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INCOMPATIBLE (ADJ) not capable of living or working together happily or harmoniously; antagonistic inconsistent, conflicting Their interests were mutually.

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Presentation on theme: "INCOMPATIBLE (ADJ) not capable of living or working together happily or harmoniously; antagonistic inconsistent, conflicting Their interests were mutually."— Presentation transcript:

1 MEDIATION 1 occupying a middle position 2 acting through an intervening agency

2 INCOMPATIBLE (ADJ) not capable of living or working together happily or harmoniously; antagonistic inconsistent, conflicting Their interests were mutually incompatible. compatible X incompatible roommates colours compatibility (n)

3 DISPUTANT (ADJ) dispute (n) argument, debate, disagreement (v) to argue, debate, disagree disputant (adj) arguer, debater, opposer There were only three disputants in the argument, but they made enough noise for a dozen.

4 CONFLICT (N/V) (n) fight, disagreement, war (v) to fight
a conflict over water rights a conflict between the demands of work and family.

5 DRIVE (V) to move, push, urge on
Sunny climate drives the behaviour of all employees and results in the delivery of high performance.

6 RECONCILE (V) to make peace, adjust
to cause to become friendly or peaceable again to reconcile hostile persons the dispute the opposing parties reconciliation (n)

7 SUPERFICIAL (ADJ) being on or near the surface
not deep or penetrating emotionally or intellectually concerned with or comprehending only what is apparent or obvious The superficial report didn't give the true picture. only superficial differences superficial = trivial, unimportant, insignificant superficial X profound

8 TREMENDOUSLY (ADV) enormously, extremely, hugely
I'm tremendously upset that I didn't get into that university. We all enjoyed ourselves tremendously.

9 CONCERN (N/V) (v) to relate to, affect, involve or interest oneself
(n) worry, interest, importance, issue This problem concerns all of us. There is growing public concern over the results of the election.

10 NEGOTIATION (N) a discussion intended to produce an agreement, talks,
dialogue, bargaining We have had meaningful negotiations and we are close to a deal. negotiate (v)

11 COMPROMISE (N/V) (n) a middle way between two extremes, agreement, settlement (v) to meet hafway, to give and take Marriage involves being tolerate and making compromises.

12 GENUINE (ADJ) real, sincere, not pretended There was genuine joy in the room.

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