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Quiz 3 Cat Muscles BIOL 218 F 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Quiz 3 Cat Muscles BIOL 218 F 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quiz 3 Cat Muscles BIOL 218 F 2010

2 Indicate the correct Label by placing the respective mark on your Scantron
Answer ABCDE if the correct answer is None of these

3 Muscle architecture Endomysium C Sarcolemma D

4 Illustration of a sarcomere
3. Maximally contracted A 4. Relaxed C

5 Anterior / Lateral view of forelimb and acromial region
6. Clavodeltoid B 7. Brachioradialis A 8. Levator scapulae ventralis C

6 Micrograph of a Motor End Plate
5. Skeletal muscle fiber E

7 Posterior and acromial regions
Clavotrapezius ABCDE Spinodeltoid C Acromiotrapezius B

8 12. Gluteus Maximus C 13. Tensor faciae latae B

9 14. Pectoralis minor B 15. Pectoantebrachials D

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