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Historical context Good Friday Agreement Criminal Justice Review 1998 Criminal Justice Review Implementation plan 2000 Justice [ N.I] Act 2002 December.

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2 Historical context Good Friday Agreement Criminal Justice Review 1998 Criminal Justice Review Implementation plan 2000 Justice [ N.I] Act 2002 December 2003 [pilot Youth Conference ]

3 Youth Conference referral Criteria Victim Participation Consent and Safety Any offence Plans are monitored for compliance 94% successful completion of plans PPS Admission of guilt 10-17 age Most offences, less serious Consent Citable on record,not a conviction Diversionary Conference Court Admits guilt 10-17 Most offences Consent More serious Criminal conviction Youth Conference

4 The Justice [ N.I ] Act 2002 – the spirit is to implement a restorative approach a court must refer a case of a child who has been found guilty unless it is an indictable offence or a scheduled offence or an offence for which if life imprisonment is mandatory if an adult a conference referral is only with consent and after admission of guilt the offence must be serious enough to be referred by the court the outcome of a conference is a statutory plan which is monitored

5 Conference attendees offender appropriate adult police officer youth conference co-ordinator entitled others e.g.; victim, lawyer,supervisors appropriate supporters community Young person victim Youth Conference

6 Apologise verbally or in writing Make reparation for the offence/victim or community Payment to victim Submit to supervision of an adult Perform unpaid work/service Participate in activities [offending, education, substance misuse] Submit to restrictions on conduct or whereabouts including remaining at a particular place Submit to treatment

7 Youth Conference Outcomes A restorative youth conference gives young offenders the opportunity to understand and make amends to their victims for the harm that they have caused and to commit to active steps to stop offending. 38.5 % reoffending 54% victim direct participation Increases to 74% with indirect participation 9;10 victims would recommend it to other victims 9; 10 young offenders would recommend it to other offenders 92% young people expressed remorse 96% successful compliance

8 Big Issues mainstreaming youth conferencing as an alternative to a youth justice sentencing framework moving from the traditional retributive model to a restorative justice model devolving decision making to include the non professionals a balanced model of offender, victim and community increasing the confidence of victims in the youth justice system treating each youth conference plan as bespoke plans balance victims concerns and preventing offending

9 Lessons for success Invest to impress !! Training, training, training [University Ulster, Diploma Restorative Practices] Preparation,preparation, preparation Stakeholder participation in planning and review Keep your resisters involved Prepare for resistance internally and externally Design a project plan with deliverables Evaluate Put in place a PR strategy Maintain the integrity of the model

10 What they said I will tell others to come and observe

11 Queens University Belfast in the period of the research it has become well established as a mainstream approach to young people who come in contact with the criminal justice system Criminal Justice N.I. Inspection ; convinced in principle of the value of the restorative approach to criminal justice Good news

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