button to order records on multiple fields. Use Figure 3-78 to describe selecting multiple columns. Use Figure 3-79 to explain using the Sort Ascending button to order records on multiple fields. To change the order of columns in a table, click the field selector for the column and drag to a new location. To redisplay records in order by the primary key, click Remove Filter/Sort on the Records menu. Click the field selector at the top of the Client Type column to select the entire column Hold down the SHIFT key and then click the field selector for the Amount Paid column Click the Sort Ascending button Close the Client : Table window by clicking its Close Window button Click the No button in the Microsoft Office Access dialog box to abandon the changes

35 Creating a Single-Field Index
Creating and using indexes, AC 157 LECTURE NOTES Define index (index in the back of the book has words with page numbers- index has key field/s with pointers to location) and index key (field or fields on which an index is built). Discuss More About Indexes. Make sure students understand the benefits of indexing (speed / performance). Explain that indexes are used both for retrieving records quickly and listing records in a different order. Discuss the indexes and tables shown in Figures 3-80 and 3-81. How does Access use an index? AC 159 Explain that indexes can optimize the performance of the database. Make sure students understand that Access uses indexes automatically. In some database managements systems, the user must indicate that an index is to be used. When should you create an index? AC 159 Discuss the four conditions that determine when to create an index. Consider that indexes slow the editing, adding, and deleting of data. Creating single-field indexes, AC 159 Define single-field index. (an index whose key is a single field) Use Figure 3-82 to describe creating a single-field index. With the Database window on th screen, the Tables object selected, and the Client table selected, click the Design button on the Database Window toolbar Be sure the Client : Table window is maximized Click the row selector to select the Name field Click the Indexed property box in the Field Properties pane Click the down arrow that appears Click the Yes (Duplicates OK) item in the list

36 Creating a Multiple-Field Index
Creating multiple-field indexes, AC 159 LECTURE NOTES Define multiple-field indexes (index whose key is a combonation of fields) and Indexes button. Use Figures 3-83 and 3-84 to describe creating a multiple-field index. Discuss Other Ways to create an index. Click the Indexes button on the Table Design toolbar Click the blank row (the row following Name) in the Index Name column in the Indexes: Client dialog box Type TypePaid as the index name, and then press the TAB key Click the down arrow in the Field Name column to produce a list of fields in the Client table. Select Client Type Press the TAB key three times to move to the Field Name column on the following row Select the Amount Paid field in the same manner as the Client Type field Close the Indexes: Client dialog box by clicking its Close button, and then close the Client : Table window by clicking its Close Window button Click the Yes button in the Microsoft Office Access dialog box to save your changes

37 Special database operations
Backup Recovery Compacting / reorganizing Repairing Special database operations, AC 162 LECTURE NOTES List the special operations involved in maintaining a database. The ability to backup a database that is open is a new feature in Access 2003. Backup and recovery, AC 162 Define recover (return DB to valid state), backup copy (periodic copy of DB) or save copy, backing up, and live database (production). Point out that the ability to backup an open database is a new feature in Access Review the steps on page AC 163 to backup a database. DISCUSSION TOPCIS Databases should be backed up periodically. What factors determine how frequently to back up a database? Compacting and repairing a database, AC 163 Define compact (remove wasted space from DB) and repair. (corruption) Point out that when you delete an object, the space occupied by the object does not become available. Pictures can increase the size of a database significantly. Characterize the typical three-step process for compacting a database. Review steps on page 164 to compact and repair a database. Discuss More About Compacting and Repairing a Database and More about Backup and Recovery.

38 Summary Add, change, and delete records Search for records
Filter records Update a table design

39 Summary Format a datasheet Use queries to update records
Specify validation rules, default values, and formats Create and use a Lookup field

40 Summary Specify referential integrity Use a subdatasheet Sort records
Create indexes

41 Access Project 3 Complete

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